Chapter Seven - Maggie
It's barely nine o'clock when my eyes flutter open to the sun streaming through my window. I reel back from the light and stretch in bed, unwilling to start the day today. Sometime last night I awoke on the comfy couch and made my way to bed, despite the fact that the couch is much cozier than my springy mattress.
I've never been a morning person. If it were any other day I would have gone back to sleep, but the urge to pee is overwhelming and I know I promised Nick I'd head into work today. I check the clock and groan before forcing myself out of my rickety old bed and open the door to the windowless hallway.
The smell of coffee wafts past me and I smile, remembering how Bethany prepares a cup for me every morning. She always says I'm unbearably grumpy before the first mug, so she's sure to set the coffee maker on a timer the night before and have it ready by the time I'm up.
I know the time I have until Nick shows up is limited, so I choose to rush through a lukewarm shower and spend my morning waking up with a hot brew. Still dressed in a fluffy sea-foam colored towel, I rush to the kitchen to find Bethany waiting patiently in the dining area with her own steaming coffee and a Cosmopolitan magazine.
"Isn't it a little early for that smut?" I tease before realizing she might just be right about my morning irritability.
She shields her eyes from the bright morning sun beaming through the windows and gazes in my direction, raising her brows in disbelief.
"Smut? This is quality reading right here." She retorts and I roll my eyes knowing full well she'd never choose to open a real book, so it's impossible for her to know the difference. "So what's on the schedule for today?"
I pause to add creamer to my mug, taking the few seconds to think over my response. Bethany's usually understanding, but I'm unsure of how she'll react to this particular news.
"Nick will be here soon." I hesitate and her platinum blonde head snaps in my direction. "He's just giving me a ride to the office so I can jog my memory a bit."
"Nick?" Her emerald eyes widen but quickly adjust to normal.
"Yeah, he offered and I'm clearly in no position to refuse a ride." I shrug, trying to pass it off as no big deal.
"Hmm." She mumbles curiously as she takes a sip of her coffee, staring at me through her long lashes.
"It's just a ride." I defend myself before she has time to accuse me of anything else.
"Mm-hmm." She mumbles.
"Ugh." I groan. "Just let me finish my drink before I'm interrogated."
"No interrogation." She surrenders, but the look on her face says she knows better. "You're a smart girl, I'm sure you know what you're doing. I'm going to hop in the shower, let me know if you need me."
A pang of slight guilt rolls over my shoulders as she exits the kitchen. Do I know what I'm doing? Nick is certainly a charmer and there's no doubt in my mind he's interested in me, but I don't have any plans of actually dating him.
It's just a ride. I remind myself.
I check the clock briefly and realize I'm nearly out of time to get dressed. I shrug, down the last of my coffee as if it's a shot and scramble down the hall to get dressed.
Five dresses later, I've finally decided on a yellow floral dress. It hugs tight around my chest, but releases its grasp thereafter, flowing gracefully and landing just below my knees. I've never been able to walk in heels, so I snag a pair of worn black flats that go with just about any outfit.
I briefly visit the mirror, deciding I've got very little time for makeup and although I'd like to make a great first impression, I'd hate to make Nick late. I grab a small tube of concealer, dabbing under my eyes with my fingers to cover the sleepless circles, and quickly brush on some mascara.
It's not long after that I hear a subtle knock on the front door and make my way to answer it.
I open the door and I'm instantly greeted with a hot wave of wind rushing past me. I ignore the heat and the fact that I probably should immediately shut the door to save our AC bill and instead lay my eyes on Nick. He's dressed in an expensive light grey suit, minus the jacket, and his dirty blonde hair is barely brushed out of his emerald eyes.
My first thought is, God he's got to be super hot in that outfit, but my second is simply, handsome.
"You look beautiful." Nick remarks before offering me an arm. "Ready for our date?"
I can't help but laugh at his silly idea of a date, but I link my arm in his anyway.
"Is this going to be the most romantic ride to work I've ever experienced?" I tease as he leads me down my complex stairs towards his Lexus.
"You say ride to work, I say a concert starring us." He jokes before opening his car door and the band Journey starts blasting into the parking lot.
"Oh my god." I blurt, half embarrassed, half fascinated as I sit in the black leather passenger seat.
Nick shuts my door, then runs around the front of the car enthusiastically before plopping down into the drivers seat beside me.
Without any notice, he leans over to my side of the car and his chest presses hard against mine. My body tenses and my mind raises with questions as my eyes linger on his, expecting a sudden and completely unexpected kiss.
My brows furrow with confusion but I close my eyes and lick my lips succumbing to this totally awkward and bizarre moment, but our lips never touch.
Instead I hear a click, and realize he's simply strapped my seat-belt on me.
My cheeks light up with embarrassment and I hope to God he can't read minds. Nick leans back in his seat, flashes me a bright smile then shifts his Lexus into reverse.
Holy shit.
