The sun was beginning to set when Baekhyun groggily blinked his eyes open, and squinted against the setting light that was pouring in through the top floor window. He rubbed his face, and grimaced at the dull ache in his shoulder when he moved the wrong way. Baekhyun sighed as he slowly stood up, and bit his bottom lip against the small moan of pain that spiked up his back. He cringed and pressed his hand into the matress for support as he slowly got to his feet, but the moment his body was upright, his legs suddenly decided it was the perfect moment to give out underneath him.
Baekhyun gasped as he crashed to the floor, and silently cursed in even more pain when his bare ass slapped against the cold, hard floor. Baekhyun heard Chanyeol stirring in his sleep, and he slapped a hand over his mouth to quiet any sounds he might make as he struggled to get back on his feet. When he was standing again, and didn't feel like he was going to fall, he gathered together his clothes and struggled to put on his pants. He didn't bother with his boxers, since he'd only be adding more unnecessary pain.
When he had successful dressed himself, he glanced at Chanyeol one more time before quietly sidling towards the door. He bit his bottom lip as he twisted it open, and cringed when it let out a creaky errk. When the opening was big enough for him to slip out of, he did so quietly and shut the door behind him. He glanced down the dimly lit hallway, and sighed in relief when no one was there to stop him.
Baekhyun only felt a little bit guilty for running out on Chanyeol, but before everything happened he had been emotionally vulnerable and not thinking straight. And now that the stress and tears were behind him, all he wanted to do was ran as far away as his legs could carry him. He didn't want to see Chanyeol's face, and tell him nothing had changed. Baekhyun just simply wouldn't be able too, so he decided running away would be easier —- less messy and heartbreaking.
Baekhyun rubbed his face and shook his head of his growing guilt as he rounded a corner, and nearly fall over onto his face when he saw two men walking towards him from the opposite direction. Baekhyun gasped and quickly spun around, but he wasn't quick enough and one of them spotted him.
"Hey!" they yelled. "Isn't your name Baekhyun?"
Baekhyun frozen —- their question stunning him —- and slowly he turned around. "H-How do you know me?" Baekhyun asked, as his eyes darted between the two man he'd never seen before in his life.
The one who had spoken was tall and darker skinned than his companion; who had soft, fair-skin. The taller one had short, swept back hair that was either a dark shade of brown or black; his eyes were dark too with a hint of mischief; and his mouth was a perfect set of plump lips that could probably bring anyone to their knees. The shorter one had light brown hair that was messy, as if he had just gotten done running his fingers through it; his eyes were smaller and brighter with curiosity; and his lips were thin but pretty.
"Chanyeol told us about you," the shorter man responded.
Chanyeol talked about me? Baekhyun thought.
"Yeah, and aren't you supposed to be . . ." the taller man trailed off, and glanced at his friend. They exchanged a knowing look, before the taller man pulled out a walkie-talkie and said, "Code black, people. We're going into shut down mode."
Then the lights went out, and a sharp siren sounded throughout the halls before red caution lights flared to life. Baekhyun gasped. "What's happening!" he cried.
"We can't let you leave, Baekhyun," the shorter man said. "It's not safe."
Baekhyun laughed sarcastically in reply, before yelling, "I carry a fucking gun, I think I'll be just fine!" Then he rolled his eyes and pivoted around on his heel, and nearly screamed when he about smacked his forehead against someone's board, familiar chest.
"Thank God you found him," Chanyeol said, as his fingers clasped tightly around Baekhyun's wrist. Baekhyun grimaced and tried pulling away, which only made Chanyeol's grip tighten.
"Ow! Chanyeol, let me go!" Baekhyun cried, as he tried pulling away again.
"No," Chanyeol curtly snapped, before pivoting around on his heel and dragging Baekhyun back down the hallway.
"Please, Chanyeol, you're hurting me," Baekhyun said.
"This is nothing to compared to want could have happened if you left," Chanyeol said.
"You can't keep me here!" Baekhyun cried.
Chanyeol suddenly stopped in his tracks and spun around, Baekhyun gasped as Chanyeol clasped his hands over his cheeks and held him impossibly still as he said, in a much more controlled tone, "Do you think I enjoy this! Having to listen to your sincere words only to wake up to find you gone? You hurt me, Baekhyun, I thought we had a connection." Chanyeol said sadly towards the end, as his hands dropped away from Baekhyun's cheeks. "And I don't want you to feel like a prisoner who has to sneak out, I just can't have you leaving and getting yourself killed."
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip; his mind was a whirlwind of questions and complicated feelings. He didn't know what he could believe anymore; his heart said one thing, while his mind screamed another.
Baekhyun inhaled a deep breath and slowly released it as he said, "I don't mean to hurt you, I just want to go home, Chanyeol."
Chanyeol sighed and gently stroked Baekhyun's cheek as he said, "But it's not safe. Someone is after you, and we don't know why yet or how much they know about you. What if I let you leave, and while you were sleeping someone broke in and hurt you? How could I ever forgive myself if that happened?"
"But my life isn't something you have to worry yourself over," Baekhyun said; his words sounding such harsher than he meant.
Chanyeol's brow furrowed, and he turned around as he opened the door, muttering, "I can't help the way I feel about you. Your safety is everything to me, Baekhyun. So please, stop being so reckless and let me make you safe again."
Baekhyun sighed, and quietly replied, "Okay."
Chanyeol nodded before pushing the door open, and Baekhyun stepped inside with a sigh as Chanyeol followed in after him, and as the door closed behind them Baekhyun wished he was anywhere else than locked inside the same room as the man that was slowly driving him mad.
Word count: 1,123
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Hello, lovelies! Hopefully you all enjoyed the update! Thank you so much for your continued support, and please, don't forget to vote and comment. Have a wonderful day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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