Chapter 10
Remys POV
Welp, this is going to be "fun". I can't say sorry because it is the dark sides fault. I Lay down in my hammock and drink my Starbucks. I get on my phone to see if there are any concerts tonight. There was one and don't really know what it was but I decided to go anyways. It's better then staying here. I have admit that what me and Deceit did was really funny.
A little bit later, I started to text Tess.
🌙Sleep🌙: hey Tess
🌙Sleep🌙: Tess!
🌙Sleep🌙: TessTess!
❤Tess❤: What?!
🌙Sleep🌙: I'm bored
❤Tess❤: well that's your fault for getting in trouble
🌙Sleep🌙: no it's Parker's fault
q❤Tess❤: why don't you bother Deceit
🌙Sleep🌙: because we started arguing
❤Tess❤: well shit who would have seen that coming
🌙Sleep🌙: oh shut it
❤Tess❤: well anyways want to hang?
🌙Sleep🌙: sure but not for to long because I'm going to a concert tonight
❤Tess❤: cool so see you at Starbucks?
🌙Sleep🌙: you know it! See you there
🌙Sleep🌙 has left the chat
❤Tess❤ has left the chat
Once I put my phone away I grab my bag and exit the mind palace. I walk to Starbucks and for the first time I'm there before him. He doesn't get there to long after I do. "Jear Desus. Your here deforested ME!" He says to me. I giggle a little after we sit down. We talk for awhile."Hey I was wondering would you like to go to the concert with mem" I ask him. "Sure" He says with a smile on his face. Once we are done handing out we head to the concert. It was just like any other concert I've been to but this one seemed to go by fast. "See you later!" Tess said to me walking to her room. "See ya." I see walking to mine.I get to my and Lau down I my bed. 'Ugh might as well apologize for what I said early' I thought to my self staring at wall.'Nahhhhh I'll do it tomorrow' I think while sitting up and taking a drink of my Starbucks. Eventually I get up and walk to the kitchen to get something to eat.And just my luck. Deceit is in the kitchen. Well might as well apologize now. "He-" I try and start but he cuts me off. "Don't" He says annoyed. Rude... I try and ignore him and make myself a sandwich but I couldn't help but feel like he was STARING AT ME! STOP IT!!"Fine. What do you want." He says to me. "Huh? I um." I had trouble says what needed to say. "Would you spit it out already! " He said even more annoyed. "I LIKE YOU. " I fucken yell aloud with out think. I cover my mouth as soon as I release what I said. 'Shit shit shit shit' I think to my self."Wh-what? " He said confused. I say silent but I move my hand from my mouth. "I-I like l-like you. " I say after a moment of silence. He gently smiles at me. "I like you to. " He said quietly. I look up at him and smile back.
And this is where I'm going to start changing the story A LOT. Play as I was reading this again I realized sooo many spelling errors and I'm really sorry I tied to fix as many as I could sorry if I missed any UwU - Raccoon Mom
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