chapter 14 Thunderbird Are go part 1
( time skip the past 2 years before international rescue was made)
Commander Casey (over PA): "This is Assembly Control calling all Zero-X units. Assembly phase 1... go!"
{Zero-X's hangar slides backwards, revealing Zero-X's main body.}
Commander Casey (over PA): "This is Assembly Control. Clear launch apron. Zero-X moving into position."
{Zero-X moves up the tarmac a bit then comes to a stop.}
Commander Casey (over PA): "This is Assembly Control. Radio-controlled lifting body 2 about to take up position. All fuel tankers should now retire to dispersal area. Repeat: all fuel tankers should now retire to dispersal area."
{Lifting body 2 moves up the tarmac a little then turns 90° anti-clockwise, meanwhile Zero-X is lifted up by six support stanchions; four under the fuselage and two under the back engine part.}
Commander Casey: "Weather conditions for take-off remain at go. All take-off beacons are transmitting normally."
{Lifting body 2 comes to a halt under Zero-X's back engines then the six support stanchions lower until Zero-X is locked together with lifting body 2.}
{The six support stanchions start to move underground.}
{The overhead rail for lifting body 1 is extended out its hangar and at the very end of the rail, some of it comes down onto the ground forming a 90° angle.}
Commander Casey: "Lifting body 2 reports all systems are go. Propellant temperatures are normal. Locked and checked and fully operational. Radio-controlled lifting body 1 about to take up launch position."
{Lifting body 1 starts to come out of its hangar on a rail-like object attached underneath another overhead rail that is much thicker and after a while it turns 90° clockwise so it can join up correctly with Zero-X.}
Commander Casey: "This is assembly control calling all Zero-X units. Fuel temperatures are correct. All pre-start lights are green. All radio readings are go. Countdown continues."
{Lifting body 1 is then lowered on top of the main body at the very front and is locked together with Zero-X and the overhead rail starts going back to lifting body 1's hangar.}
Commander Casey: "This is assembly control. The Zero-X Martian excursion vehicle will be joining the main ship at zero minus five."
{The end of lifting body 1's wings that contain the undercarriage underneath the booster jet engine fold down 90°.}
Commander Casey: "Phase 1 now completed. This is Assembly Control, closing down."
{Commander Casey presses a button on his control desk that reads "DOWN". His control desk along with the chair he is sitting on leaves the control room and heads down to the control tower stand-by room. When he has reached the control tower stand-by room, he presses another button on his control desk.}
Commander Casey: "Doctor Grant? Doctor Pierce? Can you hear me?"
Doctor Tony Grant: {nodding his head} "Loud and clear."
Commander Casey: "Paul. Greg. Brad. Now this is a tough assignment. But if this mission is successful {Camera pans from Paul to Greg to Brad as he speaks.} you will be the first men to land on Mars. This project has been the most costly yet devised by men. However, the safety of the crew and passengers still takes top priority. Now is that clearly understood? {Short pause} Captain Paul Travers?"
Captain Paul Travers: "Yes, sir."
Commander Casey: "Space Captain Greg Martin?"
Space Captain Greg Martin: "Yes, sir."
Commander Casey: "Space Navigator Brad Newman?"
Brad Newman: "Yes, sir."
{Martian excursion.}
Commander Casey: "Doctor Grant?"
Doctor Tony Grant: "Yes, sir."
Commander Casey: "Doctor Pierce?"
Doctor Ray Pierce: "Yes, sir."
{Central Control.}
Commander Casey: "Okay. Away you go, and good luck."
Captain Paul Travers: {to Commander Casey}:"Thank you, sir." {To the crew members} "Right, this is it."
{Captain Paul Travers presses a button on his seat with his foot that turns his seat 180° clockwise, Space Captain Greg Martin's seat 180° anti-clockwise and Space Navigator Brad Newman's seat about 150° clockwise. All three pilots, along with some flight controls that are in-between Paul and Greg and in front of Brad, go down a corridor to the Martian excursion vehicle and doors close behind them. Cue Zero-X theme. They go into the Martian Excursion vehicle's cockpit, with more doors sealing behind them. Inside the Martian excursion vehicle's cockpit is Captain Paul Travers and Space Captain Greg Martin, sitting opposite each other, and Space Navigator Brad Newman is sitting behind Space Captain Greg Martin. In an adjacent room to the left are Doctors Ray Pierce and Tony Grant who are sitting next to each other. The Martian excursion vehicle is lowered down to the ground from the side of the Glenn Field Spaceport main building while a green light above the Martian excursion vehicle flashes. Two access bridges previously parallel to the MEV swing back, so they become parallel to the launch building. The Martian excursion vehicle moves up the tarmac a little, turns anti-clockwise 90°, then starts reversing backwards towards Zero-X. The Martian excursion vehicle starts slides up the front of Zero-X to conjoin with the craft. A gantry ascends from underground holding a heatproof nose cone. The heatproof nose cone slides back on its gantry and electromagnetically locks into position over the front of the Martian excursion vehicle.}
Captain Paul Travers: "Take-off lighting."
