Chapter 17: Shadowing
Chapter Seventeen: Shadowing
"Wake up." A voice echoed around me as I opened my eyes. I rose a brow as I looked around, seeing nothing but darkness.
"Wake up." The voice echoed out again.
"I am awake..." I muttered, trying to find my lantern. I frowned, not seeing the nightstand.
There were no windows, everything a warm stone around me. I was sleeping on a cot, the blanket that I had over me fell to the floor at the foot. I looked around again for a door, trying to see if I could get out.
My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, my hands starting to become visible. I frowned, the color of my skin darker than it normally was, almost having a reddish tint to it like a sunburn.
I could hear footsteps along one of the walls. I bit my lip as I walked towards that wall, running my hands against the stone. There had to be something there. If I got in, there had to be a way out.
I huffed, getting annoyed. My fingers ran over something almost like wood but there wasn't a doorknob attached to it. The material was much warmer than the stone was. I bit my lip as I pulled my hand away.
"Maybe a button? One of those weird doors?" I said to myself, trying to find the stone next to the wood-like object.
My hand slipped inward as a stone or brick fell into the wall, the door falling into a hole in the floor. Dim light flooded the room as I gasped in surprise, looking downward. Nothing replaced it and as far as I could see...
Lava. A river of lava flowed underneath where I was. I bit my lip as I looked back up, looking out to outside the room. It was everywhere. Lava flowed outside of the red tinted stone, black salt like substances sat in piles in corners, and sentinels stood on either side of the hallway. I bit my lip, jumping over the hole and out into the hall.
"HEY!" A voice shouted before footsteps started to rush around.
I looked over and saw people coming at me, swords dark as obsidian pointed towards me and bows tipped with a blood red glow docked in bows. I bit my lip before taking off in the opposite direction, turning a corner before I heard the arrows leave the bows.
I kept running. The halls looked almost endless until another hall branched from it. Each time I turned I could hear them following close behind. I grunted, trying to run faster.
"Come on, Alaina!" I said, jumping into another bend and gasping, the floor falling as I put my weight onto it. It stopped falling after a few moments, my body tumbling down and landing in a pile of red fungus.
"Where did she go!?" A man's voice shouted, the footsteps halting.
I held my breath, not moving from the fungus cloud. It burned my skin as footsteps started to recede away. As soon as I heard nothing other than the bubbling of the lava, I pulled myself up, getting out of the red fungus and onto the dark red bricks. I felt even more disgusting at the sediment that was all over my skin and clothes. I started brushing it off before I realized what I was wearing. My clothes were all shades of red, a blood red armor set on my chest, my pants and sleeves a coal black with red swirls over it. My boots were a blood red as the laces came up in crosses. I bit my lip as I realized what it looked like.
"Oh no..." I whispered before the footsteps started to come back. I scrambled to my feet and ran towards the next hallway I could get to. I panted as the hallway started to stretch.
"Stop!" Another man's voice shouted, my heels crashing against the floor as I kept running. I didn't want to look back and see who it was. I didn't want to know who was behind me.
The hallway was coming to an end but the next bit of floor was not visible at first.
"Alaina!" The second voice shouted again, the running steps starting to catch up. I heard a sword unsheathe as I kept running. A second landing came into view and I realized what I would have to do.
I'd have to jump...
"Alaina, Stop! Don't!" I looked back to see who was running after me, my pace not slowing.
The voice suddenly matched the look as my feet came to a sudden halt. The edge of the hall was a hundred feet in front of me. My hands started to shake. I realized who it was.
The man's brunette hair settled as he came to a stop twenty feet away. His eyes were a sharp red. I bit my lip, taking a step away. Laurance.
"That's not you, Laurance..." I whispered, shaking my head.
"But Alaina... it is me..." He said softly, "Please... don't do this."
"Do what. I want out of here. I want back to Phoenix Drop." My heart started beating faster as I looked at him, "This isn't real..."
