Chapter 8: Ties that Bind
Maybe I did die, maybe I am in some alternate universe, a universe if I was to survive that night with Valarie, OR I am in a coma and I'm dreaming. I'm probably just insane I mean a sane person wouldn't be walking to a slaughter house at night to confront some mysterious guy, and accuse him of being a ghost. I was either going to look insane and kill Valarie for putting such thoughts in my head, or I'll be meeting my second ghost.
To my surprise Jordan was standing in the front yard under some oak trees, why was that even a surprise? But he was in a heated argument with some girl. "You heard what the reaper said about Grim, he's coming here," Charlotte swallowed, they both wore the same clothes, I think I had my answer. I was furious what kind of game were they playing? I could have charged at the two and give them a piece of my mind but i stayed, maybe they'll say something of importance. Show could I be so stupid, all the signs I overlooked...
"I dont get the part about the song she's supposed to sing, or the borrowed soul. How does that tie to her?" Jordan asked his arms crossed and lips pressed in a hard line.
"I dont know but apparently you're her night and shinning armor, so dont fuck this up for us."
Jordan, I dont know what to call him really, tilted his head in annoyance, "Thats funny I didnt seem to get that vibe from the riddle," Jordan spat. He seemed stressed and a bit wildly, his ashy blonde hair tousled in a mess, his blue irises swirling with flecks of green. Ive never seen anyone's eyes do that.
"I didn't need a damn riddle to tell me the Grim is bad news for all of us."
"Maybe he should find us, we shouldn't be here," he wasn't wrong but if this Grim was a threat to them it was a threat to Valarie.
"I know everything," I said stepping out of the shadows behind the weeping tree, "At least I know you both are dead."
"Shit," Charlottes lip turned to a slight snarl her southern accent thick and sweet, "You're a smart little thing."
"I'm not dumb."
"Nor are you scared, you sure you're not dumb?" She asked taking a step forward, I didn't move I stood my ground.
"Why would I be scared? You two wouldn't be my first encounter with the dead."
"Valarie," Jordan said putting everything together.
"Ive got my secrets," I shrugged, "What I want to know is why you lied to me?"
"And tell you what? Hi my name is Cullen Jordan Mackay, I am dead what's your name?"
"Well when you put it like that-"
"I sound crazy," he finished for me. "Maybe we should talk about this inside?"
He stepped forward but this time I jerked back, "No I dont trust you."
This seemed to irritate him as his jaw twitched and his stormy eyes clouded over, "I would never hurt you that's insane. Were not safe out here, trust me when I say that Blair." When he said my name a series of shivers erupted over my entire body.
"I would listen to him," Charolette said flipping her curly blond hair off her shoulders.
"I'm assuming you're the adulterer? Slept with your betrothed's best friend, real classy," I spat.
"You've got a real attitude in that tiny body of yours, so much rage. You paint a pretty picture like the rest of us but you're just as broken and ugly as I am," with that Charlotte walked off. "You two can get caught up by the reapers, I'm going inside."
"A reaper?"
"If you come inside I can explain," Cullen said tiredly. "Trust me the last thing I ever wanted to do was lie to you but I was in shock, the only people who can see us is reapers and you're not one."
"Then what am I?"
"Well your first ghost was Valarie right? I'm assuming you being able to see us has to do with Valarie." Or maybe because I died, maybe because a part of me will always be dead, but I didn't want to tell Cullen too much I didn't trust him.
"Lets go inside," I said pushing past Cullen. I had every right to be angry and confused, he may seem nice, caring but knowing he was Cullen Mackay changed everything.
Once we got inside, Charolette made sure to keep her distance. I couldn't sit my nerves were bad, I just leaned against the fire place and stared at Cullen, he wasn't as pale and ghostly as Valarie, I wondered why. "What were you two talking about? Some riddle?"
This made Charlotte tense up, "Its just something stupid some Reaper told us."
Hmm I'll let it go for now, "Whats a reaper?"
"They're people... when the Grim of death sees potential in a dying soul sometimes he saves them to do his bidding. Just like in all worlds there needs to be balance, ghosts can over time become deadly and reckless, the Grim is the balance between life and death. Reapers collect souls, ghosts if you're captured any chances of peace is gone."
"Thats horrible," I choked, I knew there had to be more to Valaries situation but I never thought I'd be here, to figure it all out.
"We're horrible people," Charolette said grabbing a glass of whine.