{A light comes on inside the Martian excursion vehicle. The gantry for the heatproof nose cone slides backwards.}
Captain Paul Travers: "Here we go."
{Captain Paul Travers switches the Zero-X engine on by pressing a button to his left that is off-screen.}
Commander Casey: "This is Central Control. Ignition: 18 seconds. This is Central Control, out."
{Zero-X's engines hum. A countdown from nine to one appears on a computer screen in a control tower room. Exhaust fuel comes out of Zero-X's engines during ignition. Exhaust fuel then comes out of Zero-X's chemical rocket engines at the back of the craft. Zero-X starts moving up the runway then lifts up slowly.}
Captain Paul Travers: "Central control from Zero-X. Height: 20,000 feet. Air speed: Mach 1." {To Space Navigator Brad Newman} "Commence chemical engine countdown on green light."
Brad Newman: "Roger."
{Inside the fuselage of Zero-X is a bad guy, wearing some engineering clothes and an old-fashioned pilot's flying helmet with some goggles on it. He stands up, preparing to take some photo's of Zero-X's wing mechanism.}
Captain Paul Travers: "Check trim."
Greg Martin: "Roger."
{The elevator control hydraulic starts to move, and, unfortunately, the bad guy gets his right foot caught in it, dropping his camera in the process.}
Bad guy: "Agh! Agh!"
{He removes his face, which is really a mask. It's mercury! He has a disgruntled look on his face. He tries getting his jammed shoe out of the elevator control hydraulic, but with no success.}
Greg Martin: "Elevator control's jammed."
Captain Paul Travers: "Jammed?"
{Wing compartment.}
mercury "Agh!"
{mercury has no choice but to take his foot out of the jammed shoe and be shoeless on his right foot. Zero-X suddenly begins to go into a rapid descent and lose altitude.}
Captain Paul Travers: {To the Zero-X crew members} "We're going out of control!" {To Central Control} "Base, this is Zero-X, our control system is jammed! Nose is dropping. Ejecting nose cone!"
{Captain Paul Travers presses a button to his left that is off-screen and the heatproof nose cone shoots off the front of Zero-X. mercury, with blood staining on his white sock, has started to crawl away from the elevator control hydraulic in a prone posture face downwards, leaving his mask behind.}
Commander Casey: "Zero-X control, what is your speed and rate of descent?"
Greg Martin: "Rate of descent: 3,000 feet a minute. Air speed: Mach 1.4."
{Commander Casey turns his control desk and the chair he is sitting on 90° anti-clockwise and presses a button on the right side of his control desk with his right hand. An air traffic control system monitoring Zero-X comes up on a computer screen on a wall.}
Commander Casey: "This is Central Control. Air-sea rescue units, immediate launch! Vector: 276 magnetic. Range: 172 miles."
{Two yellow air-sea rescue helicopters take off. Four air-sea rescue jets (silver but with different coloured tails (red, green, blue and yellow)) take off. Zero-X continues its rapid descent.}
{Zero-X wing compartment. mercury continues crawling, his bloodied foot visible. He opens a hatch and drops down from it.}
Captain Paul Travers: "Central Control, this is Captain Travers. We are still unable to free the control system. Am ordering to eject. Repeat: eject!"
Commander Casey: {On radio.} "Roger, Zero-X. Do not eject until you are at 1000 feet. Air sea rescue is on its way."
{Scene cuts to show the jets flying at high speed, then an aircraft carrier, and then back to Zero-X.}
Captain Paul Travers: "Flight deck to escape unit. Everyone ready, Greg?"
{Escape unit. Space Captain Greg Martin, Space Navigator Brad Newman, Doctors, Ray Pierce and Tony Grant are all there.}
Greg Martin: "OK Paul. All in position."
Captain Paul Travers: "OK Greg. Coming back now."
