Chapter 8: The Phoenix
Chapter Eight: The Phoenix
"We have about twenty minutes before the gates will be in sight, keep your steps light," The man said as he looked back at the rest of our group. Everyone was exhausted, not realizing what an hour after dusk meant until now.
I watched ahead, my bow loosely docked and pointed to the ground as I watched our surroundings. He looked at me before he looked back ahead. He held his sword in his right hand, his left hand loosely holding onto his bag.
"Is that where we're going?" I asked, motioning towards a small rock formation protruding from a clearing.
The man nodded, "Yes. We'll go towards the right of it and we should be able to see the lanterns at the gate from there."
I looked up at him before back at Laurance.
Laurance seemed preoccupied, him and Reed helping the same young lady I hadn't met. In the first part of the walk, she started having trouble walking, her eyes glossed over and distant. Their help was making sure she kept walking with the group. Reed tried to keep her spirits up, the two striking conversations throughout the afternoon.
I looked back at Garroth. His head turned away, looking out towards the clearing before he put his hand out in front of me, his feet stopping. "Stop..." He quietly said.
"Why?" I asked, raising a brow as I looked up at him.
"Wait here." He looked back at Laurance, motioning for him to bring the group into a small circle.
Laurance and Reed got everyone caught up together.
"What is it?" Laurance asked, his hand on the hilt of his sword as he walked up to the man.
"Normally there is a guard near the clearing... they don't know any of us are coming so starting with all eight of us when we walk forward could spook them." The man said softly, "They'll probably be even more on guard because I disappeared from around here the night before I came towards you."
Laurance nodded, "Good idea." He looked at Reed and I, "You two have everyone sit for a few minutes. Get some rest while we go ahead."
I frowned softly, lowering my voice so no one else heard, "The last time you left me in a clearing someone came up to us-"
"You aren't alone this time," The man chuckled, "And the other guards are not as... snippy as I am."
I looked at him, rolling my eyes at the statement, "Fine. Just don't forget about us."
Laurance chuckled, nodding to me, "We won't."
The two turned, the man pulling his sword out as Laurance pulled out his. The two disappeared behind a couple trees as Reed and I got everyone in a mini clearing, making sure they all sat down to relax their feet.
"I hope they bring some water... Some of them look like they're going to pass out." I said to Reed, the two of us standing watch a couple meters away.
He glanced back before nodding, "Yeah... and hopefully some reinforcements to get them off their feet."
I quietly nodded in agreement before docking my bow. "When did you become a guard?" I asked, trying to fill the space.
Reed shrugged, shifting his feet under him, "About eight to ten months ago. I had been training under Sir Aldrich since I was ten, I think. He's my uncle."
"Isn't he the head guard?" I asked, looking at Reed.
He nodded, "Yeah... The one that went to relocate over at Falconclaw for the time being," he said, "I'd rather stick with Sir Laurance since he's more adjustable to the environment... and I'd like to be myself instead of stuck in my uncle's shadow."
I nodded softly, "Makes sense. I wouldn't want to just be known as someone's niece if I was in your position." I looked at him before smiling, "Maybe you'll be the head of a guard one day."
He chuckled, "I'll be glad to just be a guard. That's all I want to do."
I gently giggled before footsteps started to draw near. It sounded like a group of people, the shuffling of shoes and leather on skin. I pulled my bowstring back, looking out towards the sound as Reed slowly backed up to the group. I stood between them and the noise.
"Stand down, Alaina, it's okay," Laurance's voice cut through the wood, his head and shoulders appearing around the right side of a trunk.
I lowered my bow, watching as he and the man first entered, followed by a few horses and guards. Three newcomers were with them, all wearing the vests that matched the man's aside from their phoenix's being violet and red. The one with silver-lined hair was on top of a horse, a knapsack around his side in the back. One with dark brown hair had green eyes that pierced into the tree line around us. The third held onto two of the horses had royal blue, young cut hair that flicked when he turned his head. He looked at me before over at the others.
"Which ones need assistance, Sir?" Blue asked, looking over at the man.
The man looked over at him before into the group, "The four next to Sir Reed, Dante. They will need some assistance getting up. Travis," He turned to the silver haired man, "get everyone water. After the fire we haven't had much to give out and we've been walking since early afternoon."
"On it, sir," Horse man, Travis, said, stopping his white stallion and jumping down, walking over with the over filled knapsack.
"How are you holding up, Alaina?" Laurance asked, gently touching the bow for me to undock it.
"Honestly, a little bit on edge. It's been a long day." I said, looking up at him before over at the man.
