You all wanted Louis' pov and now it's here.
BUT it might not be what you were expecting.
This is actually a plot twist I've had in mind since chapter one. But now I had an excuse to put it earlier because it's from Louis' life that we didn't know much until now.
Otherwise you'll find out about it at the same time as Harry in a few more chapters, and that's not fair, right?
I'll not answer any questions about it. You'll have to wait.
Love you all, have a good day ✨
Mag 🦋
[ Louis' POV ]
It was so weird to see Harry like this.
Even more after I had kissed him.
He was less nervous around me, he was more free and completely happy.
I knew he had a few drinks, and maybe it had this effect on him. But it was really nice to actually watch him enjoy himself.
Watching him dance around with his friends, singing the songs that the dj continued playing, making jokes to me, and having a lot of drinks.
Because Harry continued drinking all evening, first wine, then beer and champagne, and God knows what else. Every time I saw him he was holding a glass of alcohol in his hand.
But it's not my job to look after him, right? He is a big grown man. He knows what he can take, and he knows the consequences.
I just enjoyed watching him from my seat. He was dancing so weird next to Niall, both of them bothering Mitch to make him stand up and dance with them.
I laughed loudly and shook my head. It was hilarious.
They were all so weird. What a weird group of friends he had.
Harry heard my laugh and looked up at me, locking his eyes with mine and smiling tenderly, his dimples on display.
He is cute.
I smiled back and gave him a little nod so he would continue dancing with his friends.
He still had the flower I gave him, tangled in his curls. It hadn't fallen yet.
And somehow it made me glad, he looked so sad when the first one flew away.
I felt the urge to give him an entire bucket of them so he can place a flower every day of his life.
It suited him so well, it was almost unbelievable.
I actually have been having a lot of fun around Harry today. And even though his friends were a bit intense sometimes, they were really funny too.
Suddenly the feeling of my phone ringing in my pocket made me snap out of my thoughts and take my eyes off Harry.
A new message from El 💜
'At what time do you come back today?'
I looked around me, making sure no one would watch what I was typing, before actually replying to my girlfriend.
'i'll be back by dinner time. But I'm too full to keep eating, so don't cook for me please.'
She replied seconds later.
'Ok, baby. See you tonight. Have fun.'
'Thanks, love ;)'
I felt someone coming from behind me and wrapping his arms around my neck. I quickly locked my phone and put it back in my pocket.
"Hi little ocean, do you want to dance with me?" - A deep voice said in my ear.
"I think you already danced enough, curly."
"C'mon." - He pouted against my neck.
"You are a bit more comfortable with me, right?"
"Yeah. You're nice." - He smiled. - "And you kiss very good, Louis."
"Well, I think you're drunk. So it is best for you to sit here." - I said, tapping on the chair next to me.
"Okay." - He said reluctantly, and sat next to me.
I laughed to myself. I placed a hand on his knee to prevent him from going back to the dance floor, and so I could keep an eye on him.
"Who were you talking to?" - He whispered near my ear.
"Someone from my real life." - I said, whispering back.
"It's so weird that you are fake." - He said, placing his hands on my face.
His big green eyes were examining my features, and he was really close to my face. Close enough to feel his breathing on my cheeks.
"I'm not fake." - I laughed. - "I'm still a human, I just keep my identity hidden."
"I like your real name. Loueeeeh. It 's nice. Sounds Nice." - He smiled.
"I'm William for you. Remember." - I said firmly and he giggled.
"I remember."
Suddenly Liam stood up from his table to make his best man speech and Harry turned to look at him, letting me go.
Because of Harry's closeness moments ago, I hadn't noticed that the music had stopped and that everyone had returned to their tables.
Liam started speaking next to Zayn and Gigi, sharing the story of how they met, some random and intern jokes I didn't understand and he finished by saying some cliché phrase that I surely didn't pay attention to.
"I have something to say too!" - Harry interrupted, standing up from the table. Clearly drunk. - "I've been lying to all of you! And now I feel bad, sorry Zayn for ruining your wedding, but I need to tell all of you something."
Oh shit. What?
I needed to stop him before he would do something he would regret.
"Harry. Please sit. You can tell them later. It's not the time." - I said, softly.
"No! You're not real. Let me tell them. Zayn, I've ruined all your wedding photos!"
"Harry! Stop it." - Niall said from his seat.
Everyone was looking at us right now, trying to decipher what the hell was happening.
"Shut up you too. You should have told me this was a bad idea." - Harry said to Niall at the edge of tears.
"Harry, darling." - I said, standing up and taking his arm. - "I'm going to walk you away from here to take some air."