{He presses a button to his left and his seat moves automatically into the escape unit. It clips in. The door closes shut. Zero-X continues to crash-dive.}
{Escape unit. Captain Paul Travers has his hand on a lever. A meter shows the present height. 1500ft... 1250ft...}
Captain Paul Travers: "Stand by."
{Zero-X still descends. The scene shows the empty flight deck, where a distinct stutter can be heard as the engines shut down.}
{Escape unit. The meter moves from 1250ft to 1000ft.}
Captain Paul Travers: "Here we go!!" {Pulls a lever.}
{We hear an explosive sort of noise. The escape unit blasts out of Zero X, which continues nose-diving. The scene alternates between the cockpit stuttering and the Zero-X exterior, before finally crashing into the ocean and exploding in a blazing fire. The escape unit then appears slowly descending with a parachute attached. It lands softly in the ocean and sloshes around. Then the screen fades out.}
2 years later and just at the end of Volume 1 of RWBY
{The scene fades back into the Space Exploration Centre. The administrators are distinctly conversing before the President addresses them.}
Space Colonel Harris: "Gentlemen." {Babble dies down.} "You've now had time to study the very fine report that has been produced by our aviation investigators. We at the Martian Exploration Centre wish to thank those concerned for their untiring efforts in this direction. Although the report runs to 862 pages, and meticulously describes every happening that led up to the crash twenty-four months ago, the conclusion is all too simple: sabotage." {Pauses.} "Now before we progress further with this meeting, I would ask you for a vote of confidence in the findings of this very fine report."
{Scene shows two real life human hands pressing the For button. The president looks at the voting board. All men vote For. A green light shines.}
Space Colonel Harris: "Thank you gentlemen, for your unanimous support. Twenty-four months have now elapsed since the tragic crash of the Zero-X, and in eight weeks time Earth will once again be in a suitable position in relation to Mars to make the second attempt. Can I take that I have your approval for this too?"
{Again, the two human hands show pressing For. Several vote For. Then one presses Against. The camera zooms in on it. The camera then pans along the table from the President, over the other men and focuses on one of them near the other end.}
Angry Young Man: "I think our security arrangements are inadequate, and would suggest that we ask International Rescue to be present at the next launching."
Space Colonel Harris: {Standing up, irritated.} "Are you suggesting, sir, that we are incapable of handling our own security arrangements?"
Angry Young Man [O.C.]: "I have 862 pages here, sir, which say just that."
{A lot of arguing breaks out. The camera zooms on the black area in the centre of the conference table }
Then it opens to a long shot view of Tracy Island. Scene transitions to the swimming pool, then pans round to the exterior of the luxurious Tracy Villa. Scene then shows a newspaper headline reading "WORLD WAITS" with a picture of the Zero-X craft, then it drops to show Kieron, Jonson, Sarah, Apps looking at their father Hologram of Ozpin.
( the Lounge just get rid of the people)
Kieron: "Well, father?"
Sarah: "Take-off is scheduled for tomorrow morning."
Jonson: "You'll have to make a decision soon, dad."
Apps: "Even if it's no."
Ozpin: {In thought.} "This is a tough one. I know how you boys feel. I guess you're raring to go. But as you know we have a strict rule here: no International Rescue craft is launched unless someone is in grave danger. Right?"
Kieron: {In agreement.} "Right."
Sarah: "Guess so, dad."
Jonson: "That's the way it's always been."
Apps: "Guess you're right, dad."
Ozpin: "Yeah... However, rules were made to be broken. Now this is what we do." {To Kieron.} "Kieron?"
Kieron: "Yes sir?"
Ozpin: "Launch Thunderbird 1, proceed to Glenn Field and stand by there for the take-off of Zero-X."
Kieron: "Yes sir!"
{Kieron walks off.}
Ozpin: "Jonson , launch Thunderbird 2 and follow Kieron to Glenn Field. When Zero-X takes off, escort it through the atmosphere on the first part of its journey."
Jonson: "Yes sir!"
{Jonson walks off.}
Sarah: "Father, can I-"
Ozpin: {interrupting} "Yes you can. Launch Thunderbird 3 and orbit the Earth until Zero-X has established its course to Mars."
Sarah: "Gee, thanks dad!"
Apps: {Standing up.} "What about me, father?"
Ozpin: "Well it's unlikely that you'll be needed, but you'd better be ready, in case."
Apps: {Glumly.} "Yes, sir."
Ozpin: "OK boys: Thunderbirds are GO!"
soon Sarah gose down on the dec chars and Jonson down on the rocket pitcher and Kieron turned on the lights stand as all 3 head to there ships
the take off all 3 Thunderbird's
( the take off and with the talking scean before)
Cut to Cliff House balcony, with Apps looking somewhat sad.
