Chapter 3: The Pond
Chapter Three: The Pond
"Wake up, Alaina," A hand shook my shoulder quietly. I groaned in response, opening my eyes.
I looked up and saw Laurance bending over me with a cup in his hand.
"Did you have a rough night again?" He asked, gesturing to the window.
"What do you mean?" I rubbed my eyes, looking straight out the window. I was sitting up, the window open and my body leaning on the windowsill.
"Every time I've come in the last couple weeks you've been like this..." He said softly before he sat down beside me, "How's your knee doing?"
I shrugged as I grabbed the cup he offered, taking a sip of the warm tea. I glanced back out the window. "It's not bugging me as bad anymore. I'm getting tired of the stick though." I flicked the stick attached to keep my leg steady.
He chuckled softly, "Well, I ran into Miss Zoey this morning and she mentioned after you drink the tea that you just got from me, you can take the brace off and see how it feels."
I almost spit out the tea, "What- What's in it then!?"
He rose a brow, "The same thing I always put in it- tea leaves, water, honey, and a forest remedy she mixed up." He added nonchalantly.
I rolled my eyes before finishing the cup off and smacking him in the head with it. "You could have poisoned me and I probably wouldn't notice."
Laurance laughed lightly, standing up. "Never let your guard down." He said, extending an arm.
I looked up at him, my heart skipping in recognition, before I grabbed his arm. He helped me to my feet before he let go, allowing me to walk towards the door on my own. I had been getting better over the last few days, only a couple stumbles here and there. He smiled.
"Before we leave though, I thought you might want a change of clothes." He said, grabbing a small pile he had set down before I had woken up.
"What's all there?" I asked.
"Well, my sister Miss Cadenza sent undergarments, shirts, and pants that she thought you would like. Since you never wear the dresses she's tried giving you," He smiled. He handed the pile to me.
I looked at them quietly, seeing the dark blue and brown stitching. I looked at him, "Right now?" I asked.
Laurance laughed before opening the door, "Come out when you are dressed, Alaina." He said before shutting the door, his steps receding and the scrape of a chair against the stone concluded his movements.
I rolled my eyes as I set the stuff on the bed, undressed, and redressed into the outfit. The pants fit snuggly, a belt with a hilt loop connected, and the shirt had an odd puff of fabric on the top. I curiously pulled it over my head, the puff hooking on and covering my hair. I pulled it off, settling it loosely behind my head. The shirt fit snuggly against my skin with pockets in the front. I lightly smiled before shaking the stick brace to the side. I turned around and faced the window, seeing the faint reflection of me wave back. I tilted my head, taking in how drastically my looks had changed from when I had first come here to now.
I pulled my hair out of the shirt, the long strands falling onto my shoulders as I fixed the rest of the shirt. I looked back and saw a satchel with the first letter of my name etched in gold stitching. I smiled lightly before pulling it over my shoulder and I opened the door.
Laurance was sitting at the table, him picking up a brown guard vest and a silver chain.
"So...what do you think?" I asked, looking at him.
He looked back over and smiled. "You look really good, Alaina. Like it better than the orange?"
I lightly chuckled, walking over and grabbing the chair next to him, "Yes, I very much do."
My eyes glanced at the other two objects, "What are those?"
He shook his head, finding his composure momentarily. "I thought you would like one of the guard vests so if needed it'll help protect you," he handed me the vest.
It was nice, a little worn but it added a nice texture to it. I slid it on, pulling the hood out so it sat over it. The vest was snug, almost like a hug.
"And... we found this overnight," he gently said, looking up at me. "They found a horse with an odd vestment attached to it and this was attached to the horse's reins." He said as he lifted his hand.
My hands pooled together, receiving the object he gave me. The thin silver chain was starting to rust and it connected down to a pendant.
My blood ran cold.
"I was going to miss your birthday this year, so..."
I held onto it, the dark blue and golden colored marble pattern swirling around a blackened moon.
"It's my necklace..." I softly said, gently running my thumb against the pendant.
"Y-Yeah..." Laurance said softly. "We were a little startled at finding it from where the horse was. It was further upstream from where we found you, out further in the swamp..." He said before clearing his throat.
"We went out this morning and found the wreckage of a ship with objects that looked like they would belong to you, with your name etched in them. They disappeared when we tried to grab them as if they were a mirage." He stood up, looking at me.
I bit my lip, looking down. I looked at the pendant again, closing my eyes. "I can't remember who gave this to me. I have some look but not enough to find them..." I said softly, "I can't even remember my family..."
He looked at me softly, "Cadenza's the only one from my family that I can remember... So, I understand..." He gently knelt down, looking up at me, "But the worst thing to do right now is to freak out. Take a breath with me and we can start to figure things out. Okay?"
