Chapter Two: Envelope
"He's been awfully giddy the past couple of days," Mina whispered, grinning.
"I know, what do think is up with him?" Uraraka asked, curiousness filling her head.
Tokoyami walked up to the pair, uncertainness flooding from his features. "Do you guys know what's up with (Y/n)? He's a lot... happier than usual."
"Yeah, one minute he's upset and then the next person it's like someone gave him a puppy!" Mina spread her arms, exaggerating.
"Did someone give him a puppy?" Uraraka questioned, directing her attention to Tokoyami.
"No... We were talking and it turns out he's allergic to dogs." Tokoyami sighed. "But Mina does have a point."
"What are you guys whispering about?" Iida joined in, being nosey.
"(Y/n)'s been overly happy these past two days, have you noticed?" Tokoyami told him. (Y/n) turned his head toward the group and smiled.
"I heard my name, what's up?"
"Nothing!" Uraraka chirped out a little too quickly.
(Y/n) gave her a skeptical look, his smile dropping some. "Okay then..."
(Y/n) laid down on his bed on top of the covers. He stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Something wasn't right. Getting in contact with Tomura was too easy. If he did it so quickly, why did it take the government so long? Was the government even trying? Did they even care?
(Y/n) turned on his side, facing the wall. He should be asleep, he had school in the morning. His eyes seemed to be stapled open. Why was he suddenly so worried? He had been so joyful since getting in contact with Tomura, but now everything seemed off.
But what even was "off" in the first place? His room was as quiet as it had been the past two days. It was just as dark, just as motionless, and it was just as it was every day. Was he just being paranoid? Of course not, right?
Or maybe he was. Perhaps there was nothing wrong. Maybe he just needed a light on? After being in the asylum, after being in that dark cage, he possibly may simply need as much time in the light as possible.
There was a knock at the door. Who would be up at this time of night? (Y/n) jumped out of bed and quickly opened the door. He looked around out his door, not even a trace was left of anyone being there. He was at the end of the hall... Not even Iida could run fast enough to not be seen. (Y/n) took a double take. Was he hearing things? Was he going crazy? I'd give myself a solid six...
The teen looked down at his sock covered feet, only to be met with an eerie-black envelope with a blood-red seal. The seal had the symbol "𝔉" in the center. It wasn't any kind of Japanese writing, but he had seen it before. It looked like the type of writing on the New York Times articles Aizawa had shown him a while ago.
It was an "F." But what did it mean? Was "F" a person? A business? Some kind of organization?
(Y/n) picked up the envelope and suddenly felt a shock. It was like something hit him. "𝔉" as in 𝔉𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯? That doesn't make any sense. His mother's quirk was changing the volume of her voice at drastic levels. Didn't that mean that his father's quirk had to be manipulation of some type? It wouldn't make sense for him to be able to move super fast like Iida and Ingenium.
(Y/n) stepped back inside his room, closing and locking the door. He sat on his bed with his legs crossed, setting the envelope across from him. He glared at it, not sure if he should open it or not. He picked it up an inspected it, bringing it slightly closer to his face.
When (Y/n) inhaled he was hit with the strong scent of saltiness and... is that iron? (Y/n) pulled the rectangular object away from his face with a disgusted look on his face. He looked inspected it again, and his eyes landed on the seal. Blood-red.
That's mortifying...
(Y/n) had to keep himself from gagging at the thought. He couldn't help but wonder, whose blood was it? Whose blood was shed to color the formerly pale wax that formed the elegant seal on this envelope? Was it someone important? Was it some random, unfortunate soul? Was the person still alive or... was the poor soul not lucky enough.
He continued to ponder whether or not he should open it or not. Maybe it wasn't from whoever his birth father was. Maybe the "𝔉" stood for something else. (Y/n) scowled at his cowardly thoughts.
He gently peeled the seal off the paper, even managing not to rip the paper a sing bit. The seal came off clean, but left a barely visible red mark in its place. Normal dye shouldn't do that... He removed the paper inside.
