⚠️ A/N: Changes have been made! Please read, thank you. ⚠️
~ 🌸 ~
Chanyeol drove Baekhyun home by relying on his memory, and when he pulled up to the familiar duplex houses he breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't accidentally gotten them lost. Chanyeol cut the ignition in Baekhyun's car before glancing over at the drunken sleeping beauty unconscious beside him. Chanyeol rolled his eyes with a sigh before pulling out his phone, and sent a quick text to Jongin telling him to drive his car home since Chanyeol had driven Baekhyun's car to his house. Chanyeol put his phone away and glanced at Baekhyun once more before getting out of the car and walking around to the other side.
Chanyeol opened the door and unbuckled Baekhyun, who was still sound asleep, and carefully slid his arms beneath his knees and around his shoulders. Baekhyun mumbled something eligible, before leaning his head into Chanyeol's shoulder and grasping a fistful of his shirt. Chanyeol felt heat rise to his face and his heartbeat picked up its pace inside his chest, and swallowing he shut the door and locked it before carrying Baekhyun inside his house.
Chanyeol flipped on lights as he went, and gently laid Baekhyun down on his couch before covering him with a blanket. Chanyeol stood there and admired him for a moment. He's so breathtakingly beautiful, Chanyeol thought as he careful seat down on the small space not occupied by Baekhyun's sleeping body. Chanyeol sighed as he tentatively reached out before slowly brushing his fingertips over Baekhyun's softly smooth cheek, and as he gently caressed him, Chanyeol lost himself in the sweetness of the unconscious man beside him.
He's so much more nicer when he's passed out, Chanyeol thought as he continued to stroke his hand over Baekhyun's skin. He doesn't carry his stress and worry; he can't attack me with his knife-like tongue. And I think . . .
"Mhm," Baekhyun moaned before blinking his eyes open, and squinting around the room. "How did I get home . . .?"
"I drove you," Chanyeol softly replied.
Baekhyun jumped, as if just then realizing Chanyeol was in the room sitting on the couch beside him. "Wh–what are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked as he shifted upright, and then he groaned as he touched his forehead. "God, my head is killing me."
"It's called a hangover," Chanyeol muttered, as he stood up. "Can I get you anything for the pain?"
Baekhyun frowned up at Chanyeol, and said, "No, I can take care of myself. And I thought I asked you a question, what are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked, with an edge to his tone and fire behind his eyes.
Chanyeol sighed. "I prefer you when you're sleeping," he muttered.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing," Chanyeol muttered, then he sighed. "I'm here because you were in no condition to drive."
"Okay, but that doesn't mean you had to drive me home. You could have called me a cab...." Baekhyun trailed off.
Chanyeol laughed humorlessly, and replied, "Yeah, and leave you drunk and vulnerable in a strangers backseat? No thank you, Baekhyun, I prefer you alive instead of dead in a ditch."
Baekhyun furrowed his brow and swung his legs over the couch as he muttered, "Why does my safety even matter to you? Is it because if I die you won't have a way of spying on Wu?" Baekhyun scoffed, and rolled his eyes as he shouldered pass Chanyeol into the kitchen. "I'm not some toy for you to use as you please, Park. I'm a person who is fully capable of making my own decisions, and if I wanted to ride with a stranger than let me because I don't belong to you."
Chanyeol frowned and followed after Baekhyun, as he replied, "I never claimed that you 'belong' to me, Byun, as you so nicely put it. And who's to say I only want your company because your useful to me?" Chanyeol asked, as he walked up behind Baekhyun, before reaching out to grab his wrist. He spun Baekhyun around, and leaned in close as he muttered, "Maybe I want your company for other reasons."
Baekhyun narrowed his eyes and wrenched his wrist away, as he spat, "Don't touch me, and that will never happen."
Chanyeol arched an eyebrow and leaned in closer, his eyes staring straight into Baekhyun as he huskily replied, "Why do you insist on pretending you didn't like it? When I touched you; when I kissed you; when I held—-"
"Shut up!" Baekhyun yelled as heat flooded his body, that he fiercely fought to push away. "I didn't like it, and I don't like you!"
Chanyeol sighed and leaned away, as he replied, "I don't believe you. I see the way you look at me; I see the heat flood your cheeks when I'm near you. You pretend not to like it, but on the're begging for my touch."
"I hate you! Get out of my house!" Baekhyun yelled as he clutched his hand to his chest, pain burning in his palm from hitting Chanyeol.
Chanyeol closed his eyes and stretched out his jaw, before slowly opening his eyes, and narrowing them at Baekhyun as he said, "The longer you lie to yourself, the sooner you'll snap. Take my advance, and accept what you feel because I promise, I'm not your enemy Baekhyun. The sooner you realize that, the better you'll feel. You should come see me tomorrow, I'll be at my warehouse . . ." Chanyeol said, then he paused, and stared at Baekhyun for a long moment before leaning forward and pressing his lips to his cheek. Baekhyun's body tensed as Chanyeol pulled away, and whispered, "I'll be seeing you . . ."
Like hell you will, Baekhyun thought, as he watched Chanyeol leave.
+ + +
When Baekhyun woke up the next morning, his head still throbbed from his binge drinking the day before, and no amount of aspirin and coffee he consumed could chase it away. He got ready for his day with a scowl, just knowing Chanyeol would be expecting to see him was infuriating and frustrating beyond words. Maybe he should go to his warehouse and set him straight, that Byun Baekhyun, in no way liked Park Chanyeol. If anything, he wanted to see him rotting in a jail cell for the rest of his life.
Baekhyun sighed to himself before leaving his house, and as he drove, he didn't realize where his subconscious was taking him until he had pulled into the seemingly abandoned lot. He cut the ignition and sat in his car, berating himself before reluctantly, he decided to open the door. The moment he had shut his car door, he heard an odd zipping sound, before a sudden intense pain blossomed in his shoulder. He gasped and grabbed at his shoulder, and felt something sticky and wet. He pulled his hand away and looked at his fingertips, and his jaw dropped when he realized that the red straining his hand was blood. His blood....
"What the . . ." Baekhyun trailed off, before collapsing onto the ground, completely unconscious as someone stepped outside and began to approach him.
Word count: 1,180
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A/N: 😱 What's happening now!?
Hello, lovelies! So I'm hoping this is a good sign, and I'll finally start updating my fanfictions.... 🤔 Anyway, I know it's been too long, and even longer since Winter Heat but I swear I'm working on fixing that. *sighs*
Anyway, how did you enjoy the chapter? And let me guess, you're probably thinking "What the heck just happened!?" But with a choice word changed, am I right? *laughs* Well, the next update should clear this all up . . . hopefully. 😏😶
And thank you everyone for your patience and support, and leave comments and love to motivate me please! 😄😊 Seriously though, thank you. Now please, have an amazing day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
P.S. Check out my story Until We Drop, it's up to twenty-five chapters! I hope to see you there. 😊
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