His features changed from plea to stoic. A sneer started to shape from his mouth. His white teeth were exactly like the face during the fire.
"Alaina, open your eyes. This IS who I am!" His words became a shout as he lunged at me, his sword drawn.
"NO!" I shouted, my hands crossed over my face, a bright violet glow coming from my palms.
"What the-!?" His voice growled as I grunted, shoving my arms forward and uncrossing.
He shouted as a wave of energy hit him, the violet color dissipating as he fell to the stone.
"ALAINA!" He roared as I started running again. I hit the end of the hall and jumped. My feet left the stone and lunged me over the edge.
I could see myself able to make it as a red glow clasped around my body in a hand-like shape, a sharp searing pain under my jaw.
"You'll never get away, if it's the last thing I do!" Laurance's voice was loud as my head turned, his body and sword jumped off the walkway and crashed into me.
I screamed, suddenly bursting up. I gasped as my arms were trapped in the blanket around me before my body fell off the bed.
"Ack!" My head snapped against the floor as my feet fell, my body lying in the wrapped-up blanket. A ring echoed in my ears. It was cold compared to the warm environment I just woke up from. A pair of footsteps came up what I thought was the staircase before there was a knock at the door.
"Alaina? You okay?" Garroth's voice called from outside.
I breathed a sigh of relief as it started coming together that I was out of the other place. I closed my eyes for a moment before replying, "I'm okay..."
I grunted, trying to get out of the blanket before I groaned, realizing I was stuck.
"Um, I might need some help though..."
"What? Why?" Garroth asked, his voice confused.
"Uh, well," I said, looking down, "I think I'm stuck in the blanket."
It took a moment before Garroth opened the door, him looking over at me. His face went from confused to a laugh, a big smile coming across his face.
"How on earth did you get into that mess?"
I looked at him before at the blanket, "I don't know? I woke up like this..."
He lightly laughed before leaning down beside me. He grabbed one of the edges by my shoulder and pulled.
"Can you even breathe in there!?"
I paused and just looked at him before huffing at him, "Of course I can!" I glared at him before giggling, "Duh!"
He rolled his eyes before pulling again, my body suddenly rolling at the force. I yelped before I could move my arms, instantly wriggling out of the fabric body cast. He laughed again as I sat up, him sitting down against the wall with a chuckle.
I glanced at him with a frown, "What's so funny?"
"You are literally living in a guard station, about to start training, and a blanket defeated you. How is it not funny?" He smiled, looking up at me.
I rolled my eyes before pulling my shirt down to straighten it out. I looked over at him before sitting on the bed.
"Is everyone else out?" I asked, "Y'know, since you're the only one here that heard me hit the ground?"
He chuckled, "Yes, since we're switching up the guard times, we're doing three shifts instead of the two. So, at sunrise they switch with night, midafternoon they switch with the evening shift, and then evening switches with night when the sky gets fully dark."
I rose a brow, "Why not just set times? We have a clock downstairs and then one inside the wall by the gate. Just have everyone get five people on an eight-hour shift at a time."
"That's what I'm saying," He laughed, "Get a morning shift, evening, and night. And those times do match up with light levels!"
I giggled, "Not when it's summer or winter, Garroth!"
"Oh whatever. It'll start shifting around once it becomes a schedule." He smiled before he stood up, "Get ready and meet me downstairs, Alaina." He walked over to the door before he shut the door behind him.
I rolled my eyes with a giggle before pulling an overshirt on and a jacket. My shoes were scooted underneath the bed. As soon as I pulled them out, I gasped, dropping them onto the floor. My first look I saw the charcoal boots and red laces coming all the way to the top.
I shook my head before seeing the normal boots I wore, the brown leather worn from the amount of walking the last couple weeks. I sighed softly as I pulled them on and grabbed my bow and quiver. I didn't need my bag so I left it on the chair. I straightened my jacket one more time before walking out and going down the stairs.
