Chpater 5
Deceits POV
After what seemed forever we finally got to Remy's room. It was a mess, stuff was throw everywhere, Starbucks cup, papers, clothes, and a bunch of other different things. We took a set on a small couch in the far left corner on his room.
Tess and health sit on the out sides, so me and Rem sit between them. "So, do you have any movies to watch?" Tessa asked, "yea theres a stack right beside you lady." Remys says to Tess. I try and hold back from laughing, I can't stand the way Rem laughs not that, that's a bad thing. Health chuckles a little while Tess grabs a movie and we all start watching. As the movie goes on I start feeling... nervous about 'stuff', I can't help but think of my wrists. I can't help but feel the urge to cut, I set there not being able to focus on anything but how fucken close Remy was to seeing my wrist but finally. Health pauses the movie to say, "wait what are we thinking? If we are going to watch a movie we will need some...POPCORN!" "Wow that's surprising coming from you health." Remy said. "Yeah, but it's true!" Tess said, "OK lady's calm down, I don't have any." Remy says "I bet Dee has some!" Health said. "W-why would you think that?" I added "because your basically obsessed with it!" Tess says. "No I'm not!" I say lieing through my teeth, "oh shut it and go get the popcorn." Health said with a joking town.
"Fine." I say thinking 'at least it gives me a chance to cut'. I get up and walk to my bedroom witcheck is a far ways away from Remy's, so at least I can have an excuse for taking so long. I grab the popcorn along with my knife and walk in to my bathroom, I roll down my slives and start cutting. Once I'm done I rap the bandages back, I put the knife away and grab the popcoen. 'I'll need to change the bandages later' I think to my self, I walk back to Remys room and Rem grabs the popcorn out of hands as soon a I step a foot in the door and he puts the popcorn in his microwave.I sit back down on the couch crossing my arms trying to hind my wrists.
Once the popcorn is done Remy grabs the bags out of the microwaves and says "OK so there are two bags, who wants to share with?" He said."I'll share with Tess!" said health, I get up letting health scoot over to Tess. Rem hands them one of the two bags and looks over at me "welp gurl looks like we're sharen a bag." He says while he takes a set next to me. I can't help but sat nothing, 'what if he sees my wrist, what if he feels the wet blood on the bandages, what if, what if' I stop thinking, I couldn't think. I was having a panic attack right in front of them and they didn't fucken know it, hell I didn't fucken know until.I stopped breathing, the pain from my wrist had grown from my hands all the way through my body and... there ways nothing I could do about. I knew at that moment that they were going to find out but I couldn't do it any more I fell off the couch on my hands and knees on the floor choughing like there was no tmorrow.
Tess and health jump off the couch with out anything to sat but "shut what do we do!" But then I feel arms rap around my waste pulling me in to they're lap. I looked up and I it Remy, "it's OK I'm here, I'm with you just calm down." He said and I did his voice was so, calming. I began to breathe again, but just barely "your going to be ok, just follow my breathing." He said and soon enough I began to breathe normal again. Remy takes my hand and rolls down my slives "HOLY SHIT!" He yelled staring at the blood drenched bandages on my wrists. Health and Tess are frozen in place, I could only think of the things they were thinking about me. Remy yelled at Tess and health "Don't just stand there do something! Tess go get more bandages! Health go get help!" "Got it" Tess said running to get more bandages "but who?" Health asked "I don't fucken care. Just go get Dr. Picani!" Remy yelled angerly. Remy trys to take the old bandages off, I wine like a baby because of the pain. Tess comes back with the bandages "here." Tess says handing Remy the bandages.
"It's ok I know it might hurt bur your going to be ok Deceit." Remy said while unraping the old bandages very carefully.He gets the off and I try and not tear up while he raps them up with fresh bandages. Once he's done he pulls my head closer to his chest, "your going to be fine, your fine." He whispers to me. I start to fall asleep when health and Dr. Picani come through the door "great fire bender it's worse then I thought." Dr. Picani said. The last thing I remember was Picani getting on his knees beside me and then I blacked out
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