This is the disclaimer.
You all know I'm just a person writing a fanfic so you obviously know I don't own any naruto characters.
Sarada wanted to meet her father. He had been gone for over ten years. She didn't know much about him except for what mama tells her and the pictures. But mama was just a regular lady. And everyone knows mamas fawn over their husbands. She heard that papa was tall and caring. He was the hokages assistant and was very strong. Most of all,he loved them. But who would be gone for over ten years and love their family? Boruto dad was always busy but at least he was there most of the time. Now sarada is in a forest about to die without ever meeting her father.
"What's a nice place like you doing in a girl like this" sarada hated the mans constant flirting but she didn't change her facial expression she was a statue of no emotion like her father in the pictures. The mans hand groped her,she didn't do anything she couldn't take on all twelve of them with her chakra drained like this. The man slapped her
Toy with their mind sarada its a uchiha-harunos traits to toy with the mind. She told her self after all that's what mama said. So she smirked, devil smirked
"No one can hear your cries uchiha so scream all yo-" she interrupted him
"Tch. I'm not impressed lame" she said rolling her eyes like she didn't care
"Huh?" She could tell she caught him off guard. He had a stupid look on his face.
Don't give in you are an uchiha!
She had left a trail of destruction. Not much but you could see some of it from the leaf.
The other men got angry from her insult
I wonder if mama had to deal with this to she is so pretty
20 years ago
sakura wanted to go home. She had been on a mission with sasuke-kun and ruined it by losing sight of him in the forest. She's been missing for three days,to think that they would have come by now. The men had her tied with chakra infused ropes so she couldn't get out. She had her back to their makeshift shelter leaning against it. She was trying her best to stay away from them but they hurt her for no reason she had tons of bruises she had killed two of them horrifically and was punished for it they cut her up really bad.
"Tell me what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?" The man grabbed her face,she turned away instantly regretting it as she was slapped harshly onto the ground,she whimpered and cried as the man bellowed with laughter
"Answer me leaf village brat!" He laughed. Sakura didn't plan on answering,she knew her team would come and rescue her. She whimpered she had left a trail of damage straight to their location and they didn't even know. She also left a note saying that there were ten men cause she killed two.
"HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU!"sakura snapped her attention to the man scared. They were all very powerful,she didn't have to consult her inner to know that. He kicked her in her stomach,she absorbed most of the blow to her legs. It was almost midnight.
"Tell us the leaf village secrets brat!"
D-don't give in
Chhhaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!give them a taste of their own medicine! SH-
"Hey" she turned her head to where sasuke leaned against a tree,staring angrily at the men. Naruto,kakashi,and hinata came from behind the tree.
"What the FUCK are you doing to MY sakura " he glared at them daring them to say a word
Is that a uchiha?
Their all dead
There's one right there!
Itachi was the only one!
That's his brat brother!
Sasuke threw a kunai at the man closest to me but it missed and landed near me
I saw what he was doing and moved over to the door
Sasuke ran over to me and picked me up while the men were distracted and jumped just in time as lady tsunade punched the ground. Naruto's shadow clones surrounded us as he and hinata protected us from any survivors. Sasuke covered me up with his sleeve so dirt wouldn't get in my face. Kakashi took out two men who were weaving hand signs.
"Sorry we're late sakura-chan" naruto said smiling
"Naruto its your fault! You wanted to use the bathroom every five minutes dobe"sasuke said dusting off my head.
"S-s-sakura your w-wounds" hinata said nervously
"I'll be fine" I said wincing. I coughed up some blood.
"Thanks for helping with your byakugan"(idk how to spell)
"Y-you are welcome n-n-n-n-n-naruto-kun" hinata turned the darkest shade of red there is.
A man got up and charged at sasuke and naruto. Sasuke threw sakura in the air and they both punched the guy in the face and he flew a few feet. Sasuke caught sakura.
"Sasuke-kun........"he simply smirked
"Good to see you well"tsunade gave a thumbs up salute and started healing sakura.
Sarada glared at the men. She couldn't help it she powered her sharingan down because it tired her and used up her chakra quicker.
"Hey" she heard an unfamiliar male voice and looked to the right. It was her mama and papa! She almost started crying. He stood with his left arm around mamas waist pulling her close to him and his other arm was being covered by his cloak while her mama had her right hand on papas waist and her other one was making a fist
she looked supppppppppper angry. Papa had no expression but his voice was icy
"Papa"sarada whispered.
"What-" his eyes darted over to sarada,who blushed
"- The FUCK are you doing to my daughter" sarada saw her mothers eyebrows twitch and saw her take two steps in front of papa,who took a few steps back
"Sasuke-kun" sarada was instantly by her papa,a twig was in her chains,mama glared at them her voice deadly
"Good now nothings stopping me"
The man laughed
"Sakura Haruno is weak"
"No she's not where are you so she can come kick your ass!" Naruto yelled with his PJs on,then falling back asleep
"P-papa not so loud"
Sasuke nodded calmly jumping in the air as his wife unleashed her strength and anger creating a 200ft crater in the ground
"future advice sarada don't talk back to your mother she's scary!" Boruto yelled running to them with two shadow clones. Papa held her bridal style and put his cloak in her face so that nothing would get on her. Sasuke gave her his cloak and put her down by a tree
"P-papa!" She said as he walked to the crater her mother created. He turned and looked at her.
"Hn." Both of boruto clone got on her sides
"We'll protect her sir!" Himawari deactivated her byakugan and hugged sarada sasuke nodded.
"Sasuke-anata!" Sarada looked to where her mother was dragging the leader. Sarada felt instant hate
"Sarada!"konohamaru-sensei ran to her
"Are you alright?"sarada nodded
"So much like your father"sarada blushed.
Sarada saw her parents interrogating the man,she got up and walked over to them
"Sarada!"she heard her sensei call.
"Why did you kidnap my baby girl"her father said coldly
He cares?
"Honey!" Her mother crushed her
"Sorry honey I was just so-"
"We" sasuke said not taking his eyes off of the man
"We were so worried" sarada looked at the man he was scared senseless by her father.
"Papa" she said activating her sharingan her mother saw this and put a hand on his shoulder
"Anata" he looked at them
"Hn" he must be really good at understanding eye contact because he dropped the man who coughed up blood and glared at her
"You little-" he didn't finish because sarada punched him with her remaining chakra
"He's out cold" her mother said after checking his pulse,then she poked sarada forehead
"That's my girl SHANAROOOO!"
"Mama what was that" her father turned to her and smiled a little then poked her mothers forehead then sarada. She thought of something her father said when she was a baby
"Sarada you won't remember this until your older "he paused and stroked her hair " forehead pokes are a uchihas way of showing their deepest love for we do not properly know how to show our true feelings any other way
........we have a limited amount of facial and emotional expressions and only show our feelings through actions, hopefully you'll get your mothers sense of words and amazing spirit. She has had patience with me and has loved me even when I was cruel and lifeless to everyone. Even when I turned her away she loved me unconditionally ...........she Will take care of you she is my life and I love her and you when you do something great even when you don't see me I am watching. Because you are mine sarada you are the last uchiha Haruno princess sakura is queen of the fist and I am sasuke uchiha and believe it or not we are family always
And yes sakura did help me say all of this good night sarada
no one shows more love to each other than the uchihas remember that
Flashback ends
Sarada felt tears running down her face. She then saw papa poke mama and say "anata"
"I forgive you papa" she whispered to herself ,seeing how happy he made mama and running to hug them at the same time.
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