It takes me a brief moment to steady my nerves as he pulls out onto the main street. Seconds after we get moving, Nick fiddles with the radio and switches it to 'Don't Stop Believin' by Journey and a smile forms on my lips.
"Wait-" My mind clicks and my brows furrow. "When you said a concert starring us-"
"Come on Mags," He shouts over the beat and I cover my mouth in mock horror as he starts to sing. "Just a small-town girl, living in a lonely world."
I'm mortified, yet I can't possibly hide the smile that's forcing itself on my face.
"You know you can't resist!" He teases then starts singing louder, voice cracking and all as he occasionally glances in my direction. "She took the midnight train goin' anywhere!"
I'm reluctant and suddenly too shy to join him, despite the pure joy exploding in my chest from the scene. I've never considered myself a shy person, but bursting out in song beside a boy I've recently met seems incredibly difficult even if he is just a coworker.
"I'm not singing." I declare as I cross my arms in front of my chest.
"Just a city boy born and raised in South Detroit, he took the midnight train goin' anywhere." He continues singing to me, hitting every note and every key on point, urging me to join him.
Oh, what the hell.
It isn't until halfway through the song that I throw my concerns out the window, buck up, and sing along.
Streetlights people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people
After the song, I strongly resist sinking into an apologetic expression and instead laugh right along with him.
"I thought you were going to leave me hanging for a while there." Nick teases then elbows me in the side while his eyes concentrate on the road.
"Well, I didn't expect to hop in your car and suddenly become lead in a musical." I retort and win a laugh.
"Well, I was planning our date last night and I have to admit an hour date doesn't give us much time. We needed a quick icebreaker." Nick admits.
"You were up planning our ride to work?" I'm kind of amazed, that seems like more effort than a simple ride requires. "Color me impressed. What else do you have planned for the date?"
"We've got 45 minutes left. Unfortunately, we'll have to cut the gourmet breakfast, but if you reach in the back into the ice chest I brought a few refreshments." He gestures to the backseat.
My brows pull together in confusion and I look to the backseat. A small red and white ice chest is buckled in the middle seat.
"Are you serious?" I ask as I open the chest and pull out two cans of Starbucks double-shots and a couple breakfast bars. "You really went all out."
"What's a date without a meal?" He smiles and accepts the drink I've handed him.
"What's next then?" I ask, sipping the delightful vanilla coffee. "A game of twenty-one questions?"
"That sounds perfect, you start." He requests.
"Alright." I pause, debating on a good question but my brows furrow when I come across a potential roadblock. "This might be difficult considering I'm not sure what we've already talked about before."
"Doesn't really matter, if you don't remember then it's all new to you anyway." He makes a valid point.
"How long have you worked with Red-Wolf Publishing?" I ask, starting simply.
"Wow. What an incredibly boring question." He teases and I roll my eyes.
"Just answer it." I urge. "You can come up with a better question for me after."
"Alright, alright." He concedes. "I've been working here for the last five or six years. I started out as an intern but worked my way up to the head of finance. My turn."
I anxiously await his question thinking it's going to be a little deeper than mine.
"Who are the most important people in your life?" He asks and I hesitate.
"I'm not sure you've met her, but my roommate and best friend Bethany is one of the most important people in my life." I'm about to continue when he speaks.
"Oh! That's the girl dating Christian, right?" My eyes go wide with his question.
"What?" I ask in disbelief. "You mean my boss?"
"Shit, I didn't know you weren't aware." He cringes. "He's honestly a great guy."
"Oh, I mean I don't have a problem with it as long as she's happy. I suppose she just hasn't had the time to tell me." I shrug, it's just another change I have to get used to.
"Who else?" He asks and I remember back to his question.
"Um-" Jackson immediately pops into my mind but I can't very well speak his name and while I'm not sure what kind of importance he is to me, I know he's important. I hesitate to answer.
"Your mom?" He asks. He doesn't ask about my father, which means we must have spoken about him in the past.
"Yeah, she's important." I shrug and he glances over to me to gage my indecision.
Suddenly, my mind thinks back to our conversation in the hospital. "Nick, why did we break into her house?"
Nick tenses. "You wanted a letter or something, I didn't ask."
His answer is no answer at all and I can tell he's holding back.
"Your turn to ask a question, only a few minutes until we arrive, make it a good one." He changes the subject but I mentally remind myself to bring it up again later.
"Why did you ask me on a date?" I watch a smile spread across his face.
"Because I like you." He answers simply, but I stare him down letting him know that's not enough. "You're kind to everyone you meet, you're funny without ever meaning to be, you're clumsy beyond all help and you're beautiful. I feel like we'd be a great match."
Before I can properly respond, Nick pulls in front of a tall glass building leaving the car in park but still running.
"Stay right there." He instructs playfully as I watch him get out and run around the car to open my door for me.
I can't help but laugh as he helps me out, guiding me safely from the car with his hand on the small of my back.
"So, how about a second date tonight?" Nick starts as he pauses in front of the building. "You need a ride home right?"
