Chapter 5: Tomorrow
Chapter Five: Tomorrow
The sunlight started to break through as I finished getting dressed, the distant chirping of birds signaled whatever time it was to get up. I could hear the other people talking downstairs, them clattering together their things and leaving for their shifts. I sighed softly, leaving the tank top I had worn overnight on and slipping into the pants from the day before. They weren't wet anymore other than at the ankles, but it wasn't too bad to deal with. At least not since it looked a lot warmer outside.
I could smell the coffee everyone had made that morning. It smelled bitter and burned, the clattering of ceramics into the wash basin, and more footsteps.
There was talking downstairs. Laurance's voice was over most of them, it difficult to decipher what they were saying.
I quietly slipped on some socks and a pair of boots, grabbing my jacket, and walking out of the little quarter.
No one else was upstairs, the chairs pushed in and the room cleaned up. I softly shrugged, walking towards the staircase. I yawned, running a hand through my hair. I pulled it onto my shoulder, looking down the stairs as I walked.
"-her know when she gets up. Thank you," Laurance's voice rang out along the stone staircase, him sounding like he was standing a couple feet away.
I looked around the corner, seeing a half dozen guards standing near the door, their silver and brown armor standing out compared to Laurance's green cape. He didn't hear me come down. The men started to leave as another stood up from the corner.
My eyes looked at the straggler, stopping at the bottom of the staircase. He wasn't wearing the same colors as the others, him wearing a shiny-like armor with a violet and red phoenix sewn into the black vest that covered his chest. He looked at me before I realized who it was.
I instantly looked at the cell and saw it empty. My head shot back to the man and I froze at the bottom of the staircase. Laurance turned around, hearing the click of my heel against a loose brick.
"Oh! Good morning." He said, gently smiling at me.
I didn't say anything, confused and freaked out all at once. All I could do was just point at the man in the corner.
Laurance glanced over and looked back at me. "He's apparently a guard from one of the other villages, from Phoenix Drop." He explained. He looked over at him, "I haven't gotten a name but he's somewhat friendly. Not as snippy as yesterday."
The man cleared his throat, raising a brow at the description.
"I'm glad I don't sound... snippy... anymore." His voice was low like a morning yawn, him looking at Laurance before at me.
I looked at him, slowly setting my stuff on the table by the stairs. "Why would a guard act like an ass when he's near another village's area...?"
Laurance chuckled, setting a bag down beside me, "Let him explain what he explained to me a little bit ago-"
"You promised." I pointed up at him, my eyes looking up at him.
"It sounded like you were waking up when I came up to wake you. I thought it was more respectful." He shrugged. "We just stopped talking a few minutes ago when the night shift came to check in."
I rose a brow before sitting down, "I don't entirely believe you."
"I didn't think you would." He laughed lightly. "Anyway," He looked at the man, "You are more than welcome to come here and sit with us, we should catch her up with everything as well."
The man looked at me before he slowly walked over. "What was your name again?" He asked.
I stared at him for a moment as he stood next to the table, across from me. "I'm not saying until you state yours," I simply said.
"And I won't until you state yours," He retorted.
I smiled, leaning against the table, staring up at him, "Well, I guess we won't know each other aside from 'sir' and 'miss'." I said before looking at Laurance.
Laurance was containing a laugh, him coughing to clear his throat.
"What's in the sack?" I asked curiously, seeing the man quietly sit in the chair he was next to.
"Well, kind of from this man. He told me about another wreck that was closer to where you had been found. We found some things that we wanted to see if you could look through. Maybe help figure out what happened to have you end up in the river?" He moved the saddlebag to in front of me.
I cautiously looked away from the two of them, standing up so I could see into the bag. My hand plunged in and I knocked it over as I pulled something out.
Most of it was normal objects with etching: a journal with the initials ARC etched into the leather, a few pieces of wooden objects that I couldn't figure out what of, some miscellaneous rotting fruits, and then the last thing, a black cross with a white outline.
My eyes stared at it as I slowly held it up, twisting it slowly to take in the detail.
The white was stained and chipped, the black base of the cross made the cracked border stand out grander than it possibly could without. The man watched me for a moment. I looked at him before he spoke up.
"That's an O'Khasis cross... one that would be handed out at the merchant festivals in the spring." He said, "May I?" He asked, holding his hand out.
I rose a brow as I handed it to him. He retracted his arm and turning it to the backside.
"If I remember correctly... they would hide a little parchment on the inside to label when the cross was made." He said quietly, "And upon request, etch a name into the backing under the paint so it would be uniquely connected to the recipient."
He messed with the bottom, twisting the cross around until a little cork like plug popped off from nowhere. A little piece of paper fell out onto the table.
I instantly grabbed it, unravelling the small scroll like paper.
"Festival of Spring, O'Khasis 14XX." I read out, looking over at Laurance.
"That was four years ago," He said. He looked over at the man.