Glynda: "Well, you made your decision,Ozpin."
Ozpin: "Yes, I only hope it was the right one."
Glynda: "Well, I suppose now that the boys are going to be at the launching of the Zero-X, the safety of the crew is assured, but what about the saboteurs, do you think they will strike again?"
Ozpin: "Say, what's the time, Glynda ?"
Glynda: "Time? Just about 11 o'clock, sir"
Ozpin: "That makes it about 4pm in England - teatime."
Glynda: "I don't understand, sir."
Ozpin: "Well, those saboteurs you were talking about... if they do strike again, I know just the person to take care of them!"
{The camera moves to the picture of Lady Penelope near Ozpin desk.
Shot of the outside of Creighton-Ward Manor, and back to Lady Penelope's sitting room; herself is sitting down, wearing something you might see at the races. Parker is standing at the door, in his butler's garb.}
Parker: "Will that be all, m'lady?"
Lady Penelope: "Thank you, Parker. That will be all."
Parker: "Very good, m'lady."
(He leaves, camera focuses on Lady Penelope. She pours herself some tea (human hand doing it), when the pot starts making an electronic beeping noise. The other human hand turns the decorative knob on top.)
Lady Penelope: "International Rescue, Lady Penelope speaking."
Ozpin: "Hi, Penny. Well, I've made my decision. We're gonna oversee the Zero-X launch. (Cut to his office) Thunderbirds 1, 2 and 3 are on their way. I want you to go to the States immediately, and ensure that there's no sabotage attempt this time."
Lady Penelope: "F.A.B., Ozpin. I'll fly over with FAB 1 right away. Now, I'll need to move around there freely on this type of assignment. Can you pull a few strings your end to see that I get the necessary passes?"
Ozpin: "Will do, Penny. There's a big press-conference tomorrow evening. You'll be representing a British magazine."
Lady Penelope: "F.A.B., Ozpin." (She stands up and pulls on a bell cord. We hear a bell ringing. Cut to a shot of Parker's duty room, with four bells at the top, each labelled with a different room (Library, Entrance Hall, Sitting Room and another room), with the Sitting Room bell ringing. Back over in Sitting Room. The doors open. It's Parker.)
Parker: "You rang, m'lady?"
Lady Penelope: "Yes, Parker. Get out the Rolls Royce. I'll call the airport. We're taking off for America with FAB 1 immediately."
Kieron: "Thunderbird 2 from Mobile Control, you are clear to land."
Jonson: "Mobile Control from Thunderbird 2, F.A.B."
Kieron: "Well, I guess we're all set. By tomorrow morning, Thunderbird 3 will be in the correct orbital position to keep an eye on the launch pad, and we've got all our gear here."
Commander Casey: "Thanks. I guess that's all we can do for the moment. Erm... see you at the press conference tonight."
Kieron: "No, Thanks. As far as we're concerned, the only good publicity is no publicity."
Press Officer: "And in conclusion, as I always say, the only bad publicity is no publicity. So, have a good conference, but please be brief. Our astronauts can only spare you half an hour, because as I'm sure you are aware, they have a very busy schedule ahead of them tomorrow."
Lady Penelope: "Captain Paul Travers?"
Paul Travers: "Yes, ma'am?"
Lady Penelope: "I'm Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, representing the Universal Mirror. First question: tell me, what do you find the most frightening, your ordeal at this press conference, or your flight tomorrow in Zero-X?"
Paul Travers: "Ha! Without question, this press conference, ma'am."
Lady Penelope: "Thank you, Captain Travers. Now, I'm sending a messenger over with a small Saint Christopher, specially struck for the occasion by the University Mirror. I would like to tell my readers that you'll be wearing it during the flight."
Paul Travers: "It'll be a pleasure, Lady Penelope."
Lady Penelope: "That's very kind of you. Well, it looks as if my time is up. Best of luck for tomorrow."
Paul Travers: "Captain Paul Travers."
Messenger: "Package from Lady Penelope, Universal Mirror, sir."
Paul Travers: "Right.... There'll be three crew, and two scientists.... Right.... Right again...! Yep, at 1400 hours tomorrow.... That's right, six weeks and two days.... I'm afraid I can't answer that question.... I'm afraid you'll have to refer that question to the P.R.O.... Why, sure. We'll do anything to help a friend. I've got a feeling that the take-off tomorrow is gonna be just fine."
( the talk)
the end of part 1
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