chapter 8
Joey and Miranda were discussing giving Cora a command of her own, but they needed to decide which ship.
Joey: I am determined to give Cora a command of her own.
Miranda: You want my girl to take command of a ship?
Joey: Yes, I can see her as a captain or a commander, but her cross is holding her back. And I want to start her training.
Miranda: Joey, you may have the highest rank in the military, but if anything happens to my husband or my daughter, I will hunt you down.. and hurt you.
Joey: You have my word...
Miranda: Good.
Aleena: i know i am nine months pregnant, but I can still kick your ass Miranda mass with my husband. You deal with me...
Joey: I see you are walking again. I take it that Aleena helped.
Miranda: she has but. I do miss being in the air.
Joey: Well, that isn't happening for a long ass time.
Miranda: Why not? I am the best pilot in the fleet.
Joey: I don't want you in the air right now!!! I want you safe!!
Aleena: It's not you. He wants you to recover more until you are ready to get back in the air, and I don't want to tell Cross and Cora that you crashed again.
Miranda: Can I at least train the new pilots?
Joey: Sure, but Aleena will help you, but no flying...
Miranda: Fine That works for me, and i understand your fear, sir.
Miranda walks out of the office.
Aleena: She has fire in her.
Joey: Well, keep an eye on her
Aleena: i will also. What are you going to do when cora gets here?
Joey:Is (SSN-803) ready for deployment?
Aleena: Yes, she is all she needs a crew.
Joey: Good. i want you to hand pick them. I want to make sure she can trust them, and they trust her.
Aleena:I get on it. Also, Cross is at the target you assigned him..
Joey: Good. Tell him to keep a low profile and not engage unless he has to.
Aleena: I'll make sure he doesn't.
As Cora walks out of the transport, spydon walks up to her.
Cora: Hey, cap..
Spydon:How was your first mission?
Cora: it was great. I got the Intel for Uncle Joey.
Spydon: Good report to dock d12 for new assignment.
Cora: Can I ask what's my assignment is?
Spydon: Go to d12 and find out..
As spydon walks to ghost, Cora walks to d12 to see Anastasia, Delvargus, and Joey.
Cora: Here is the Intel that you asked for.
Anastasia:Good, we will give this to aleena to do her work.
Cora. Looks to see a new sub
Cora: I see you builded a new sub...
Joey: we did she a nuclear sub that aleena was working on.
Cora: she a beautiful ship. So, who is going to take command?
Delvargus: we found a commander for her.
Cora: Who is it?
Joey: It's you.
Cora was surprised to hear that.
Joey: Your father thinks you're ready to take command of a ship, so we talked, and he wants you to take command of the SSN-803 or the Arizona.
Anastasia: we are getting the best sailors to be part of your crew.
Cora: What's my father doing?
Delvargus: he is scouting the enemy ships and targets for a strike.
Cora: You think it's wise to attack them? i mean, we all remember Pearl Harbor...
Anastasia: it won't because we already know the outcome. Also, this so call atlas doesn't have the firepower as us.
Cora: But still, my father always told me to always be careful who I attacked.
Anastasia: we understand that, Cora, but we have to let everyone know we are here and to show that we are more powerful than this Atlassian military.
Delvargus: Let all calm down. and cora, go see Ghost and the others for your training
As Cora leaves to start her training with ghost, two men walk in the room
James: Sir Cross has reported that Josh, Britney, Oscar, Austin, and Nina have met up with him at the drop point.
Daniel:I still think it is unwise to attack this, so call Atlas
Joey: this is only a recon mission to learn more from them and to see what we are dealing with as well and to learn more from the others as well.
Delvargus: That may be true, but we need to learn more from them and if they can be trusted..
Anastasia: James tell Britney to keep an eye on them, especially cross we all know how he acts on missions.
James: yes ma'am
As James walks to give the message to Britney back with the group that Britney was talking to James..
Britney: Copy that, James. I'll let the rest know
Josh: What's the word, sis?
Britney: we are given orders to recon the base and get intel and information about their allies as well, including these creatures called Grimm.
Cross: i saw them when i was waiting for you guys.
Nina: These creatures i see they are mindless animals.
Josh: So why are you wearing red?
Cross: because someone decides to paint my armor red...
Oscar: Who would that be?
Cross: Take a good quess.
Oscar, Josh, and Austin: joey and spydon?
Cross: yep
Nina: Come on, guys, we have a job to do.
Cross: you heard her. Come on, Shiny
Josh and Oscar: we are not!!!
Nina: I will never get why you call them that cross?
Cross: It's their armor it's Shiney and new.
Britney: Enough, let's move out
As the group went to the base, they saw droids and armor vehicles there as they went into the base. They saw more troops, but they were wearing different armors, then the others outside
Cross: impossible...
Britney: You know something cross?
Cross: Those suits were a prototype for the next generation for our military, but the plans were stolen two years ago, and men who design them disappeared as well.
Josh: You sure cross?
Cross: Let's head to the command center to get the Intel.
As they went into the command center, they saw it was cleared.
Britney: Austin, see if you can get to their system.
Austin: on it.
Britney: okay cross you got to tell everything you know about this exosuit and whatever you know.
Cross: Before I became a captain or met Miranda, i was one a few who tested armor weapons and aircraft for a man named Mr Irons, and I recognized the armor and the design.
Josh: What happened to him?
Cross: All I know is that his plane was shot down by the Russian military, but they never found the body.
Nina: You think he was sent here as well before us?
Austin: Cross, is this the man you are talking about
Then Austin pulls up a picture of him
Cross: That's him....
Britney:Austin, get everything you can
Then, the alarms went off.
Josh: Was that us?
Austin: No grimm are attacking this base. we should leave now
Cross: Are you done?
Austin: I am done here
As they went to leave, Britney called for a pickup
Cross saw a way out
Cross: Over here, everyone
Josh: Are you sure that's a good idea?
Cross: it's this or deal with pissed off atlas and Grimm
Josh: Fine
As they went on the lift but atlas saw this and cut the power then cross went out to restored power but they launched fighters.
(start at the beginning to the end also replace the tech as cross and the bad batch as Austin, Nina, Britany, Oscar and josh)
after they went to the pickup to see Miranda and Aleena was waiting for them.
Aleena: what happen out there!?!
Nina: the Grimm attacked the base and they found out about us and they tried to stop us by cutting the power so cross went out to one of the power lines and to restore the power so we can move but they launched fighters..
Josh: he saved our lives but he gave up his own....
Miranda: we have to go back!! he can be hurt!! tell them Aleena!!
Britney: he knew we were out of time he put the squad ahead of himself...
Aleena: I'm sorry Miranda but he is gone. he's gone.
as they got on the transport to leave before atlas soldiers show up....and they went back to base to give the intel they got.
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