Chpt 5: Halloween =)
(Holy shit. I forgot about this story. Sorry. Also I had most of this chapter done from last year around Halloween and most of it was really good so I decided to keep it. So it's Halloween in this fanfic right now.)
Sans had shaken me awake. His face a light blue. He must've woken up to himself spooning me. I smiled "Thanks for last night, I needed that reassurance," "No prob," Sans said, rubbing the back of his skull. "By the way, do you know what day it is Sans,"
Sans suddenly had his shit-eating grin again. That means shit's 'bout to go down. I cocked my head and gestured for him to 'go on'. He teleported away and teleported back. In his hands was a Cheshire Cat Halloween costume.
I sat there, confused as all heck. I just wanted to know what day of the week it was...wait a minute.
"OH MY GOD, IT'S HALLOWEEN!!" I leaped off his bed and hugged him again. He sat there Flabbergasted(Flabbergastered ;). I let go and dashed out of the room, yelling for everyone to wake up. Undyne groggily walked out of her room, rubbing her eyes. "Shut the hell up, Frisk. It's only nine in the morning,"
I grabbed a chunk of my hair and put it over my lips to be a 'mustache' and spoke in an Italian accent "Le no,"
I ran away from Undyne and ran into Papy's and MTT's room. "Wake up, it's Halloween!" Paps yanked himself out of Metatons death (hehe you know, death by glamour? No? Oh, okay...) grip. "WHAT!? I MUST GET MY COSTUME IMMEDIATELY!!" Papyrus shouted this so loudly that it probably woke up Alphys. And probably everyone else in The vicinity. I held my ears in pain.
Pushing aside the small bits of pain I was having, I asked Papyrus, "What's your costume, Paps?" Papyrus looked like a fanboy for a split second before replying.
"ZELDA FROM THE LEGEND OF ZELDA, SPIRIT TRACKS. I LOVE HOW HE'S DEFENDING THE PRINCESS AND HE CAN DRIVE A TRAIN!!!" I couldn't contain my laughter. "Papyrus, *snort* that isn't *pauses to laugh some more* Zelda! That's *tries to calm down, but fails miserably* LINK!!"
(Leave Frisk's point of view for a moment)
Sans was standing in the background witnessing the entire mess in front of him. Alphys was trudging downstairs to get some caffeinated tea. Undyne was behind her walking just as slowly, in a hot pink bathrobe. Pap's door was open showing Mettaton on the ground with stars and stuff around him as he held his leg in the air, fabulously, of course. And Frisk was sitting next to Papyrus as he held his face in his gloved hands. Frisk was patting his back reassuringly.
(Ok you're good ( ̄+ー ̄)
Sans laughed as he witnessed the mess he created.
I turned my head to look back at Sans but he just shook his head and did his signature wink with his hand on either side of his head. Alphys came back from the kitchen and smiled weakly. "Good mo-morning, e-everyone," she was holding a mug in her hand with what looked (and smelled) to be some black tea.(I was going to write Darjeeling tea. But I figured it would just confuse you guys. Btw I REALLY like tea so expect more tea) Undyne just groaned in response to Alphys.
"Good morning to you, too, Alphys!" I replied to what she said, seeing that no one else was planning on it. She smiled again at me. "So, what's the plan for today? Anything Halloween-y?"
Undyne looked at me and grinned a sharp grin, "Come on punk, you've gotta be kidding me! We're going trick or treating. And after that we're gonna party here!" She made a pose that reminded me of Prince Sidon from TLoZ: Breath of the Wild.
"Oh" How would goat-Mom react? "I've gotta ask my mom, I don't know if she'll let me stay over the night again." I ran upstairs to grab my phone. It took me a while to find it, it was at the very bottom of my bag. I quickly called goat-Mom and waited for her to pick up.
"Mom?" I started walking back downstairs with my phone in hand.
"Oh, good morning, my child. How are you?" It seemed Papyrus was arguing with Sans again. Something about a sock?
"I'm great mom, listen. I know it's a lot to ask, but can I stay here for another night? It's Halloween and they're planning a party. I'm sure I'll be ok-" Toriel cut me off mid-sentence. Now Sans was sleeping on the floor as Papyrus was yelling at him to get up.
"Oh my! A party, it sounds like you'll be okay, knowing how Sans and Undyne are. They're strong ," I glanced at Sans, strong? "And I know how Papyrus is as well. Of course you can stay another night." I quickly thanked Mom and hung up the call.
I turned back towards the brothers and co. It was pretty funny to watch them fight and argue like nine year olds but I decided to break it up.
"AND YOU STILL HAVE NOT PICKED UP THAT SOCK!!" Papyrus stomped the ground w/ one foot to express his anger.
"I have, bro. It's just, I put I back down after picking it up. It's too heavy for me, I don't have a muscle on my bones." Sans winked as Papyrus was essentially rage-quitting life.
"Hey you two, calm down," I stepped in between the skeletons and pushed them back with my arms a little. "Papyrus, why don't you just pick up the sock. Arguing with Sans about it is clearly getting you no where. It'd just be easier to pick it up yourself. Now you two, hug it out." I stepped out from between them and pushed them closer.
Sans held up his arms as Papyrus picked him up and hugged him. It was quite cute, actually.
Then Papyrus practically dropped Sans on the couch and set off towards the kitchen, probably to make some sort of spooky spaghetti for the party later.
1038 words)
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