"We tried being quick. But we didn't know if you guys moved around for space so we weren't completely expecting to see your aim up. The dark-haired man is Gene. He's their sharpshooter." He gestured to the man standing along the edge. He was separated from the others, his hand ready with a bow as well. He glanced over at me, his eyes immediately looking at my face.
All I could do was lightly nod to him before looking at Laurance. "He's... a little on edge?" I questioned.
Laurance chuckled, "Well... he's also been to the Nether before... I remember him from there. Every time he's met a Knight, things have happened so seeing me has him on edge for unwelcome visitors..."
I slowly nodded. I looked back at our group, people getting up and drinking the water Travis had passed around. Dante and the man were helping people up on horses, making sure they were steady before adding a second to each horse.
"Why is it that no one says his name?" I asked, looking back at Laurance, "Everyone has had their name introduced but him... Why?"
Laurance looked at me before looking at the man, "Dante mentioned he's had a past. There's only one person who he's allowed to say his name back in Phoenix Drop. Mainly for the safety of the people? All I've started to notice is he is from O'Khasis, just by his walk and posture. He stands with a weight on his shoulders much heavier than I would, Sir Aldrich, or any of the other guards I've met so far in Phoenix Drop." He looked back at me before he smiled. "Don't worry... once he's ready he'll say his name. Not all of us are open books." He said before lightly touching my shoulder, "You need to get some water, Alaina. You've been through some hell too."
I shook my head softly, muttering, "I'm fine," before walking over to the group. The people on their feet looked at me, most starting to show a little more happiness than the gloom from the last couple hours. A small smile formed on my lips, looking over at the man and Dante, the two making their way to each of the guards, making sure everything was set to move out.
"Are you ready as well, miss Alaina?" The man asked, looking at me softly. He had his bandana up again, his hand resting on his hilt.
I softly nodded, looking up at him, "Why are you wearing that again?" I asked, motioning on my face to his bandana.
He chuckled softly, "Easier to breathe for me."
I giggled softly, "I would think that would retain your breathing instead of letting it get better."
The creases of his cheeks raised as I felt like he smiled, him lightly shrugging, "Not much of a difference than you would think, Miss Alaina," He softly responded before he looked to the guards.
"We are ready to head out, sir," Travis called, looking towards our direction. Every guard was now on their feet and our four companions were comfortably sat on the black and gray horses.
"Perimeter is clear, Sir," Gene said, him walking over as he undocked his bow.
"Laurance?" The man asked, looking over at Laurance.
Laurance stood a few feet from him before he nodded, "I'm ready whenever you are." He held onto his hilt before his hand relaxed.
The man nodded before looking towards the stone way marker, "Then let's head in." He said.
Dante and Travis clicked their tongues. The horses followed them as Gene went to the back. He watched the forest we were leaving behind. Reed stayed back with him as Laurance, the man, and I walked in the lead. The walk was short as the lights from the lanterns lit up the entrance of the gate between the trees.
"They've returned! Open the gates," A woman's voice shouted out. I looked up, seeing the face of a ice blue haired woman standing on top of the wall.
Her eyes locked with mine for a moment before she paused, glancing back at the man. She shook her head before turning back to the guards, the gates lifting right before we reached them.
"Thanks, Lady Katelyn," The man called up, him and Laurance moving through first.
"N-No Problem, sir," She stuttered, her glancing back down at me. I didn't know why she was looking at me, none of the other people before her had a problem...
Gene called up after everyone had walked through, the gate coming down a few feet behind him.
"We'll get everyone to see Zoey, see if she has anything for burns and make sure they'll be taken care of," Dante said, his voice carrying over to the man and Laurance.
Laurance nodded, "Alright. Are there any arrangements ready for the next couple weeks?" He asked.
Dante nodded, "We have a few volunteers ready for everyone to have a place to stay. We tried pairing with lifestyles but it can always be moved around depending on what happens." He said.
The man nodded, "Alright. You and Travis go with them and after they're good catch them up on what the plan is."
"On it, sir," He said.
I watched them part off as I looked over at Laurance. He looked at me before he cleared his throat, the man looking over.
"Would you want to go with them?" He asked, seeing I was still there.
I softly shook my head, "I'm alright..."
"Are you su-"
"I think I've been through enough the last couple months to say that I'm okay..." I said, cutting him off, "I'm sure."
He nodded, "Alright then. Well, I want to make sure we get you two and Reed up to the lord. Introduce you guys so we can get you integrated into the guard station for your sleeping quarters."