I nodded softly. He gently smiled before he stood up, "Here. I'll help you put it on so you don't lose it."
I turned around, lifting my hair out of the way, the cold metal hit my skin as he clipped it in the back. He paused before he pulled my hair into my hood and pulled the hood up.
"I think for right now... until we figure out what's going on it'll be best to keep your identity hidden. If this entire event was not just an accident, I don't want you to be in danger while you're here with us in Meteli." He said softly.
My head nodded in agreement before he smiled, "Follow me." He said.
We walked down the staircase of the guard station, the sounds of the other guards chatting before their shifts. As soon as we got to the bottom of the staircase everyone's head turned to me. Most stopped talking, them raising a brow.
"Brace outta here for the day?" One asked, making me grimace.
Laurance rose a brow, "She and I are heading out so she can take a look around and I have some things that need tending to."
The guy shrugged, "Whatever. Might want to give her a weapon. They were saying that some people were sneaking around the perimeter last night." He said, sipping down his black morning coffee.
Laurance rolled his eyes, "I forgot about that..." He straightened up, "Alright. We'll stop by Matthias so we can get what works." He looked at me, "Is that alright?"
I nodded softly, "I'm just following you right now..." I quietly said.
He nodded softly before he put his arm around my back as we walked out on the path. It was a little awkward, mostly of the silence between the two of us.
We didn't talk much other than when he checked on me. But I didn't really want to talk either. I couldn't stand too close to the bayou or the river without flashing back to when he found me but it's hard to escape the water when the village sits on the edge of a marshland. He was understanding though... he hated fire and anything to do with smoke or burned objects from his time in the Nether. He was cursed, though he did not talk much about it. He focused on tasks to keep him busy.
He had someone who would talk to him at times as well, but it wasn't a good thing. He never went much passed that description.
"Who is Matthias?" I asked about ten minutes into our walk.
"Matthias? He's the blacksmith from here. He makes swords, bows, armor, basically anything we need in the guard station related to armor and weaponry." Laurance said, "He's from one of the other villages so it helped with figuring out how to update our old objects."
I softly nodded, listening. Everyone he passed I'd ask who they were and he would explain who they were, where they were from, and what they did. It was nice. Meteli had people who made weapons, clothing, who built the buildings and repaired them, the fishermen and women, and the ones who were just travelling merchants who would go around and figure out what needed to be brought and come back to help distribute it.
It was almost... too good. How could a village be this well off without much outside attention?
We walked up the stairs of the blacksmith shop, clanging coming from the inside.
"Good morning, Matthias!" Laurance called out cheerfully, him pushing the fabric covering the door out of the way for me.
"You're up bright and early, aren't you, Sir Laurance?" A man chuckled from across the room.
He turned around; a dark brown beard covered the tanned face of the man in front of us. His hair was cut to a few inches, maybe half of Laurance's length. His shoulders slacked to the sides as he looked at us. He rose a brow when he noticed me.
"Who is this young lady?" He inquired, walking over. He grabbed a towel that sat on a stone table, wiping his hands off as he moved to us.
I took a small step back, not letting my eyes move away from him.
"She is a visitor that has been staying at the guard station for the last couple weeks. And we were hoping to get a weapon for her since we were needing out of the village." Laurance explained, him hooking his thumbs in his belt loops in a casual stance.
Mattias quietly looked at me before flicking his chin up, "Take your hood off, let me get a good look at you." He spoke roughly, "Helps me think and get your right weapon." He added.
I looked at Laurance, not sure if I should. Laurance nodded in approval. I paused before turning back to Matthias.
I slowly pulled the hood back, my hair staying bundled in the hood. He chuckled, his eyes looking over my face and figure.
"Ever held a sword or bow before?" He asked, starting to walk to a side wall.
"I mean- I don't know?" I said, "I don't exactly remember anything..." I said softly, watching him turn and look at me confused.
"Well, do you want to try something?" His voice was rough, sounding like it spent one too many days bent over a smoking bench.
"I-" I looked at Laurance, starting to get lost, "S-Sure?" I said.
Laurance slowly nodded, trying to get me to loosen back up, "We can try some weapons. See which ones suit you better."
I bit my lip softly as I walked over to Matthias. He had already grabbed a couple things off the wall, setting them on a charred wooden table.
"I have a small training deck outside. We can see how well you hold up to a bow or if you do better in hand-to-hand combat. But either way," He picked up a small dagger in a sheath, "This is yours to keep for protection. In case the other one is useless." He said as he stretched his hand to me.
