Chapter Four: Saturday
(I don't think the majority of my followers have read this, but to those who have, I want to say thanks for 50+! I know it may not seem like much to some, but to me it really does!)
(Y/n) stood in front of U.A., smiling. Several of his friends had left, going home for the weekend, but he stayed there outside, waiting for what was to come. He hoped that the letter really wasn't from his father, he couldn't be one-hundred percent sure, anyway. All he could do was wait and see, praying for the best.
A nice black Mercedés Benz pulled up to the school, catching the attention of some of his classmates that were around. Everyone, even (Y/n) himself assumed it was either for Yaoyoroszu or Todoroki. But, when a handsome, muscular male stepped out, (Y/n) recognized him from the picture immediately.
"Dad?" (Y/n) muttered, stepping towards the car.
"Hey kid, it's been a while," the man, his father smiled while patting (Y/n) on the back.
Bakugou and Mina, who had yet to be picked up looked at the two in shock. Aizawa told them they hadn't contacted his parent yet... Aizawa wouldn't lie, so maybe it's just happened since then?
"Yeah, let's go!" (Y/n) grinned, waving to Mina and Bakugou as he got in the front seat of the luxury car.
His father started the car, turning on the radio. (Y/n) hadn't heard any of this type of music before, it didn't sound like anything he had heard before. Perhaps it was in a different language.
"If you're wondering, the song is in Hindi," (Y/n)'s father told him, taking his attention away from the road for a brief moment.
(Y/n) didn't respond, noticing that this place looked very familiar to where he wandered some time ago. He was also confused, his father had such a nice car, and yet lived in such a dreadful neighborhood. (Y/n) hated to be shallow... but he'd rather they just hung out in the park about a mile from U.A.
Soon enough they exited the city, and entered a much bigger one. Aizawa had taken him here before... If (Y/n) remembered correctly this was Hosu City. Hosu City was anything but slum-like. It was buzzing with people and conversation.
(Y/n)'s father noticed the amazement in his son's eyes from the corner of his own, chuckling quietly. (Y/n) ignored this and kept looking out the window, beginning to wonder where his father was taking him.
"So, how do you like U.A.?" his father questioned, glancing at him.
(Y/n) looked up, "It's a lot nicer than where I was before but..."
"But what?"
But it feels wrong...
"Nothing really, it's just a bit strange to me still," (Y/n) lied through his teeth.
His father knew this wasn't the truth, he knew that Shigaraki's plaguing of (Y/n)'s mind was working. It helped that the boy slightly agreed on his own... Still, he played along like he was oblivious to everything, just like his son had been doing.
"Aizawa, have you by chance seen young (Y/n) around?" All Might asked, seeming a bit hopeful.
"No, why?" Aizawa deadpanned, assuming he had gone out to hang out with Bakugou and his idiot friends.
"Young Midoriya and I would like to do a bit of sparring with him!" All Might foretold loudly, trying to act heroic.
"He isn't here, he probably went to hang out with Bakugou and those other four idiots," Aizawa responded, sounding dead inside.
All Might looked gloomy for a split second, then went to go check the recently installed security cameras just to make sure. He walked into the security room and turned back the cameras a little.
All Might stopped rewinding and watched as the black Mercedés Benz pulled up, a tall, handsome, muscular man stepping out. He looked around his late forties, and in very good shape for his age— then it clicked.
I thought he was dead... I defeated him with my own two hands... How?
The world, no, the universe's most dangerous villain was alive and managed to get on U.A. campus. He even took one of the schools most powerful students with him.
All Might turned the footage back a little, paying attention to when the said villain "abducted" the young teenage boy.
(Y/n) just went with him... He was smiling... and what were they saying?
He was confused and terrified. All Might had no idea what to think. Is (Y/n) a villain? Did (Y/n) know who he was going with? All of this was sprinting around in his brain, making his head spin.
All Might made a point to watch the footage one more time, looking carefully to catch any signs of resolve. He saw none. (Y/n) looked just as oblivious and joyful as he did when he was hanging out around his friends.