Reed nodded, not arguing nor questioning the man's authority.
"Uh, Sir?" The blue haired lady ran over, her glancing at me before she looked at him, "Where are they all from?"
"Meteli... they were attacked last night. The entire village is in ruins," The man informed her.
"But Sir G-"
"Lady Katelyn, they are not a threat... it's alright." He said, him cutting her off quickly.
Katelyn looked at him for a moment before she sighed. "That's not what I was questioning, sir..."
His bandana moved, his face contorting in a reassuring look, "I know that wasn't, but tonight is not the time."
"I'm going up to Lady Jessica's house. I'll let her know you all are here." She said.
The man nodded, "Alright. We will be up there a few minutes behind you then." He said before she lightly nodded her head to him before walking away.
She looked over her shoulder at me before disappearing up the hill. Katelyn... Something about her was familiar but I didn't know from where.
"What was... that about?" I asked, a little curious about what her look was, "Why does she keep looking at me like that?"
"You do have a few burns still on your face...? Maybe out of concern?" Laurance suggested. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, I'm sure I'm okay, Laurance," I said, a little annoyed at the words. I knew he meant good intentions but it was annoying.
"Alright then," He said, gently smiling at him. He looked over at the man as the man cleared his throat.
"Let's head up then." The four of us walked up the hill towards the home.
It was simple for being a lord's home. The front and side were open to the elements, fairy lights hanging from the screen-like design at the top. It had the set of somewhere I had been before but I couldn't remember where from.
The man pulled his bandana down before he smiled, "Good evening, Lord Aaron. Nice to see you around here again."
"Good evening to yourself, sir." He said before he looked over, "Who are these companions of yours tonight?" He asked, seeing the three of us behind the man.
"They are from Meteli. Lady Katelyn said she was coming to inform Lady Jessica about their presence." The man explained.
Lord Aaron nodded, him looking over the three of us.
"Lord Aaron? I thought you were out in Falconclaw?" Laurance asked, confusion starting to flood his face.
"I was here on a trade meeting for the last couple days... I was about to return tonight." He said.
Laurance looked at him, "Are you aware of the situation out in Meteli?" Laurance asked.
I realized that we had people going to Falconclaw, and their lord wasn't there.
Lord Aaron rose a brow before walking over to Laurance. The two stood at the same height, looking at each other.
"I have heard a few mentions of the village... Are you from there?" Aaron asked, his voice almost a charcoal deep against Laurance's soft-spoken voice.
"I'm the second in command of the guard in Meteli." Laurance said, "We were just visited by a few guards from your village in response to yesterday's crisis that took over the village."
The two started to talk, Laurance moving them over to the side as the man, Reed, and I walked over to where Katelyn was standing. She was leaning against the railing of the staircase, looking down at the ground.
"Is... Lady Jessica even here?" the man inquired, motioning to the two talking in the other side of the room.
"She is... just downstairs right now. She said she will be up here to talk in a moment." Katelyn said.
I gently looked at her before she looked at me. She drew in a sharp breath, her eyes scanning my face.
"How did you get so burned?" She asked, no sign of any emotion behind her words. It was an odd phrasing as I stared at her for a second.
" in Meteli last night. I was stuck in the guard station when he came back to help," I glanced at the man before I looked at her. I slightly sunk back. "Does it look that bad?" I asked.
"You just look like you're in a constant state of blushing, mainly. Or sunburnt but the sun hasn't been clear for long enough for that to be a possibility... and Sir- He mentioned it when he and Sir Laurance showed up at the gates a few short hours ago," Katelyn said, her arms crossed over her chest. She had a light blue and violet phoenix etched into her vest.
I softly nodded, feeling extremely awkward. She looked at me before she stuck her hand out.
"My name is Katelyn... I'm one of the leading guards." She said, her voice showing an attempt to soften up.
I shook her hand, careful not to move too quickly, "Alaina. I've been in Meteli for about a month with their guards."
"It's nice to see you again, miss Alaina," Katelyn said. She glanced at the man before pulling her hand away.
Before I could question her, footsteps came up the stairs. A woman with dark raven hair, dark brown eyes and tanned skin faced us, the conversation Lord Aaron and Laurance had ceased as they walked over to us.
"Good evening, Lady Jessica," the man said, gently doing a nod bow to her.
"Welcome back, Sir Garroth," Lady Jessica greeted before she looked at me and stopped.
My heart stopped at the name before I looked at her. She took in my look and instantly her eyes went wide.
"Lady Alaina?"
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