Chapter 15: The Fool
"We Need to get everyone out incase he doesn't find the bomb." I didn't even have time to think, why, why here? Who would do this?
"How?" Cullen panicked. I took a deep breath and took my matches from my hand, striking one my eyes set on the hay barn a few feet in front of us, and threw it.
"FIRE," I screamed out as loud as I could, it was enough for people to start running around in a frenzy, making others who didn't hear or see do the same."I cant move."
"I know, you wont be able to till death is missed or claimed," he explained. "I know you're confused why he can see me and I promise I'll explain everything but-"
And there it was, my throat opened up and I couldn't stop the metallic hum that swallowed me whole, a dark magical song with no words but a purpose. Cullen watched me, his body still as night, his eyes a mix of terror and awe.
Someone was dying, and I was singing for them. Tears stung in my eyes, heat from the spreading fire licking at my skin. Cullen sank to his knees, I realized he wasn't able to do anything but watch me sing, watch the fire spread and people run, he had no power. "I need to find Bryce," he ran off. Tears spilled down my face, my spirit hovering over my body, I had no control, no way out. My vision hazy and my throat raw, I kept singing, kept on crying for the pain, the loss, then bliss.
"Ah, little bird Ive found you once again, Ive got you," a man dressed in all black scooped me up in his arms. I couldn't make out his face, "Sleep now you've done your job," his voice was foreign and deep but tender all in one, lulling me into a deep sleep, the song in my body clipped...
When I woke I knew exactly where I was, Mackay Mansion, how do I always end up here? I tired getting up but every bone in my body felt tender, exposed. I touched my throat feeling dried blood, and the scabs starting to form. Not only did I sing my throat raw, I attacked myself. My lips were dry, I couldn't even call out, was my voice lost completely? Panic shot through me, enough of it to get my adrenaline running to sit up. I was once again in the foyer, a small fire still alive in the fire pit.
"I thought we'd have a chat before your friends find out you are alive," a foreign voice came from the dark, I could see him clearly now, and it was like I knew as I meet his cold green embers... I fell out of the couch, trying to make a run for it but I made a lousy effort. My legs betrayed me, I cried out in pain as I slid to the ground. "I'm not going to hurt you."
"You're the Grim I find that unlikely," I grimaced taking in deep breaths my voice finally breaking through, I put as much distance between us as I could. He was younger then I'd expected, his tan skin was lively and golden. I guess I expected an old Skelton man, I dont know... "You're here to take me?"
"I'm not taking you anywhere, at least not yet," he grinned as he fixed himself a drink. "I'm sorry usually things go differently, I should have never left you but you asked me to."
"I'm sorry what?"
"Oh right, you also asked me to whipe your memory of me, we made a deal you get a year of peace with Valarie and then after you are all mine."
"Why would I ask that?" I wasn't one to run from my problem or want to forget them.
"I'm not sure," he said honestly. "But then you ended up here, a notorious ghost waste what are the odds? Turns out we both have a mutual friend, Cullen. His request was rather interesting, he wants me to save your Aunt and lively cousin Heavenly from paying the price of your song. And I have to do as he says this one time I am in his debt and a man of my word. I just want to know why Cullen would throw his only chance out of peace out the window?" He watched me carefully, a strand of wavy ash black hair hung over his forehead.
"I appealed to his better nature," I shrugged getting up, Grim tried to help me but I gave him a warning glare to stay back as I sat on the edge of the couch.
"Hmm," he said raising a brow, "You are a spirited little thing, how do you even know it'll be your aunt and cousin?"
"They are the only people I love," I said simply.
"Every Banshee Ive brought back to life has had an endless list, and you only have two?" He watched me as if I were lying to him, he didn't trust me and no matter where we went i was never going to trust him.
"I just told you that," I rolled my eyes daring to meet his stone green eyes. "So where do we go from now?" I was still scared, Roxanne and Heavenly were safe but I wasn't ready to leave my life, or sing for death to strike, its not exactly what I expected for my seventeen year old self but it will have to do.
"There seems to be a lot of action here there has been for a long time, evil spirits, Shadows horrible demons that prey on the innocent and I have a feeling this little town could use us. I gave you those visions Blair I wanted you to save everyone, this town needs to cleaned out of its hatred, there can't be anymore. I'm afraid since I cant whipe the slate clean you will be helping me, along with Bryce. You two will help me fix this town."
"Thats impossible I hardly even know the first thing about being a Banshee, I mean why do you even care?"
"I'm not a soulless monster, I have seen the future of this town and its not a beautiful one. You are a banshee you dont only sing for dying souls, your song is a beacon to anything unworldly they'll follow your voice wherever you go. Bryce found the man who planted the bomb after he deactivated it but not before he shot a little girl." Oh no Bryce... its like the past repeating itself all over again, I needed to find him as soon as possible.
"That's who I sang for?" I swallowed, an innocent little girl with her whole life ahead of her just gone. She was supposed to be at a festival, she was supposed to be safe and loved for many years.
"Yes, she's at peace now."
"You didn't capture her soul?" I sniffled as I looked back up at the Grims young bony face.