"How can you do that?"
"A ghost can touch anything in the ground that there last drop of blood drips, for instance if I wanted I could slit your throat, but I wont," she grinned sinisterly.
"Why not?" I asked raising a brow. "I think you're a coward, you killed someone and you couldn't handle the guilt, so you killed yourself." I wasn't going to let her scare me that easily.
"You have no idea what you're talking about," she hissed as she took a deep sip in her glass. i ignored her, for now.
"Are there a lot of reapers here?" I asked Cullen.
"Just a few but we have a certain understanding with some."
"And how are you sure I didn't come back as a reaper?"
"Reapers are dead, they dont have their souls its captured but the Grim, insurance I guess. You have your soul."
"And what exactly is this reaper guy? A demon?"
"Death isn't evil," he frowned. "It just shows its inevitable."
"Right," I bristled, what I really wanted to know was... "Am I in danger here?"
"Why would you ask that?" He frowned, "Has someone tried to hurt you?
"No but Valarie hasn't been herself, she says theres to much bad in this town and it'll never stop."
"She's not wrong," Charolette chuckled to herself.
"You also said the Grim was coming here will he want Valarie, I mean she's not safe from these reapers."
"We happen to have a certain understanding with the reapers around here, not all but some as long as your friend stays out of trouble she's fine. You are also her link somehow maybe because the two of you were together, around you Valarie couldn't be captured."
"Why cant that little sunshine crossover? Is she some secret serial killer?" Charolette asked sweetly.
"No," I snapped, "She's a good person, we dont know anything or why I can even see her."
"Wow you are so helpful," she said in a sarcastic tone.
"Your ex is a bitch," I growled to Cullen who put a palm to his forehead, taking in deep collecting breaths, his fists clenched open and out at his side.
"Charolette you're not helping, just go!"
"Fine. Find me in bed," she said clucking her tongue, she didn't leave till I finally looked her way to receive a hot glare.
"Ghosts cant..." he cut himself off. "We're not together she was just-"
"I don't really care to hear about your personal life," I cut him off. "I should probably head home anyways, this is a lot for one day and i need to tell Valarie everything."
"She's not home, I may have took a stroll to your house to see you I didn't sense Valarie."
"Sense?" I questioned, I knew there was a chance she wouldn't be home she liked to go for walks.
"We can sense each other, I thought when I touched you, you knew right away what I was but you didn't."
"I did, something in me didn't want to believe it," I said rubbing my hands together nervously. "So are we still friends?" I wasn't sure exactly where we stood but know that light has been shed I wasn't going to keep my distance. Also I wanted to bring Valarie here, she hasn't talked to anyone but me in a year I'm surprised she hasn't lost her sanity.
Cullen smiled slightly, "Of course... I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner."
"You had your reasons," I sighed, to lighten the mood I teased, "You know for a ghost you're pretty dashing, you dont look so scary."
"You think so?" He laughed, there I got him to actually laugh he always seemed to be in his head and something told me it wasn't the best place. "It's weird how decades change, its refreshing."
"Not always," I said walking over to the window to watch the rain make its way down from the night sky. "So now that I know who you really are, Cullen Mackay I have some questions."
He sat before me on the side of the couch, his knees almost touching mine as I looked down at him. "Ask away."
"Did you love Charolette?"
He didn't answer for a second, but when he did he looked me in the eyes and said, "I did at one point in my life, she wasn't always like that so bitter and calculated. She used to be just a girl, and me i was just a boy, she had the biggest heart and most beautiful smile. Aden my best friend, he changed her although she let him, she wanted everything he had to offer. She wanted to travel the world, I wanted to raise a family and find a home to call ours, she wanted money and jewels and all I could afford was my heart. I wanted to be everything she needed, but it was never me. She loved me, but she loved herself more."
"Did he really kill you?" I swallowed.
"He did, but it wasn't his fault everything I told you about this house is true. You're safe with us but there are others that linger, truly bad rotten people."
"The founder?"
"He is the heart of the madness," Cullen gulped.
"You must think I'm crazy for not just running out of here."
"Maybe a little bit," he grinned his one dimple barely peaking through his ivory skin, "I think you're brave for a person who's lost many you still smile with your entire spirit."
"Of course i do," I said. "I mean its hard, some days worse then others but happiness will always come wether its just a memory, or a fleeting moment of bliss. Does that make sense?"