"No! Please let me tell them. I don't want them to hate me in five years for lying about this when they look back at these photos." - He trailed.
"Harry, Curly, please. You're drunk." - I whispered into his ear.
I looked at Niall and he nodded. We both grabbed Harry by his arms and took him away from the tables, finding a quiet place between some trees.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to ruin everything?!" - Niall shouted once we were far from everyone else.
"I don't know." - Harry said, collapsing on the grass.
I sat down next to him and caressed his hair. He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes.
"Maybe I should take you home, right babe?" - I said to him.
"Oh, stop pretending you care about him, I know you're fake." - Niall said.
"What? You do?" - Looking back at him quickly.
"Yeah, the only one who knows though." - He shrugged.
"Ok, For your information, I do care. And I still think I should take him home. He can't stay here."
"I agree."
"I want to puke." - Harry said, turning to his side, finding my leg and hugging it.
"Take him to your car." - Niall said to me.
"So he can vomit inside of it? No way." - I said.
"Oh, I hate you." - He said, helping Harry stand up and making him walk to the parking lot. - "C'mon buddy."
I followed them close behind.
"But I want Louis." - Harry said.
"Louis?" - Niall asked.
"I am Louis." - I said, sighing.
"Fake name?" - He said, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, William is a fake name."
"Cool. Now, what do we do with drunk Harry?"
"I can take it from here. I'll drive him."
"Yeeeey." - Harry slurred.
Niall stared at me, like if he was analyzing the situation, then he looked at Harry and sighed.
"Take him to his flat." - He palped on Harry's pockets and handed me his keys. - "This one is the key to the entrance door, then this one is the one to his flat. Call me from his phone when you're there, before leaving him. And don't steal anything from him or his house, do you hear me? I'll know if you do. Then I'll search you up and kill you myself." - He said and I nodded.
"Sure. I'm an honest man, you know? Nothing to worry about."
"You lied about your name. That's not honest, William." - He said.
He smiled slightly and I got closer to take Harry in my arms, trying to stand him still.
I took the keys Niall was handing me and I started walking towards my car, carrying Harry in my side.
After I sat him down on the passenger seat, and I got into the driver's seat, Harry started crying.
"Hey. What 's wrong?"
"I am a failure!" - He cried out.
"No, don't say that. You're totally fine." - I said and placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.
"All of them are getting married and I am not!"
"Everyone has his own story. There's no need to compare with them."
"I don't even have a boyfriend!"
"You'll find someone."
"But I don't want anyone! I want to be alone and they still push me to get someone!"
"Then you should be fine by being single. You want that, they should respect it."
"But I also want to get married!" - He said while sobbing.
"Mmm, You want to be alone and get married at the same time?"
"I don't think I have a solution for that."
"Me neither." - He said, still crying.
"Maybe marrying yourself? Like Sue sylvester?" - I said, trying to sound convinced.
I didn't even know if that was a real thing.
"That would only be sad!"
"Sure. Okay, let's put some music on, you can cry all you want, sleep or sing if you want to. I won't judge you. I'll just drive you home. Just let me know if you have to puke." - I said and he nodded. - "Good." - I smiled at him. - "You're going to be fine, Harry."
I caressed his hair one last time before turning the engine on, pressing play to the stereo and driving away from the wedding.
Harry fell asleep almost immediately.
I drove in silence the rest of the ride, until I parked my car at the front door of his building.
I shook Harry's shoulder for a while before he woke up and I helped him stand up, carrying him on my side again to the front door.
I used the keys Niall told me and opened the door, leaving it slightly opened so I could go out through it later.
Harry was still really sleepy. When I pushed him inside the elevator, he placed his arms around my neck, throwing all his weight on me. I struggled all the way down the hall to get him into his flat safe and sound.
I opened the door and quickly laid him down on his bed.
He got his eyes closed and his arms still around my neck, I softly untangled them and accommodated them softly on his sides.
I smiled to myself when I took the flower out of his hair, placing it on the bedside table.
He could do whatever he wanted to with it later.
I remembered that Niall told me to call him so I took Harry's phone out of his pocket, used his thumb to unlock it and quickly searched for Niall's number, gave him a call and told him everything was alright, he thanked me and I placed the phone on the bedside table as well.
I shouldn't bother him any longer. I also needed to get back to my place.
So, I took some blankets to cover him, gave him a last look, making sure he was okay, and walked out of the building.
I got inside my car and I suddenly remembered something.
He didn't pay me.
I guess I'll have to come back tomorrow.
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