Late to Graduation
"Awe man I'm late!" A young adult male said as he rushed out of his house wearing blue jeans , sneakers, a white shirt and a black jacket with the number ten in the center of it. Rushing out of the house he looked down at his watch that rest on his left wrist. "Okay Omnitrix I need XLR8." He said before pushing the button on the cord before turning the dial as he found a hologram of his blue speedster Alien. Slamming his hand onto the dial Y/n felt his body beginning to morph. Red Rocks covered his body as his body heat sky rocketed into. Looking down at himself he groaned.
"I said XLR8. Not Heat blast." He whined before charging up a attack in his hands before shooting off into the sky like a rocket as he forced it into the ground. Flying off to school Y/n didn't noticed his parents chuckling to themselves.
"After having the watch for eight years. He still can never get the alien he wants." his mom giggled.
"Yeah but he also keeps most of his aliens locked. Don't know why though.: his father pointed out as his mother jabs him gently on the arm.
"Don't you remember what happened to his ghost alien? He just wants to be safe. Plus I think he wants to put on a show when they do the tournament that's supposed to happen in a month." She smiled as she watched the smoke trail vanish. "But he really mastered his aliens."
Ozpin stood in the courtyard drinking some coffee. Hearing a whistle he looked up seeing a meteor as it crashed onto the ground before a red light went off as Y/n walked out of the rubble and smoke. Ozpin noticed him running as he sipped his coffee. "Well hello there Mr. L/n. My name is professor Ozpin. I'm the headmaster of Beacon." he greeted as Y/n moved towards him and shook his hand.
"Nice to meet ya Headmaster." He smiled as Ozpin too noticed of the watch.
"We're happy to have the wielder of the Omnitrix in our school. We hope to have you in our care and experience a great school year." He smiled as Y/n beamed with happiness. "Now as a way to introduce the students to you. I'll be having your test being broadcasted to the school. You'll be our one man team and you will start with professor Ports class tomorrow morning." He smiled making the boy nod.
The two made their way towards forever falls as Y/n took place on the launch pad. After being told he needs to find a Relic he was shot off. This surprised the boy as he didn't realized he was on a launch pad. Everyone in the school all sat in their respective classes as they watch him go flying. Some were laughing as he was flailing all over in the air like Jaune did. Even Nora pointed this out so lovingly. But Jaune only groaned. Y/n flew towards the floor after getting balanced out.
"Alright Omnitrix let's try this again!" He yelled before finding the right alien. Slamming his hand on the watch he began to morph as his body grew scales and a bipedal dinosaur like body. Falling on the ground in a super hero pose he rose up yelling his name.
"Humongisaur.!" He yelled as everyone looked at the form he took with surprise.
"Holy cow!" Ruby said as she watched him move through the forest looking over the trees as he moved towards the relic. Grabbing the small piece he moved towards the cliff but was stopped by a King Taijitu.
"Alright. Let's do this!" He smiled before cracking his knuckles. Running at the monster he went to punch the black head of the double headed snake as it went to bite him. Y/n blocked it with his armored arm before punching it to the floor. The white head rushed him but was hit back as the hero spun and slammed its tail against it. Jumping up from an attack from the black head Humungisaur slammed its fists into the head of the monster. Breaking and killing the black head before dodging the white head.
"Alright time to get big." He said as his form grew more. The spikey ball at the end of his tail grew more as his form became more rugged and jagged. This time the hero was bigger than the snake as it grabbed its head and squished it. Y/n turned to the camera and smirked as everyone looked at his huge size.
Everyone watched as he walked towards the cliff before climbing up it and returning to normal size along with him turning back into a human. Ozpin drank his coffee as he walked the boy hand him a Golden knight chess piece. Ozpin looked at the piece before smiling at the boy as he walked towards the school with Y/n following behind.
"You know Y/n. Seeing the Omnitrix once more in my lifetime is amazing. Last time I've seen that watch was from a young man named Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. Of course him and I were kids back then." He smiled making Y/n smile.
"Yeah my grandpa was an amazing person. He actually gave me this watch when I was ten. Since then it's been recalibrating into the watch you see now." He smiled remembering his birthday with Ben.