I sighed softly, trying to get the mental image of the boots out of my dream. It was weird that I saw them. I bit my lip before looking around the main floor of the station, seeing Garroth standing a couple feet away with something on his arm. He faced towards one of the windows.
"You look lost in thought," I said, walking over to him.
He looked over at me with a slight smile, "Just waiting, that's all."
I gently nodded before standing next to him, "What are we doing today?"
Garroth cleared his throat before he set the thing down on a chair, "Well, the first thing is checking on our four Meteli residents and the other two." He said, "I don't want to outright ask if they want to be a part of the guard force, but I do want to see if they have any skills that we can help them get back to doing."
I smiled, starting to walk to the door, "That sounds like a good idea." I said.
He chuckled before he followed. The two of us walked towards the houses closer to the middle of the village. The first house was where one woman, Donna, was staying. Garroth knocked on the door, a dark-haired woman answering the door.
"O-Oh, good morning, Sir," She stammered. She looked at him before seeing the two of us together, "I-Is something going on?"
Garroth lightly smiled at her, "Nothing is wrong, Miss Christine... we're checking on our Meteli visitors to see how everyone is doing."
Christine nodded softly, "O-Of course." She opened the door further and stood beside it, "Donna and I were just talking about finding some things to do during the afternoon. Please, come inside."
Garroth gently nodded to her with a light smile, "Thank you."
I followed behind him as Christine shut the door. She turned to me with a small, shy smile, "Are you also from Meteli, Ma'am?" She asked.
I bit my lip and smiled, "Yes, I am... I'm Alaina, it's nice to meet you, Miss Christine," I extended my hand to her as she took it.
"No need for formalities. Christine is enough," She smiled before she walked with us to the living room.
"Donna? We have a few visitors that came to see you," Christine said. She walked over to the brunette-haired woman in a rocking chair.
Donna looked at the two of us, her hands gripping a coffee cup in her lap. She looked pale, a few burns still on her arms.
"Alaina?" She asked, "You look... so much better than you did a week ago..." Donna said, "Your burns are gone."
I gently bit my lip before remembering the burns. "Y-Yeah... I guess they weren't as bad as we thought."
I forgot that they had disappeared so quickly... I still don't know why that would've happened.
Garroth gently smiled at Donna, "How are you feeling?"
Donna looked up at him with a soft smile, "Better. Christine has been truly kind and I've enjoyed being here with her."
"I'm glad to hear that," He smiled. He stood next to her in a relaxed position before he asked, "I... did have a question. Until Meteli is up and rebuilt, would there be anything you'd like to do here in Phoenix Drop? Or anything you used to do that you'd like to resume?"
Donna was surprised at the inquiry before she smiled, "I'm a seamstress, it's been my work since I was a young girl. I'd love to start again... it might help with my anxiety ever since the fire..." She looked down at her cup, "It's... been nice being here but I keep having nightmares. Maybe it would help get it out of my mind."
Garroth nodded, "I understand that..." He knelt next to her, his arms bent to lean on his knee, "Do you remember Cadenza? Lord Hayden's daughter?"
"Oh Cadenza? Yes, did she also come here?" Donna's eyes lit up with a smile.
He chuckled, "She's been visiting here since last fall. She has a cottage off by the marketplace and came here the other day. Maybe later today, Christine and you could go see her and see if she'd have any materials for you to start up again?"
Donna smiled before looking at Christine, "How do you feel about that?" She asked.
Christine looked over with a big smile, "It's been awhile since I've seen Cadenza as well... it would be nice to drop by there."
The smile that Donna had grew before she looked at Garroth and I, "That would be wonderful. I was hoping I would be able to do something around here rather than sit like a lump on a frog."
I giggled softly, "It'll be nice seeing you up and about. I've had a few night terrors myself but being out and about makes it easier to put them aside and find something to work towards."
