AUTHORS NOTE: Wow! Look! A trailer! Be sure to take a look at it!
After detention, Remilda practically ran back to the Gryffindor tower. Lucy decided to take her time, and Remilda wasn't thinking much about Lucy if she was going to be honest. She had to back to Gryffindor Tower, she had to get to a safe place. Where she could safely write another letter.
"Dragon Gumdrops," she shouted practically as she approached the portrait of the Fat Lady. She revealed the entry way just in time for Remilda to get into the common room. There was music playing and all of her friends were in there, doing homework most likely. Raelyn was talking to Lavender Brown, but Remilda grabbed Raelyn's are and practically yanked her off of her chair. She grabbed Harry's arm as well from where he and Hermione were seated.
"Merlin, Remilda," Raelyn snapped, snatching her arm away. "you could have asked."
"The Ministry is looking for Dad," she said quietly, and Raelyn's eyes widened.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked, "I thought he was with the Order-"
"They think he's recruiting for a movement against the Ministry, they need to question him.l
"How do you know that?" Raelyn asked stepping closer to her.
"In detention, I thought Umbridge was going to make me do lines too, but she told me to write to Dad and get him to tell me where he's at-"
"Did you?"
"Remilda!" Raelyn snapped.
Remilda sighed heavily, still short of breath, "No, no, but don't worry. I took care of it." she stated, "But if he write one of you or you write him, address it to Talon."
Raelyn nodded.
"I need to go, I have to write him again. I said I would and explain everything..." Remilda said quickly pushing past the two of them.
"Hey, Remmy," George smiled from a place at one of the small tables. Fred was on the other side.
"Do you want to be the first ever to try-" Fred began setting a hand a red box that said Weasley on it.
"No, sorry. I can't," Remilda said as she hurried past, "I'm busy. See you at breakfast."
Remilda hurried up the stairs and into her room and quickly dropped her things on the floor and pulled out her paper and a pencil.
As soon as the letter was done, she let out a long breath as if she had been holding it. She folded it up and then got up to bring it to a owl in the owlery. She made her way back down the stairs and then through the Gryffindor common room. She got a few looks, one from Raelyn. But Raelyn looked relieved as well when she saw the letter in her hand.
"Still in a rush?" George asked as she walked by.
Remilda shook her head, "But still busy." she replied, "I have to send this."
"I'll walk with you," George announced quickly getting up from his seat and following her. "that way you can tell me what you're busy with." he sighed.
"It's just family drama really," she replied as they both stepped out of the entrance to the common room. "that's all."
He nodded a bit and thought, "I'm not convinced." he said after a moment of silence, "You'll have to try better than that."
Remilda glanced up at him. Part of her wants to tell him, but she wasn't entirely positive that she could trust him with it. He hadn't given her a reason to not trust him, in fact nobody had. Really the only people who had was Umbridge.
"It's a lot to explain..."
He shrugged, "Try me."
Remilda sighed, "I had that detention after dinner, but Umbridge didn't make me write lines." she began, "She had me write to my dad to try to find out where he is. Apparently the Ministry is looking for him for questioning."
"Why?" George asked quickly, "About your mum?"
"No," she replied, "they think him and Sirius are recruiting for a movement against the Ministry."
"I mean they sort of are," George shrugged.
She sighed, "Its against you-know-who, not the Ministry."
"So is that the letter?" he asked, motioning to the paper in her hand as they made their way up the stairs.
"Not that letter," she replied, "in that letter, I did this thing he taught me a few years ago. You hide a secret message in letters that just look like there's too much ink on." she explained simply, "This one is just explaining things better than I could do in a few secret words."
He smirked, "That's really clever," he paused, "and Umbridge didn't catch on?"
She smiled, "I think she was just glad I agreed to write the letter."
"You don't give yourself enough credit, you know," George stated.
She rose an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"
He chuckled, "You hide behind Raelyn all the time." he said, "I think there's a lot to you that you don't like to show."
"I'm afraid what you see is what you get," she replied as they got to the owlery.
He shook his head, "Nah, don't believe it," he paused, "you just outwitted Umbridge right in front of her." he pointed out.
"Your point?"
"You're clever, you don't have to hide that. It could be useful ya'know." he sighed, "You always wait for Raelyn to break the ice,"
"She's good at it." Remilda pointed out as she gently stroked a Hogwarts barn owl on its head and gave it the letter. "I'm not really fantastic at conversations."
George shrugged, "You talk to me just fine."
"Okay, well you're different," she said without thinking. Immediately she knew how that sounded and wished she could rewind the conversation. "You, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, and guys are just different. It's easy to talk to you guys."
George thought for a moment and then shook his head, "Well, I don't think Raelyn would have thought about that secret message thing." he stated.
Remilda sighed as they began to head back to the tower. Even though their conversation continued, Remilda was mentally scolding herself with each step and double guessing everything she said. Well you're different, what was she thinking? Even to her, it sounded like she was practically saying well, I sort of like you so I'm going to talk to you. But that wasn't true at all. She didn't like George. She had only been in the school for a week and a half and she barely knew him. She didn't like him.
After a week, nobody had gotten anything from Jacob Potter. But nothing had been returned either. So Remilda assumed that he was taking the warning seriously and not giving anyone an opportunity to find him. Remilda was relieved of that actually, and that gave her time to just focus on school. By the end of the week, she got all of her late assignments in to Umbridge, and her one late assignment for potions in as well. She assumed she was on Umbridge's good side now, because she didn't really acknowledge her anymore. Snape however was another story...
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