The man quietly stared at the cross, him shaking his head before putting the cork back on somehow and handing it back to me. "There. Now you know your where abouts four years ago during springtime." He said quietly.
I looked at him before asking, "How did you know? About the parchment?"
His eyes widened for a second as he looked up. "W-Well, I was there. O-On a visiting trip." He said quickly. "I... don't really want to speak of that."
I rolled my eyes before looking at the rest. "So, I'm guessing this was mine... because of the book with my initials on it..."
"Very possible." Laurance said. He looked at the journal before back at the man, "Where did you find this? We found a wreck a few days ago miles from her location, near northern Phoenix Drop. Do you know anything about that?"
The man shook his head softly, "I do not, no. We saw a ship two days ago without anything in it nor anyone around it. Thought maybe it had just washed up as a runaway shore boat." He said.
I tucked the journal into my bag as the two started to talk, them talking about the wreck, completely ignoring my presence in the room.
I walked around Laurance, pulling my jacket on and over my head, quietly grabbing the sword and bow I had left downstairs the previous night, and left through the door, shutting it behind me as soft as possible.
This is way too much for me to process... Yesterday was somewhat embarrassing how I couldn't protect myself or manage against another person that seemed equally off kilter.
I went around down the path Laurance and I had walked the day before, remembering the layout of the village. The baker's home was first, then the seamstress, the big one was the Lord near the middle of the village, a statue of Lady Irene sitting with statues of children around her, then one of the training fields, mostly hidden into a little patch of trees, just like the blacksmith shop, but a little bigger and cleaner than his.
I looked over my shoulder, seeing if anyone was there before I ducked into the area, brushing a couple branches out of the way. The targets were newer than the blacksmiths, the orange, green, and black circle were brighter against the white sand sack they were painted onto.
The sparring area was more of a wall, but there was an added area for working on strengthening as well. The entirety of the place was big enough to run for a couple minutes; big enough to not worry about another person being there with you. I bit my lip, picking up a couple arrows from the open holder by the targets. I walked back to the draw line, looking down at the grass as I counted my steps. The rest of my stuff sat a few feet away from me, waiting for when I would come back to it. I looked back at my bow, fiddling with the bowstring, trying to steady my breathing. I looked down the range at the target, quickly drawing and releasing an arrow at it.
The arrow snapped forward and buried into the outer ring of the target. I quietly sighed, turning to the outermost side of the area again. I picked up another arrow, steadying myself this time. I slowly raised the bow up, pulling it back to my nose, my arm stiffening out. I quietly watched the arrow shift a little bit. There wasn't much wind this time but my body naturally shaking disrupted its perch. The head of the arrow sat on my thumb, staying steady as I moved the aim towards the target. I closed my left eye, staring down the shaft of the arrow before it released, flying across, and embedding in the green ring, closer than the last. I smiled lightly before doing more, some hitting the green, others in the orange. One entirely missed and hit a tree behind it.
I giggled quietly, starting to walk to go pull it out. I heard some rustling and looked around, glaring out into the tree line.
"I'm not falling for that again..." I muttered, slowly pulling the arrows out, walking back over to my bow. I instantly pulled it back again, staring at the dark trees. My eyes focused wherever there was the sound of movement, no matter how small. If I heard it, it was a threat.
"Come out if I were you..." I said, biting my lip as I watched for an answer.
No answer came as the forest slowly started to quiet back down. I lowered my bow, grabbing my satchel. I looked back over to the side.
"I shouldn't have left without saying something..." I said to myself, turning back to leave the area.
FFFfft. My ear suddenly stung, my hand shooting up to grab it as a metal point stuck into the tree branch hanging beside me. I gasped, looking back.
"Oh, my Irene..." I whispered, moving to run. My feet hit the ground, barreling through the branches and out into the path. I cursed as I pulled to get my sleeve unstuck from a branch, running into Laurance and the man as I turned around.
"Alaina- what the hell are you doi-"
I yelped, ducking down. Laurance and the man pulled out their swords.
"Alaina... get behind us," The man said, him looking down at me.
I looked up at him, frozen in confusion.
"Now!" He snapped as another arrow came flying out, him deflecting it behind my back.
I jumped up, moving behind the two. I looked back as soon as two people emerged from the training area.
One of them clicked their tongue, looking between the two of them, the other raising their bow back up.
"Get back to the guard station. Let them know we're under attack..." Laurance said to me.
"Do it!" He said. Laurance looked at me differently, his expression had changed to a stoic glare.
"I'd listen to them, pretty girl..." The person with the bow sneered, "better go before the monster bites."
The one beside them snapped his jaws, laughing as I got up and started to run.
I looked back, seeing the four clash weapons. Laurance and the man trying to push them back to the field.
My legs started to burn, my throat drying up as I panted, running towards the guard station. Everyone who saw me running looked at each other confused before they went about their normal business.