It was perfect, it had to be done by a serious perfectionist. Paper was porcelain white, the letters written ever so neatly in carob-brown ink. The sharp, precise creases on the paper were unhumanly straight. It was beautiful, a work of art, and yet, the words on the page were horrifying.
(Y/n) waltzed into class the next day, bags under his eyes. He seemed to be back to normal, or rather, less happy-go-lucky. He actually seemed out of it. He was spacing out.
His friends would call out to him, he wouldn't respond for the first few times. It was like he wasn't even there. His face was expressionless, you couldn't read anything on his face. What was wrong with him?
"(Y/n), are you alright? You seem out of it today," Iida asked, concern lacing his usually stern tone.
"Huh..?" (Y/n) looked up at his muscular classmate. "Oh... Yeah... I'm fine, just having an off day, I guess."
"Are you sure?" Iida double checked.
"Yeah dude, I just didn't get enough sleep last night... I was on my phone,"
"Whatever you say, (Y/n)."
(Y/n) let out a fake, but extremely convincing yawn. "Thanks for checking on me though."
The rest of the day went on, and almost everyone had excepted the (Y/n) was probably just tired. He eventually managed to put a smile back on his face, remembering that in a couple days he'd be meeting his brother and father in person.
"Should we really be doing this?" Uraraka asked, concern and slight fear rising in her eyes.
"Yeah! Something is definitely up with (Y/n), so what better place to check it out than his room?" Mina replied, a wide smile lighting up her features.
"We could just ask him..." Uraraka suggested, starting to second guess her decision.
"Iida tried that already, (Y/n) totally lied to him!" Mina whisper shouted.
"How do you know? He seemed pretty genuine. Maybe he was just having an off day." Uraraka pondered.
"Maybe, but we should check just in case! You go in and I'll keep watch." Mina proposed.
Uraraka sighed and walked into the room, glancing around the interesting space. There was the basics, a laptop, desk, bed, a couple chairs, nothing out of the ordinary; for the most part. The only thing that seemed remotely off was the was the eerie-black envelope on (Y/n)'s bed. It was sealed with blood-red wax, the seal being marked, "𝔉." ("F")
Uraraka knew what she was doing was wrong, she didn't really want to be here, but she was concerned for her classmate. She grabbed the envelope and dipped, not wanting to get caught in the boys' side of the dorm. Uraraka didn't even notice the irony smell wafting through the air of the room, or how strong it was coming off the envelope.
(I did it! I wrote the second chapter! Thank you guys so much for reading this far, I know the New Opportunities Arc [A.K.A. Arc One] was boring. I wasn't too sure where I wanted this to go, and I hadn't filled in all the plot holes in my mind. Now I have everything worked out and I just need to go about putting it into words. That's about it, so yeah... #sociallyawkward #whocanrelate)
(This Was 1692 Words)
Mina and Uraraka hurried back to Mina's dorm. When they got inside, they opened the previewed package. They unfolded the letter, admiring its neatness. When they read over it, they were afraid, and they wondered why (Y/n) had such a thing.
Dear (Y/n) (L/n),
It's been so long since I've you, my son. I've missed so much of your life, I've missed seeing you form into the person you currently are. I am so, so sorry about this.
It started out sweet.
Now that we are in touch, I cannot wait to reunite with you. Tomura and I are overjoyed to have you back. We can't wait to spend time with you, to be a family again. Things haven't been the same since the last time we saw you.
But it turned into... something else... Quickly.
I hope you understand that we may take you out of U.A. once I gain parental rights over you. If you truly want to be a hero, we understand, but being a hero is dangerous. I also don't love the idea of you working for the government, the exact people who ruined our family, who tore us apart.
Is this person...
Instead, we'd rather you be with us. We have this little... rebellion. We don't always follow the rules, (Y/n). We're not bad people. It's just that we, along with many others seek justice where the government has wronged us. We hope you will join our league, my son.
A villain..?
Your Father,
One with the League of Villains?
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