Chapter Nine: Lure (pt. 2)
Aizawa had never truly felt a panic this strong before. He was so calm and collected, but he couldn't help the way he was reacting. He couldn't help that he had become... attached to the kid.
As much as he would hate to admit it, (Y/n) was like his son— a giant little kid. Aizawa had to teach him basic things, take care of him, watch over him, take him to the doctor, buy his clothes— hell, when (Y/n) felt too weak (due to overexertion and malnutrition) Aizawa had to feed him.
(Y/n) was like a son to Aizawa, and even if he didn't know it yet, (Y/n) saw Aizawa as his father. Now, as (Y/n) would go through thick and thin, Aizawa would always be the one he came to.
Aizawa left the school in a hurry, not even bothering to get in his car. He ran around the block, then back in the direction of his apartment. What if the kid gets jumped? What if something worse happens?
(Y/n) was in a trance, walking around like a zombie. He was conscious, but he was unaware of what was going on. He just walked along, following the brightness, the smell, the fishing line that was reeling him in.
His backpack was slipping off his shoulder, but in the moment he didn't bother stable it. (Y/n) was approaching the downtown area, and the people paid him no mind. No one seemed to notice the too skinny teen most likely skipping school— or maybe they did and they could simply care less.
The farther he walked, the stronger the feeling got. He should be suspicious, unsure, but he felt nothing of the sort and just kept going. His book bag finally slipped off his shoulder, (Y/n) abandoning the bag and everything in it. He basically just lost his phone and keys.
Aizawa had been searching for an hour and a half, and had no clue where he was. Just as Aizawa thought all hope was lost for finding the boy, he happened to see his backpack, just left for the taking.
Aizawa grabbed the bag and hurried down the street, and despite not being religious, he prayed that he would find him. He quickened his pace, searching everywhere his eyes could see.
He looked behind all the trees, in every building, he most probably looked like a madman. He didn't want to think anything bad had happened to (Y/n), but his lack of luck was getting the best of him.
(Y/n) was nearing the poor part of town, made up of old apartment buildings and bars and liquor stores. Aizawa was in the neighborhood, just hoping (Y/n) hadn't skipped town. That's what it was beginning to look like...
Where the hell could that boy be?
Aizawa stopped in hopelessness, beginning to wish he never started to let the kid walk to school on his own. Then, in a moment of pure luck, Aizawa's prayers were answered. He looked sadly into the window of the drug store he was in front of, and in the reflection he saw the most wonderful thing he could ask for at that moment— (Y/n), walking down the road across the street.
Aizawa didn't care that he was jaywalking, but he ran across the street, seeing that (Y/n) was about to wander across an alleyway. Aizawa grabbed him, pulling him back as a truck sped by.
The contact broke his trance, and he looked around, completely unaware of his surroundings.
"Where are we?" (Y/n) mumbled.
"What in the hell are you doing over here! You're on the opposite side of town!" Aizawa yelled. He was scolding the boy, but he was relieved all in the same.
(635 Words)
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