"Makes perfect sense," his lip twitched slightly. "I can walk you home if you'd like, I mean if it doesn't give the wrong impression-"
"Cullen, this is the 20th century, walking me home doesn't imply anything."
"I just didn't want to ruin your reputation."
"You really have been stuck in the Stone Age," I laughed. If one thing was certain it was that this day has been the most eventful, eve though Reapers and the Grim sounded slightly scary I felt a sense of relief. I was sure Cullen still had his own secrets and ill find them out.
"I'm taking it you're stuck here till you find peace?"
"I've seen it happen people find peace it doesn't happen often some people sent capable of it."
"I think you're capable of peace."
"How could you say that you hardly know me," he frowned.
"Have you forgiven Aden and Charlotte?"
"I never blamed them, not for my death but I forgave the lies, let go of the hate."
"Then why are you still here?" I frowned.
"He can't forgive himself, that's why he'll never find peace," A voice came from the hall that connected to the foyer.
"Aden not now," Cullen growled deep and dangerously, a warning.
"You've meet the crazy bitch upstairs, boring old Cullen I think it's time she meets the brains of the group," Aden smiled smugly. It finally caught up to me that Aden and Bryce were related. This story has definitely been woven deep.
"I'm Blair," he was the palest of them all, his eyes ink black, his hair the same dark brown as Bryces.
"I'm friends with your nephews Bryce and Amber," I told him if anyone made me nervous it was Aden.
"Those little brats," he sneered as he made his way closer, candles bringing shadows to his face, "Amber she's promising, Bryce is worthless."
"He is not, besides who are you to judge?"
"She shows no fear, does she know who I am?" Aden asked looking over to Cullen, his lips parted is detest.
"A victim, a liar, a narcissistic asshole," I said crossing my arms. "Bryce may have his flaws but he's not worthless, that would be in your department."
"Touchy arnt we, I didn't realize how lose woman have become with their mouths. Let me guess you like the boy, I don't blame you he has my eyes."
"Blair and I are leaving," Cullen said grabbing my hand lightly.
"Nice meeting you love!" Aden called out as he dusted off his white blouse. He wore leather riding pants and boots as well, a faint scar on his neck, where Charlotte was said to have slit his throat. Cullen was right it was tragic, the house fed on the insecurities and lies. Pinning them all against each other, filling their heads with bloodlust.
The manor should be burned down, every ounce of me wanted to as I followed Cullen out. But then what would happen to Cullen? I wondered how many souls were trapped, punished. They were all here to feed on the living.
"So this is me," I said awkwardly as I smiled up at Cullen, I hated how nervous I got around him. "You dont look too good?"
"Ive been away from the manor too much today, I'll be fine."
"Are you sure it was even safe for you to walk me home?" I asked.
His face softened, "Of course, will I be seeing you tomorrow?"
"Can I bring Valarie?"
"Of course, though she might not your friend seems to be sensitive to other spirits, especially this town."I needed to help Valarie find her peace, even if all I wanted was to have her forever, she didn't belong here none of these people did.
"The night my car turned over, I knew I seen a guy and now that Ive meet Aden I know it was him," I gulped. "I dont know if he was trying to scare me, kill me-"
"Aden would never hurt an innocent," Cullen said harshly.
"It was him," I said coldly. "Maybe you dont know Aden as much as you think, when he looks at me you can see the disgust, the hate. I don't want him around me, I can learn to trust you but theres something not right about Aden."
"Ill make sure he stays away, I'm sorry," he said grabbing my hand. "I am also sorry for lying to you, I hope I can earn your trust some day. I hope my character hasn't been entirely tarnished," with that he kissed my hand lightly, "Goodnight Blair."
"Is that how you say goodbye?" I giggled as he nodded, his brows slightly furrowed. "Want to see how I say goodbye?" Without waiting for his answer I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him tight, "Goodnight Cullen." It took a second for him to hug me back, I'm sure to him I was being "too forward."
I stepped back to take in Cullens face, he was grinning lopsidedly if he could blush I knew he would be. I turned my back to him and headed to my house, grinning from ear to ear. Despite the fact there are rules to life and death was a bit scary, but now I just felt like a weight had been lifted off of me. I know what I need to do, or at least I know where to start... Cullen may not know what's after peace, but there was no way Valaries soul will ever be captured, I will help her find peace even if its the last thing I do. And hopefully one day whatever or wherever peace was, I'd be there right beside her.
Cullen & Blair💫
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