I slowly took it from him, my fingers gently gliding over the leather sheath. I didn't take my eyes off him as I slowly pulled the knife out, my palm facing outward. I looked down, taking in the bright silver shine the steel set off against the dark worn leather of its protector.
We walked outside, Laurance carrying the sword and bow and I held onto the set of arrows he gave me to practice with. We walked out onto the cleared area, targets set up a distance away and some worn wooden armor stands along a wall.
"Try the sword out first. But do it with me. Better practice." Laurance said, gently trading the arrow set for the sword. I looked at it softly, sliding it into the sheath on my left with both hands.
He walked to the other side of the deck, his hand on his sheath.
"Are you ready?" He asked, looking at me.
I nodded softly, watching his face, taking in his stance. My mind reacted, watching how he took his out and advanced towards me.
"If you do it like this it'll help balance it out better."
My eyes opened to Laurance a few feet from me. My right hand crossed in front of me and grabbed the hilt of my sword, my palm turned outwards. I drew it out, hitting Laurance's sword in a perpendicular angle to his. My eyes focused on his, something in me moving to push him back, holding against his sword.
"Want to really duel?" He said, seeing the way my face focused.
"Is there anything less to do?" I asked, my voice a little cockier than I meant.
He chuckled, "Just warning ya." He pulled his sword back, the two of us began to fence. He struck at me and I deflected his sword. I grunted as he started to get more difficult, the two of us moving around the deck in a dance like formation. He forced me back against the railing, pushing me against it. I bit my lip, unable to get my footing to push back.
"Give up?" He said, holding it there.
I looked at him before seeing his wrist, "never." I whispered before kicking my foot up, knocking his arm out of the way. I let go of my blade, ducking underneath his legs and coming back up, grabbing the hilt before it hit the ground.
"Wh-" He twirled around and swung at me before I countered him. I switched hands mid duel, letting go with my right and grabbing it backwards with my left. He kept going before he knocked me off my feet. He got over me, holding his arm to my neck.
"Give up?" He chuckled, even though he slowly started to move off.
I narrowed my eyes and grabbed his arm, twisting it and turning him over, sitting on the middle of his back, "Not until you yield." My voice left my throat before I could think.
Laurance paused, "Why would I-"
I pulled his arm back to start to go between his shoulder blades.
"Ow, Ow! Irene, Alaina, I yield!" He said. As soon as the word left his mouth I got up, stepping away from him.
"Don't pull away until they yield." A soft chuckle rang through my head. I looked around, expecting someone to be right next to my ear.
Laurance got up. "Alaina...? Are you okay?" He softly asked, seeing the way I moved away.
I looked down before back at him. "Y-Yeah... just... the voice again." I said softly before grabbing his sword and holding it to him, "Here you go... sorry about that."
He watched my face as he took it, him sliding his sword into his sheath. "Now I'm sort of scared to see how to fare with a bow..." He chuckled.
My eyes rolled as I put the sword on the table. "I don't know about that..." I said softly.
The bow looked slightly worn, whittled out of what looked like the wood of a dark oak tree.
"It shows power, the Dark Oak Forests are some of the strongest woods in the known world!"
My fingers traced the sanded wood before flicking the bow string, it taught and ready to shoot anything in its grip. Laurance looked at me.
"Go ahead and try. You've got a dozen arrows." He said. "And I can always grab more if you like it."
I softly nodded, my eyes focused on the bow before I looked away, grabbing the set of arrows.
Laurance sat down on the side of the railing, his foot hiked up and watching the tree line while I set up the arrows, wrapping the holder around my back. I reached back, pulling out an arrow and pulling it to the drawstring.
The string snapped at me quicker than I thought, the arrow instantly digging into the grass. Laurance chuckled, watching it burrow in.
"I think the premise of the bow is to shoot forward, not into the ground." He said.
"Oh really. I thought it was to catch moles," I sarcastically rebutted, making a face as I grabbed a new arrow.
This time I made sure to prepare for the pressure. I hooked the notch on the arrow onto the string and squared up. The target was between two molten oak trees, the faded red and green rings filled with holes. I slowly breathed out, pulling the string back as I lifted the bow level with my eyeline.
Laurance leaned forward, looking between me and the target. I bit my lip softly before letting the string snap back, the arrow flying forward. My fingers gently painted across my cheek before my hand fell back, my eyes focusing in on the target.
Right on the top left corner was where my arrow stuck itself.
"You hit the target at least." Laurance said reassuringly. "Try again."
I bit my lip, setting up for a third draw. I moved my footsteps, my left foot out forward and right square with my hip. I raised it to my eyeline again, looking down the barrel of the arrow, lining it with the green dot in the middle of the target. I let go, letting my fingers slide across my face and my arm steady out.