"I couldn't, not when they have no reasons to stay she found her peace, your song guided her there." Maybe being a Banshee wasn't the worst..."Now you need to rest up I'll find you and Bryce tomorrow at the dance you're both attending, together. I wasn't invited but those seem to be the best parties," he said coldly. Grim put down his drink and fixed his leather jacket, "It was nice seeing you, again."
"Wait! Is Grim your real name?"
"Of course not," he scuffed, "Its my last name," and with that he walked out, no he didnt walk out the door, he walked through it.
"I should kill you where you stand," sweet but sour as always.
"You wont," I bit back at Charolette who stood at the doorway of the foyer from the main hall, "If you kill me the reaper will just capture you and then you'll never find peace."
"Oh I have nothing to lose now-"
"Are you dumb? You are here because there is a chance, because someone, I don't know who and I dont know why, believes in you. If you dont find peace thats your problem, not mine," I spat. "I'm done wasting my breath on you I've got my own problems, where's Valarie?"
"She doesn't even know you are here, I'm sure she's too busy getting her clothes dirty in the woods with Aden," she sneered before walking away. At least someone had a good day.
Soon after Charolette left Cullen came bursting through the front doors, through them. He didnt say a word as he stopped in his tracks and his eyes meet mine, "Your not dead." He began to walk over to me slowly, I was surprised by how much he seemed to care, I mean I know he cared but Cullen seemed un like himself. He dropped down to his knees by my side, "When I came back to find you, everything was torn down by the flames, how'd you get out?" I grabbed his hand, to let him know this is me, I'm here, I didn't die but when I touched him I shuttered. He was dead and he always will be, his blood didnt move, his body was just a picture of his spirit, he can't feel my touch.
"The Grim saved me, he brought me here and he's not going to go through with making me sing for my last love. But he wants me and Bryces help fixing this town, he gave me those visions, he's the reason why hundreds aren't dead right now."
"I dont put it past him, I did say he was a reasonable man he's also got a certain attachment to this town," Cullen said distantly sitting up on the couch. "I wasn't able to find Bryce. I took the blankets off of me, "What happened to your throat?" Cullen sucked in his breath.
"I did it, to myself. When the song came I didnt even notice how hard I was scratching at my throat I guess." And then I hugged him, as tight as I could knowing he couldn't even feel it. "So many people could have died tonight," I still couldn't believe it, because of me, because of Bryce, Cullen, people went home to their bed, their families. "I need to find Bryce though, I need to talk to him and-"
"Go," Cullen said lightly. "He needs you I'm sure of it, I heard what happened."
"Ill come see you tomorrow after the dance?" I smiled, pulling my hand out of his and standing up. "I feel like I was hit by a truck," I groaned as Cullen helped me up, steadying my back.
"Please be careful," he said lightly, kissing my knuckles. I didn't know what this meant, what I felt for him, if he even felt anything for me at all other then pity. I didn't know if I liked Bryce because I couldn't have him, then it came to mind that... I couldn't really have either of them.
He watched Blair's fragile body walk away into the night, "I told you the savior always gets the girl," Aden said coming from the stairs to fix himself a drink. "Actually neither of you will, she's the Grims, once again wanting what you cant have and sacrificing everything for it."
"She's not the Grims, at least not yet," Cullen bit back, as far as he knew Blair was going to be staying around for longer then either of them anticipated. "We don't even know if the reaper meant her, it could very well be Valarie."
Aden seemed to tighten, did he really have feelings toward Valarie? The thought frightened Cullen, anyone Aden loved or cared for has ended up dead, or hurt. "Blair attracts half this town, and she's a banshee I have no doubt the Grim wants her, she's been who he's been waiting for."
"He's never said anything to her, the vision could have been half mislead," its not like they haven't even wrong before, tonight Blair changed her visions.
"Im saying this because I love you and I dont want you to end up a soul locked up in the Grims collection for betraying him, and because I happen to care for Blairs safety as well. Leave her alone Cullen, she likes you more then she should, you cant let her fall in love with you, for the sakes of both of your futures. Theres no more you can do to help her, her life is the Grims brother."
"Don't call me that," he hissed. "Blair and i are just friends," he's lying he knows he's lying, he also knew everything Aden was saying was true. Aden's dark eyes watched Cullen long and hard, his face twisted in confusion.
"You think she can help you cross over don't you?"
"I have no one to love, no hope and since she's returned everything has changed I dont know how to explain it. But thirty years stuck in this town and I've never once felt hope, in thirty years I haven't truly laughed, I haven't felt joy."
"This is selfish," Aden growled.
"Please spare me your lectures, you have no room to talk I'm done entertaining your misplaced concern." Cullen turned his back on Aden and returned his gaze outside the window, to where he watched Blair walk out.
"Fine, as you wish but I'll leave you with this thought. Hasn't she been through enough? Ive heard her say it herself, she cant lose someone she loves again not now not soon, it will destroy her."
Cullen cursed himself as he listened to Aden's footsteps. He knows what he has to do, he knows what he wants to do, but he didn't know what was right or what was wrong, only that Blair was everything right in this town. Cullen laid on the couch, closing his eyes he pictured Blair and thats all it took for him to slip into a world he could never touch.
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