What he did, though, irked him beyond belief. The villain he had risked life and almost died trying to kill glanced at the camera and winked when he got out of the car. He knew it was there, and he knew exactly what was going on.
All Might couldn't believe it, he felt as though he had basically let the world's most powerful villain beat him right from under his nose— which he had. The mastermind himself had returned, back for more, ready to cause even more havoc than he had years before.
(Y/n) had long since dozed off during the long ride through Hosu City. He slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the light that flooded into his eyes. He sat up, slowly processing that his father was parking in a vacant lot.
He looked around, not recognizing the area around him. It was bright, yet dim at the same time. (Y/n)'s father got out of the car, politely telling his son to join him. (Y/n) stepped out of the luxury car, taking his surroundings.
The two walked to the front of the building, the young teen quickly figuring out that this was a bar. Inside, there were several people. They looked normal enough...
"Hello everyone, this is my son, (Y/n)." his father stated, directing his attention to the other people in the room.
"Hi..." (Y/n) trailed off nervously.
"He's cute!" a blonde, Toga chirped happily.
"The kid's awfully skinny..." a male with black hair, Dabi commented.
"Guys." (Y/n)'s father glared, and the two shut up. "(Y/n), I'm going to go in the back and see if Tomura's in. Stay here, okay? These people are as rude as they seem..."
The last few words didn't seem to be directed to him, but rather the others in the room. His father then waltzed out of the room, 'looking' for Shigaraki. Meanwhile, things got awkward in the bar real quick.
"So..." (Y/n) trailed off, glancing around the room at the people. "Do you guys work here..? The sign says the place is closed."
"I guess you could say that," a man of mist replied, drying a glass. "Oh, I seem to have forgotten my manners. I am Kurogiri."
"Oh, good to know, what are the rest of your names? You already know mine," (Y/n) smiled, causing Toga's heart to melt.
"I'm Toga! It's nice to meet you!" Toga grinned, giggling a bit.
"I am twice!" Twice said proudly, puffing out his chest.
"Name's Muscular, kid." Muscular sighed, trying his best to be polite towards the bosses son.
A man with a top hat bowed, "Hello there, I am Mr. Compress!" (Y/n) chuckled at the flamboyant introduction.
"I'm Spinner." a green man foretold.
"You look cool, like those turtle things in that show Americans watch!" (Y/n) pointed out innocently. He was lucky he worded it as a compliment.
Dabi chuckled as Kurogiri cleared his throat, gaining Dabi's eye contact. He glanced at (Y/n), Dabi scowling when he got the hint.
"The name's Dabi."
(Y/n) gasped dramatically, remembering a trend Kaminari and Sero showed him. "Are you really good at dabbing?!"
(Y/n)'s previously tired eyes lit up, looking at Dabi expectantly.
"He's great at dabbing!" Toga giggled, elbowing Dabi lightly in the ribs. "Show him Dabi!"
"Yeah kid, show him." Muscular smirked, immediately starting to like the kid.
"Aww..." (Y/n) frowned.
"I'm telling Boss that you upset his son!" Twice teased, causing Dabi to scowl further.
"Come on Dabi"
"FINE." Dabi gave up, standing up from his stool next to Toga.
He frowned at the other people in the room. Dabi sighed and did a quick dab. It was the most amazing dab (Y/n) had ever seen! If only... Truth be told, the dab was garbage. (Y/n) started laughing, totally forgetting his manners. Toga and Muscular join him, and Twice put his arm around Dabi's shoulder.
"Don't worry! That just makes you a scrub!" Twice laughed, causing Dabi to burn him lightly. "Owe!"
"Wow Dabi, you're such a pleb!" Toga giggled.
"Who's a pleb?" (Y/n)'s father walked in the room, Tomura Shigaraki in tow.
"Dabi is, dad! You should have seen his dab!" (Y/n) chuckled. He then met eyes with Tomura, beginning to grin like a madman. "Wow... You look so much different in person!"
"I guess... You look a lot different from the last time I saw you, too," Tomura said. "Anyway, let's go."