Donna smiled lightly, "Yeah." She started to stand up, "Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Alaina. It feels nicer that y'all came to see me instead of ignoring me in the village..." She looked to Christine before the two started excitedly talking. Donna walked towards the staircase to get dressed to leave.
Christine smiled before she looked back at the two of us, "That's... the happiest I've seen her the last few days... thank you."
Garroth nodded with a gentle smile, "If you two ever need anything, we'll be around town. Just let us know."
She smiled before she followed us out to the door, "I will. Thank you again you two."
We walked towards to the next person's home, a small air of confidence that this would work around me.
"The next person is Lucas. He's currently staying next to the town square." Garroth said as he turned down the main path.
I nodded softly, "Who is he staying with?"
"I believe Logan. He's the merchant that owns that boat next to the pier." Garroth explained as he stepped up onto the porch. He knocked on the birch door, patiently waiting for an answer.
The door opened, a rugged gold haired man standing in the frame. He rose a brow as his head lightly tilted down, "Hello, Sir. What do I owe this visit to?"
Garroth smiled at him, slightly tilting his head down in response, "Good morning, Logan. Alaina and I were coming to check on Lucas."
Logan nodded before calling Lucas from inside. Lucas came towards the door as the two stepped outside, the door shutting behind them.
Lucas looked at Garroth before tilting his head in respect, "Good morning, sir..."
Garroth did the same back to him with a small chuckle, "Good morning to you as well, Lucas. How are you doing?"
He looked at Garroth before smiling, "I'm doing well. Staying with Logan has been a nice experience and I've enjoyed my time here in Phoenix Drop."
"I'm glad to hear of that," Garroth responded with a light smile to him, "I did have a question for you. Is there anything you did back in Meteli that you would like to resume here in Phoenix Drop? Or anything you would like to try?"
Lucas raised his brows in surprise as he glanced at Logan, "Actually, Logan has been showing me what he does for his merchant business and he was going to take me on his next trip in a few days."
Logan nodded before looking at Garroth, "I was going to give you an update on that later this evening. I have it inside if you would like it."
Garroth chuckled, "Whenever you are ready, Logan. I don't want any pressure upon you for your business."
He chuckled, "I was finishing a copy for myself earlier. I'll be right back with it." Logan disappeared inside before appearing a few minutes later. He handed Garroth a rolled-up parchment before looking at Lucas, "It'll be about a week's time, but since he's been able to go out and about with me for supplies, I believe he's in a decent enough shape to be sailing for a day or so at a time."
Garroth gently nodded with a smile before he set it in his side bag. "As long as you believe he is ready, I'll be behind your decision, Logan."
Logan nodded before looking at the two of us, "we do need to get back to work. But thank you for checking in."
Lucas nodded in agreement, "It's nice seeing the hospitality of the guards around here. And the friendliness of them all as well. It's a very welcome change from Meteli."
I lightly smiled as Garroth and the two wrapped up their conversation before we parted ways.
"You're on a roll here, you know," I commented as we walked to our next destination. Garroth laughed softly as he looked at me.
"Be open to others and they'll be open when they're ready. Easier than forcing it."
I smiled before looking down the path. KaLynn's bakery was around the bend, and so was our next stop.
"I believe Romelia was staying with Kalynn. She lives right next to her bakery," Garroth said as he walked up to the simple cottage and knocked on the door.
A girl with fire red hair opened the door, a smile on her face. "Oh! Hello, Alaina! And-" Her eyes widened when she looked at Garroth before she leaned her head down, "H-Hello, Sir..." She said nervously.
"Hello, Miss Romelia," Garroth smiled, gently leaning his head down to her, "How are you doing?"
"I-I'm doing well, thank you! H-How are you doing?" She looked up at him, her cheeks a dark pink from embarrassment.
He smiled at her, "I'm doing well also, Miss."
"Are there visitors, Melia!?" Kalynn's voice rang out, a couple steps coming from further inside.
My eyes widened lightly before a batter splattered Kalynn appeared in the doorway.