Someone screamed to my left. I looked to the side, instantly drawing my bow. A man with dark auburn hair and red eyes held onto a woman around her neck, a few others suddenly forming out of the clouds of dust around him. I gulped, aiming my bow at his torso. As soon as it detonated into his side he disappeared in a loud growl and a plume of smoke.
"Get inside!" I shouted to the others around them, "Now!" I started running again to the guard station, almost there when something grabbed my ankle, pulling me down to the ground.
I screamed for the guards, trying to get their attention. My leg kicked, trying to get the thing to let go. A wicked laugh taunted as smoke rose from the ground, a body connecting to the hand holding onto my ankle.
I frantically looked around for a moment, grabbing my sword and swiping it at their head.
The thing screeched, the hand evaporating from my leg. I panted, kicking to get back up and get to the station.
Some of the men started to come out, most already dressed, "What's going on?" One looked at me.
"There are smoke people coming in. We- We're under attack!" I shouted, finally up with the small group.
One nodded, "Men get your weapons." He turned to me, "Get everyone inside. Where is Sir Laurance?"
"He's by the training deck. That's where the first ones came out." He started to walk around me, grabbing his sword. I frowned, following behind, my bow drawn.
"You should go inside. This isn't the place for training." He said, him stopping so I would stop.
I frowned lightly, "I'm not just sitting around... if I wasn't out there you wouldn't get any warning." I started to follow again.
"No, young lady. This isn't the place for you." He snapped, spinning on his heels to face me.
I glared up at him before glancing to the side, seeing someone coming up. I twisted my bow and aimed, the arrow sailing and hitting them in the arm, the shadow disappearing.
He stopped, seeing the arrow fall straight to the ground. "Fine, stay close until we get to Laurance."
I nodded before we started moving, keeping up with his jog. I could hear swords scraping together, shouting as puffs of smoke disappeared into the cracks in the paths and the screaming as people ran to take shelter.
I bit my lip, drawing my bow back. I turned around, shooting at one of the groups, grazing past two figures, them both fading to smoke.
"Sir Laurance!" The guard shouted, him picking up the pace. I looked ahead of us, seeing a massive group around Laurance and the man.
They both were back-to-back, slashing at anything that came close to them. A hand thrust out of the ground with a small knife tucked into its palm. The hand raised up with a body, cutting between the two and slashing at Laurance's back.
The man turned around, hitting the figure as Laurance grunted, his back arching.
"No!" I shouted before running forward.
"Alaina!" The guard yelled, "Don't do it!" He said.
I pulled my sword out quickly and steadily, swinging it at the four dark figures surrounding Laurance. Knives and swords dropped to the ground as the figures vanished in a spine-chilling scream, the Man slicing past the last three. One of the three grunted, falling to the ground instead of vanishing.
"Laurance..." I said, looking down at him.
"I'm fine. Just a scratch," He winced, getting up to his feet.
I looked at him before he grabbed his sword, him and the man pinning the unvanquished person down.
"There were two... weren't there?" I asked, seeing the one with the sword.
The leaves rustled in a tree above us. I grunted, docked, then shot straight up into the tree.
I heard my arrow thud before a body appeared on the limb, a bow and arrow loosely falling to the ground. The body slumped over the edge and fell to the ground with a loud THUMP.
"NO! Mark!" The girl screamed. She growled at the two before holding her hand up, a red powder like shape formed around Laurance and the man. They were suddenly thrown back into the guard, all three groaning as they hit the ground.
The woman scrambled to her feet, stumbling as she held her side. She fell to the man's side, her grabbing him before looking at me. I pulled my bow back, aiming right at her. She glared at me, the crimson color of blood in her eyes burrowed into my head, a dizzy like sensation sweeping through my body.
"I swear, you'll damn near rue the day you set foot in this town," She hissed, the two there before they vanished in a cloud of smoke.
Everywhere puffs of black smoke appeared where any remaining figures were, the sky hazing at the sudden release. I looked at the spot where the two had been, three small pools of blood where they held their injured parts.
I stumbled back, in shock of what had happened. Laurance and the Man had gotten up, the Man walking over to me.
"Are you okay?" He quietly asked, him seeing the way I was staring ahead.
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine," I said, turning around.
He looked at me softly, his eyes blue and focused, looking right at my face. My eyes skipped between both his eyes, unable to read what he was thinking. I tilted my head, noticing a little cut on his jaw.
"You got nicked too..." I softly said, pointing at the cut.
His hand reached up, a small amount of blood coming with it. He lightly shrugged, "It's just a scratch. I'll live."
Laurance looked at the two. "We should get back inside. Visor, make sure everyone stays inside. Until we know what's going on, it isn't safe." He said sternly.
"Yes, Sir." He nodded before he walked away, telling the rest to do what he was commanded.
"Let's get back to the guard station and regroup... and not leave without saying something," His last comment was aimed at me, him looking at me for a moment, "It's not safe to be alone around here anymore."
I turned back to look at the place the figures had been, an aching feeling in my gut. What did I just awaken?
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