"Happy birthday Y/n." Ben smiled before handing him a small box.
"Thanks Grandpa." He smiled before opening it up. Showing the prototype Omnitrix. "The Omnitrix?"
"Yep. I had Azmuth create a new prototype that has three stages." He smiled making Y/n excited.
"Who can I turn into? Atomix? Way big? What about Alien X!" He smiled making Ben laugh.
"No. You're limited to only ten. The original ten. Heatblast, XLR8, Diamond head, Four arms, Ghost freak, Ripjaws, Upgrade, Greymatter, Wildmutt and Stinkfly."
"Awe man. But Alien X is so cool!" He cried making Ben laugh. as he ruffled his hair. "Wait wouldn't Ghost freak try to break out like what happened to you?"
"We thought about that so w put a very tight leash on that species. But if he breaks out I know you can handle him."
"Yeah but sometimes you got to enjoy the classics. Plus it'll feel more rewarding when you do unlock the aliens. Now how about you show me how it looks like on you." He smiled as Y/n reached over and had the prototype Omnitrix latch onto his left wrist. Over the next six years Y/n had been working with Ben learning and mastering his Aliens.
"Sadly he passed away when I was sixteen. But everyone was there to be with him. Azmuth took the original Omnitrix back and kept it locked away with a really high-tech vault. As of right now this is the only watch on the planet." He smiled as he looked down at the watch.
"Have you met Azmuth?" Ozpin questioned making the boy shake his head.
"No. He always seems to be around when I'm not." He smiled as Ozpin nodded. "But I do hope I'll meet him one day to show him how much I appreciate it." He said as the two made their way into the school.
"I will send a chaperone to meet you in the courtyard to show you around. Here's your scroll and you'll start classes tomorrow morning." Ozpin smiled before welcoming him to Beacon.
Y/n stood in front of the school messing with his watch. He scrolled through the alien catalog with fifty-two of his aliens having a locked symbol above them. Just then a joyous voice sounded off behind him.
"OH ho ho. You must be Y/n L/n." He smiled making him nod. "My name is professor Port. It's nice to meet you young man. Shall we walk around so you can get used to this place?" He smiled.
"Of course professor. Lead the way." He beamed as the two walked around the school. Seeing a multitude of Students. The two walked towards the cafeteria as Port ordered a burger with Y/n ordering some chili fries.
"As you can see we have foods of every kind. Ranging from traditional to vegetarian foods. cuisines from all over Remnant." He smiled as the two continued their tour. "Obviously you've been to forever falls so no need to go there. But the training room could be of use for you along with the gym and even the schools pool. We have recently gained a lot of new things from the fundraiser from the Schnee dust company after a unfortunate accident involving the grimm dragon years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. Ben Tennyson was there in his Way Big transformation and took down the grimm dragon before morphing to Alien X and locking it inside mount Glenn. Your grandfather was an amazing man. He fixed as much as he could with his Alien but couldn't really do much since he stood there till his time ran out. Ozpin, though, made a statue to thank the boy as it stands next to the great war statue." Port explained as Y/n looked up at the statue before running towards the fleeing professor.
"It was an amazing battle. I, of course, fought with professor Oobleck as we took of a wave of grimm." He said before trailing off and explaining his back story as Y/n went to ask a question but he had slight bursts of energy as if he was fighting the fight once more. But soon the two made it to their room as Port gave him the code to his room in his scroll. "Alright Young man this is where our paths split. I expect to see you in my class first thing tomorrow. I don't take kindness to tardiness. Whether or not you're the new alien hero. But I hope you do enjoy your time here at Beacon. Your first class starts at nine in the morning. Get rest young man." He smiled as Y/n nodded before entering seeing his boxes and clothes that he had delivered yesterday resting in their boxes.
Opening the boxes Y/n arranged his room to his liking. Posters of his favorite games, a game console along with a computer desktop on a table next to it. He filled his closet with his clothes before smiling at his green jacket that he had gotten as inheritance from his grandfather. After a few minutes of setting his room up he placed the final piece of property on his night stand. A group picture of his family.
"Welcome to Beacon." He smiled to himself before resting.
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