"Good morning, Kalynn," Garroth quietly laughed, "Looks like you've been busy."
"Oh yes, Kalynn has been busy with Melia! We were making a new recipe when you knocked!" Her gold eyes looked up at him before she saw me, "And Lainy is here too! Hello!" She waved happily.
I waved back to her with a giggle, "Morning, Kalynn."
Kalynn giggled before looking over at Garroth, "Is everything okay?"
Garroth nodded with a light smile, "Yes, everything is alright. Alaina and I were just checking on our visitors from Meteli."
Romelia gently smiled before her cheeks started to turn pink again, "That's very kind of you two to do..." She said softly, "Is there anything I can help you with?"
I looked at Garroth before he looked at me with a soft nod. I smiled, "We were actually wondering if there was anything you did in Meteli that you would like to resume while here in Phoenix Drop?"
Her eyes went wide instantly before a huge smile went across her face, "Kalynn and I were talking about that this morning! I used to make pastries and candies for some of the learning groups in Meteli! She said there were a few younger families around town and we could try doing that here! I-If that was okay with you or Lady Je-Jessica of course."
Garroth chuckled lightly, "That sounds like a fantastic and sweet idea. I would bet more than just the younger generation would appreciate the thought as well."
Romelia giggled before looking at Kalynn. Kalynn smiled, "It would be nice to have Melia as a partner at Kalynn's bakery when she's gone at her booth!" Kalynn smiled.
"As long as that is what you two decide upon, it'll be a great step forward for the both of you," Garroth said.
Kalynn giggled before looking at Romelia, "Then we have more pastries to bake!"
The four of us wrapped up quickly, mostly from Kalynn and Romelia getting excited and disappearing inside to go start on their new project. I giggled as we walked to our last person.
"The energy from both of them together is... very overpowering." I said, my eyes still a little wide as I looked over at Garroth.
Garroth chuckled lightly, "The amount of sugar that they must consume taste-testing the baked goods is probably what fuels it."
I giggled, "Sugar highs for days."
He smiled before looking ahead, "That crash must help them sleep well at night."
A laugh erupted from my throat as we walked towards the last home. The last one was a little more run down but not out of time. It had more of an in-progress aspect to its design, the walls two different types of building materials. I rose a light brow before looking up at Garroth.
"Who's staying here...? It looks almost like it's falling apart..."
"Molly lives here and Dale is currently staying with her. She was the last open person to give her home, even though it is still within renovation." Garroth said.
"How long has it been like this?" I asked, curious. It looked like no one had tried working on it for weeks.
"Only about a month... she is a little more conservative ever since her sister left. She doesn't want any help and won't let any of us help her out either. She's a tough person though, she's the one that upkeeps three of the four wheat fields around Phoenix Drop and runs the trade market down by the docks." Garroth explained before looking back at me.
"She sounds very stubborn..." I said softly.
He chuckled before gently rapping on the door, "She's very kind. Just keeps herself busy and other people helping takes that busy time away from her."
The door opened after a few minutes, a light blonde-haired woman standing in the doorway. Her hair was loosely wound in a bun, her bangs falling to the sides of her face. She lightly smiled at the two of us, a set of dimples appearing on her cheeks.
"Good morning, Sir. And good morning, Ma'am. What brings you to my door this morning?" She asked, her arms to her sides.
Garroth smiled at her, "Good morning, Molly. Miss Alaina and I were checking up on our visitors from Meteli and were hoping to talk to Dale as well?"
Molly nodded with a smile, "Dale is in the front room now. You two are welcome to come inside to chat." She moved over, letting us come in.
Garroth thanked her quietly before he noticed Dale and walked over to him. Molly and I stood back for a moment by the door, silent.
She looked at me for a moment before tilting her head, "Are you from Meteli as well? I haven't seen you around town very much."
I looked at her before nodding, "I am from Meteli. He wanted me to join him on his rounds today."