The three were sitting in a very crowded restaurant where there was plenty of noise. They could still hear each other, but no one was paying them any mind. (Y/n)'s father and Shigaraki didn't want to risk someone finding them at the bar, so they came out here— hiding in plain sight.
(Y/n) could only watch as the other two sent each other knowing glances, as if having a mental conversation they didn't want their son/younger brother to hear. When the two finished sending one another looks, they directed their attention to (Y/n) at last.
"(Y/n), what did you think of mine and Tomura's... employees?" his father questioned, looking (Y/n) in the eyes.
"They're pretty cool! Why?"
"We wanted to know because you were just in a room joking around with villains," Tomura stated, watching in concern as (Y/n)'s happy demeanor vanished.
"What..? Does that mean... that... well... Are you guys villains as well?" (Y/n) asked, gazing at the two.
"Yes, indeed we are."
(Y/n) went totally silent, unsure of how to respond to this. What was he supposed to say? Was he even supposed to say anything at all? Of course he was... but... what kind of reaction did they want? Did they expect to full fledge agree with them right off the bat? Not that it would be too hard...
He swallowed hard, quickly losing his appetite. (Y/n) played with his food, moving around the tempura vegetables on his plate. What was the shocked teen supposed to think..?
This is great...
He was so confused, how did this topic come up again?
Maybe I can stop denying it...
Should he contact Aizawa? Aizawa was a hero, he could probably take down (Y/n)'s father and brother but...
Let loose...
They were his father and brother, he couldn't turn them in. They were family, and what if it was just a misunderstanding?
(Y/n) paused his train of thought, unsure which way to go next. It was as if he was in a misty forest in the middle of the night without a flashlight— he felt blind and misled.
What was great?
So many thoughts were running through his brain. Was he over thinking this? Of course he wasn't, or perhaps he was. Was he?
Why is my head spinning?
His family whom he had waited years to meet were villains, the exact people he was being taught to shut down. Should he do that? Or instead, maybe he could-
Deny what..?
(Y/n) groaned as the bright-white sunlight crashed against his shut eyelids. He was hesitant to open his eyes. Where am I?
Wherever he was it happened to be quite uncomfortable. It was nowhere near as nice as his bed at Aizawa's house, or in his dorm. What happened?
He opened his eyes, being met with a boring white room. (Y/n) knew what this place was, the hospital. Aizawa had taken him here the first time he fainted. Wait a second...
(Y/n) recalled him being with his father and brother. They were at a restaurant, talking about something. What had they been talking about? It was all a blur. Had his father and brother taken him to the hospital? If so, where were they?
The door quietly creaked open, revealing a head of flaming red hair, and behind him a head of flat, red and white hair. He knew one of these people, and had at least seen the other.
"Ah, you're awake," Todoroki commented quietly, looking (Y/n) in his drowsy eyes.
"Hmm?" (Y/n) hummed, acknowledging the comment. "What happened..?"
"When my father and I walked into the restaurant, we saw you pass out. The two guys at the table with you looked panicked, and ran away when the two of us walked over." Todoroki foretold. "According to the doctor, you passed out due to malnutrition."
(Y/n) let out a sigh, ignoring that fact that his father and brother ditched him. "It's not the first time..."
Todoroki looked at him with a puzzled expression as his father just seemed annoyed by being in the hospital room. (Y/n) glanced at Todoroki's father, Endeavor, and smiled sheepishly.
"Yeah, I've passed out due to malnutrition before... It's only ever happened when I was at home with Aizawa or in my dorm though, strangely enough." (Y/n) foretold.
"You are pretty thin, I guess..."
"Shoto, how much longer do you plan to mess around with your friend?" Endeavor questioned, seeming to be telling him to hurry up instead of asking a question.
"Until Mr. Aizawa gets here, father." Todoroki replied, putting emphasis on "father."
"Oh no, you don't need to stay if you were busy! I'll be fine!" (Y/n) widened his grin, making it as convincing as possible.
"He was always a good actor,"
"Are you sure, (Y/n)? You hit your head pretty hard..." Todoroki droned.
