And welcome to another episode of Rendezvous with teens.
This is me Potterhead_Niki and I here with another author and her journey.
*spotlight falls on the author*
Please welcome XX_Flying_Pandas_XX
Please have you sit.
*authors sits*
So...*dramatic pause*
What are we waiting for? Lets get started..!
1. Username -
2. Real name (if you don't want to disclose it's ok)
Shreya, but everyone calls me Panda XD
Aww! So cute.
3. Age
- 15
Soon to be sweet sixteen, huh? *smiles goofily*
4. Where did you get inspiration to start writing?
I started writing when I was 10 and I guess my inspiration was everything happening around me.
5. What are the things you do in your leisure time?
Cooking, baking, badminton.
Badminton is my favourite sports as well.
6. What is the first work work that you wrote in this platform? What was the response that you got from that work?
It was a Malory Towers fanfiction or was it a dork diaries fan fiction, I don't remember sowwy.
7.What is your prospective about teenage?
Teenage years are an important part of life. Enjoy it to the fullest but stay safe because there are a lot of bad people out there.
Totally agree to that!
8.Is there any particular genre which you love to read?
Good! Good book with good humor is what I need in life * sheepish grin*
9. What are your favorite book either on Wattpad or outside which you read in one go or found them interesting?
The Bad Boy's Girl and The Bad Boy and The Tom Boy on Wattpad and Harry Potter.
10. What is the first thing you see when you first glance at the book?
11. What do you value the most in your life?
12. What do you want to achieve in you lifetime?
Become a successful writer.
Wish and pray that you dream comes true!
13. What ways did Wattpad helped you? Did it help you increase your potential?
I guess, *shrugs* my writing and grammar has definitely improved a lot.
That's awesome!
14.What are your expectation from readers?
Vote and comment but more than that I love it when my readers give me reviews and constructive criticism on how to improve (:
Yes totally! Reviews and votes always make an authors day.
15. What do you enjoy being the most a reader or an author?
I—I can't choose! Writing is my passion but I love reading!
Tricky question right? *giggles*
16. since how many years are you using Wattpad?.
Four years I think.
17. Any short message to teenagers like you.
Never feel bad for who you are (:
Definitely agree!
18. What do you think plays major role in teenagers life? Society or friends?
19. Is social media good for teenagers?
20. Most of the teenagers make friend in online platform. Do you think it is good or bad?
I don't know, I've heard bad things about what happens online, but at the same time I do have a couple of friends online on Discord and Wattpad but I trust them to a level. But I can't answer for question if it's good or bad. I think it's good for me but I can't answer for the society *shrugs again*
Yes! It totally depends on the person- how much he/ahe is careful? We can really trust anyone, but at the same time we can can mingle with them but be care about what we share with them.
21.How do feel giving us interview? Do you want us to improve in anyway or give us suggestion?
Well, I am trying this offline right now from the long text of questions you sent me - maybe do the questions one at a time? It gives a more interview type feel.
Sure will keep that in mind.
22. You can ask me anything related to me or about our community?
Nah, no questions like that. .
So, with this we conclude another interview with another amazing author.
We will be here next time with another author's amazing journey.
Till then
*bows down*
*curtain closes*
*snaps her fingers and vanishes*
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