She rose a brow with a light smile, "That's new. He normally does his rounds on his own. Did you guys know each other before?"
I was surprised by her answer. It didn't seem to me like he would do this type of things alone. But at the same time, he did keep his distance. I looked at her after a moment.
"Y-Yes, we did. We grew up together." I said softly.
Molly giggled quietly, looking back at the two, "He's been very upbeat the last couple days. Normally he wears that blue bandana over his nose and mouth and keeps conversations on the short side."
"He hasn't been like that at all the last couple days. At least not to me?" My voice had my surprise exposed in it, "He kept to himself a lot when we were younger as well, but I thought maybe he had grown out of it when he had to speak to people on the regular."
She smiled, "No, he must have never grown out of it. He barely speaks a word unless it's to bring someone else up or to explain something that is happening. He's a very silent person, very much different from the other guards."
I nodded softly. "Everyone here is incredibly open from what I've seen. Back in Meteli the guards never spoke to anyone unless they needed something from them. Everyone I've seen so far sparks conversations over everything."
Molly nodded with her smile still across her face, "When Lady Jessica came to the village about six months ago, she started to visit everyone every day. She took everyone's needs, little and big, into perspective and brought us out of our shells. Except Kalynn of course, she's always been an open and excitable young lady." She sighed with a smile, "Seeing you all come from Meteli was strange though. I haven't heard anything about other villages or anything happening outside of Phoenix Drop. It felt a little strange when Dale mentioned an attack out there. I haven't heard or seen any attacks since I was younger, before I came to Phoenix Drop."
"Y-Yeah..." I looked over at Garroth, "Meteli is the last thing I can think of that an actual attack has happened in at least the last three or so years. What happened back in Meteli is still a mystery to me..." I looked back at Molly, who was intently looking at me, "Have you heard anything about Shadow Knights or anything relating to that?"
She shook her head, "I hardly recognize the name. I know about the legends and such that I grew up with as a child, but those are just Old Wives' Tales. I believe they're just meant to help us understand how the world balances good and evil. That's all I can really think of with that subject."
I softly nodded, "It makes sense, though, ma'am." I said before looking at the men again.
Garroth and Dale looked over at us with a smile before they came over. Dale looked at me and did a slight bow.
"Good morning, Lady Alaina," He said, "It's nice to see a familiar face again."
I smiled lightly at him, "You're looking well today, sir," I softly said, not really knowing what to say back to him.
He chuckled before looking at Molly, "He was asking if I'd want to do anything while here in Phoenix Drop. Would... you want any help with your duties? Or any help with woodwork? I was a carpenter back in Meteli..."
Molly's eyebrows rose as she looked a little surprised, "Oh. I-I'm not sure. I can handle things around here quite smoothly."
Dale looked at her for a moment before smiling, "You are much too young to be working yourself to the bone every day and night... It... would honestly be the best way I can repay you for all your help and for letting me stay with you during my time here..."
She looked a little puzzled, almost torn. She wanted to support what he wanted to do but that would mean she'd have to take her own pride and open. She bit her lip before she let out a breath, "I... wouldn't say no to your help, mostly since you're in the same household as I."
He nodded before he smiled again, "I'm at your disposal, my lady."
Her cheeks went pink before she cleared her throat. She looked at Garroth and I before she smiled, "Thank you for the two of you to come over here. It's nice seeing more people out and about." She looked at Dale.
"Thank you for checking in on me, it's a very kind gesture that I will not forget." He looked at Garroth, "And with your proposal of the guard training? When Molly's needs are caught up, I am more than willing to help you all there."
Garroth smiled before nodding, "Thank you, Dale." He looked at me before at the two, "Have a good afternoon, you two."
"You as well," Dale said before Garroth and I left, walking back towards the guard station.
"What's next to do today?" I asked, looking up at him.
He looked down at me before he chuckled, "What I told you yesterday."
"It's time to begin your training."
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