"A good speaker,"
"Of course, Todoroki! Besides, if I really end up needing someone I could call Mina or Bakugou!" (Y/n) assured.
"A good faker,"
"You heard him, Shoto. Let's go." Endeavor pushed, wanting to get back to training.
"But overall,"
"Fine... But I plan to stay just a few minutes longer with my... friend..." Todoroki said with a heavy sigh, sounding unsure of himself.
"He's an amazing seer."
"Okay. I'm going to sit in the waiting room." Endeavor huffed.
"The ability to see through people, to read them, to see what they want most,"
"Why are you staying? Not to be rude..." (Y/n) asked.
"To see what they loathe, and the most terrifying of all,"
"No real reason," Todoroki responded. Lies...
"To see what he can turn them into."
"(Y/n)..." Aizawa growled. (Y/n) squeaked.
"Yes..?" (Y/n) answered nervously.
"You've dropped FIVE POUNDS." Aizawa looked annoyed, but it wasn't too hard to see the remnants of worry behind his glance.
"Sorry... I promise I'm working on it! You don't have to stuff a pizza down my throat, really!" (Y/n) piped up nervously.
"Okay... Now, who were you with today? That idiot, All Might had a very distressed look on his face when he returned from the security surveillance room." Aizawa mentioned, changing the subject.
"Oh, that was my birth father... I managed to get in touch with him..." (Y/n) mumbled.
"How do you know that it wasn't some stranger?!" Aizawa said angrily, covering up his worry.
"It was the same man in the picture! I spent a while with him and my brother, the same boy in the picture, and frankly, I found them much faster than the government did!" (Y/n) spat.
"I get that! But what if it hadn't been him! What you had been tricked!" Aizawa remarked.
"That didn't happen!" (Y/n) argued, realizing how quick and easy arguments start.
"But what if it had?" Aizawa pressed, his voice softening ever so slightly.
"..." (Y/n) remained silent, unsure of what to say.
A sudden train of thoughts hit him. Was he supposed to tell Aizawa about the two being villains? Should he tell him about them planning to gain custody of him? Should he voice his concerns about them pulling him out of U.A.?
No, he decided. It wasn't a huge deal anyway. He could handle it no problem once so ever.
"I guess you're right... Can we talk about something else other than this and my weight?" (Y/n) asked hopefully.
"Okay, well, I can take you home whenever I just have to fill out some paperwork."
"Oh, that's good to hear. Can you drop me off at the dorms afterwards?"
"No, you're staying at my house for the rest of the weekend," Aizawa deadpanned, shutting (Y/n) down.
"Ugh..." (Y/n) groaned, exasperated.
When the two arrived at the apartment, they were surprised to see Bakugou of all people waiting outside their door. Bakugou looked up from his phone when he heard them coming, scowling at (Y/n).
"Hey idiot! The Half 'n Half bastard said you fainted again!" Bakugou growled.
"Hello to you to, Mr. Boom-bastic." (Y/n) replied, grinning.
"I'm gonna make Thick-Lips cock for you and then I'm gonna shove it down your throat!" Bakugou shouted.
"That's a decent idea for once, Bakugou." Aizawa commented as he stepping into the apartment.
"Hey!" (Y/n) snapped.
"Also, our friends are being annoying because you can't take care of your own damn self! Now come on you asswipe, we're going back to the dorms!" Bakugou yelled.
"Okay..." (Y/n) smiled softly, heading to the train station with Bakugou by his side.
(I'M ALIVE!!! I DID IT!!! I got this chapter out, finally! I am SO glad I managed to finish this. Anyway, I finally got my splits! The bad part is that I didn't stretch and I pulled my hamstring so... it's a work in progress. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this longer than average chapter!)
(This Was 3073 Words!)
"Aizawa, I've been thinking..."
"I've mentioned things such as the orphanage, but I don't remember what it is. I remember what happened there, but at the same time, I really don't. Do you know what I mean?"
"I believe so; why are you telling me this?"
"Do you know someone with a quirk that could help me find out?"
"Actually... Yeah... I do."
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