The arrow buried itself into the target a couple inches from the center circle. Laurance's eyebrows rose as he watched me draw the third arrow. This time, I angled it slightly off center, feeling the wind hit my ear. I suddenly jolted it against the wind and let go, the arrow soaring out and stabbing into the target.
"Whoa..." Laurance breathed out, him staring at the target before looking back at me.
Bull's eye.
"How did you do that?" He asked curiously, looking at me with a smile.
I looked at him before looking away, "I-I don't know. I think it just fits in my hand better." I said softly. I grabbed the sword and pulled it out, walking over to Laurance. "Here."
He looked at me and gently smiled, "Keep both. You're good with both." He said as he moved my hand to put it back.
I gently looked at him before my head moved upwards. Something darted further back.
Laurance looked at me as I looked at him. "Saw that?" He asked.
I nodded, "Yeah... I did." I said back.
He looked back at the tree line and frowned. "Let's go." He said.
Before we both thought anything through, we ran into the trees. He stayed at my pace, not wanting to make me run too fast on my knee. He had his sword drawn and I held the bow ready to draw. We saw a figure running further ahead, his armor reflecting any sight of light.
"He can't hide. His armor is reflecting." I said, starting feel a rush of adrenaline.
My heart pumped as we heard a splash and the sound of animals running back. I suddenly stopped, Laurance taking a second to stop.
"Alaina?" He asked, coming back to me. He looked over his shoulder, watching behind him. "He's probably gone. We can go back."
"N-No, it's fine. I'm fine," I shook my head.
We started walking, seeing a clearing up ahead. Around one edge of the clearing a small pond fed by a little stream fell into our sights. Footprints encircled the pond.
"He must have tried to make it look like he went in... stay here. I'm going to check the perimeter." Laurance said as he looked over at me, "Pull your hood up... listen for anyone to come around before I do."
I looked at him with a soft nod, "I'll yell if I see anything." I said softly.
Laurance nodded, "Alright." He looked over before he jogged off into the side of the tree line.
I stood there quietly for a moment before walking over to the bigger tree, sitting down in the middle of the overground roots in front of it.
The leaves quietly rustled around me, the woods quiet and... almost calming. I watched the pond and the area around, waiting for Laurance to return.
Time started to pass, him not appearing back or anything come from around me. My body hurt from the sudden burst of movement I had committed and my mind didn't want to deal with the pain anymore.
My eyes closed, my drawn bow slacking as I curled up under the tree.
"Run!" A voice shouted at me. I desperately turned around, trying to find the person.
"Where are you!?" I screamed, turning in circles before I looked at my feet.
Water was underneath me. My feet were barefoot and turning blue from the cold.
"No!" I shouted, "Where are you!?" I shouted, starting to run in front of me, whatever direction that was. Everywhere started to drip water, my voice echoing to itself.
"Get out of here! Don't let them get you, Alaina!" The voice screamed, this time coming across as a woman.
"Where do I go!?" I cried, trying to run a different direction. Eventually the water rose so high that I couldn't touch the bottom anymore. I screamed out, trying to push off the bottom to start swimming upwards.
"Please!" I cried out, "Help!" My mouth and nose struggled to stay above the water as my hand desperately grabbed for anything to grab onto, anything to get me out of it.
"Please..." I whispered, water grabbing my throat and suddenly yanking me down underneath.
I gasped, my hand reaching out suddenly, grabbing a low hanging branch. I looked around me, seeing the forest I had been in earlier, except the light had started to drain.
I looked out at the pond, not seeing anyone still. I sighed softly, looking around for Laurance as I started to walk.
"He probably forgot about me... maybe he's back in Meteli." My voice muttered to myself as I grabbed my bow and walked towards the pond.
I drew my bow back, glaring at the water with an intention to burn it all out. If this person was in here, they weren't human. No one can survive long underwater.
I softly bit my lip, seeing an outcropping rock. I walked over to it quickly, moving to sit on it and watch the water.
It was... the only thing to really comfort me, in a post-traumatic unethical way. I sighed softly as I pulled my knees to my chest, staring down at it. I grabbed my arrow, lightly reaching down and poking at the water, agitating the surface repeatedly. I giggled quietly, gazing at the ripple of the water.
I heard leaves rustle to my left but when I looked over, nothing was there. I sighed softly. Probably just a stray animal. If I stay still, they'll come out of hiding.
I watched the water, waiting for the agitation to settle before I would poke it again. The wind began to blow in my ear as I watched it.
Something behind my reflection began to appear... a figure. I froze, watching it settle as a person was standing behind me, his figure covered in the reflective armor from before.
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