He's still holding the small of my back and he applies a small amount of pressure, gently urging me a little closer. A handsome smile lights his face and his emerald eyes bore into mine, awaiting an answer.
"How could I say no?" I tease unable to suppress a smile.
Nick wets his lips before responding and my eyes fall to his mouth. He doesn't fail to notice and I feel the pressure on my lower back build as he attempts to pull me closer. Our eyes meet and for a brief moment, my heart begins to pound in my chest with alarm.
He wants to kiss me.
"Here?" I whisper and I'm sure he knows what I'm asking. It's my first day here at the office, I can't imagine this happening at our place of work.
"I'd kiss you anywhere." He whispers back and heat fills my face and a mixture of feelings overwhelm me. Intrigue, lust, confusion, anxiety, the feelings battle in my head and I don't have time to decide before Nick bows his head and begins leaning in.
My heart beats like a pounding drum, faster, harder, louder, until I'm able to hear absolutely nothing else. My breath catches in my throat and my eyes close in acceptance despite my ability to resolve the confused feelings floating around in my head.
The glass doors to the front entrance open and I can't be sure if I'm relieved or disappointed. My eyes remain closed as I take a deep breath, recognizing the end to this frivolous moment.
"I'll take her from here. Thanks, Nick." Jackson's voice echoes through the lobby doors and my eyes fling open with a mixture recognition and embarrassment. His perfect jaw is clenched and his once diamond eyes are filled with fury as they stare daggers into mine.
I quickly look away, suddenly dizzy from the exchange and notice his knuckles turning white from gripping the door so tightly. His knuckles, they're not only white from pressure but I notice scabs as if he's recently been in a fight. My eyes linger on his fists and I'm unexpectedly worried for Nick.
I really don't know Jackson at all.
Nick glances in my direction, possibly wondering if he should walk away or try to fight for the right to show me around. He must have thought better after seeing the aggression in Jack and simply shrugs sheepishly before getting back in his Silver Lexus and driving to the parking garage.
Jack waits patiently, but steam seemingly flows from his ears until Nick's car is a safe distance away.
"I was trying to give you space, but I didn't know you'd run straight into Nick's arms." He growls.
I take a deep breath and furrow my brows before glaring at him. "That's none of your business."
I push my way past him and enter the lobby but stand still once I enter and look around the glorious entryway. Glass windows fill it with light which bounce off the large chandelier, leaving little rainbows everywhere. Marble floors line the walkway leading to an elevator and countless offices.
Jackson walks past me then turns with his hands firmly in his pockets.
"You coming?" He asks impatiently and I reluctantly follow him into a nearby elevator.
Thick silence and visible tension fill the air as we listen to the classical elevator music and head to the 15th floor. His eyes are burning a hole in my head but I avoid his gaze until the elevator dings, alerting us that we've reached our floor.
I do my best to keep up with him but fall a bit behind as he storms through the busy room bee-lining to a wall lined with doors. I watch people part like the red sea in front of him. I can't tell if they're afraid of him or they just know better than to get in his way.
"Here's your office." He growls stopping in front of a door labeled, 'Margaret Carpenter.'
"Where's yours?" I chance asking.
"Next door." He remarks sharply. He's acting as if he can't stand to be around me, causing my first day to feel awkward and rushed.
"Convenient." I mutter, irritated with the way he's acting.
"It was." He counters another curt response.
"Not anymore?" I ask, my voice suddenly showing a bit of hurt.
"No." He growls. "Not when you're out gallivanting with god knows who, not when I can't bend you over the desk on your lunch break."
My cheeks burn hotter than fire at his confession. I look around checking for any innocent bystanders who might have heard his comment but everyone seems to be too busy to pay any mind to us.
"It was just a ride to work." I whisper, I don't know why I say it. It's not any of his business in the first place and I'm honestly not sure it was just a ride to work.
"That's not what it looked like." Irritation is clear in his voice and it feels as if he's desperate to walk away from me, which hurts more than I'd like to admit.
I nod and gaze at the floor. I can't help but feel so disappointed with myself, almost ashamed, yet I have no reason to be. I made no commitment to Jack and I made it a point that we weren't together.
"Do what you want, but I get you tonight." He mutters as he starts walking towards his office door. His determination is admirable. He just watched me get out of the car with another man, then watched that man bring his lips a millimeter from mine, yet he's determined to take me out tomorrow.
"I didn't say you could pick the day." I call after him and accidentally meet his diamond eyes as he turns and walks back to me. Big mistake, the disappointment is evident and the guilty feeling in my chest grows immensely.
Jackson continues walking towards me and I'm unable to avert my eyes from his. He's a measly few inches from me before every hair on my body stands on edge and he takes my chin in his hands, tilting my face upwards so we're looking eye to diamond eye.
"Well, make a decision or I'll pick one for you." His jaw is clearly clenched with frustration. His eyes soften as they stare into mine and a sudden silence rings through the once busy office. My heart stills and an oddly familiar scent of mint and cologne tickle my nose.
The sudden calm radiating through the office must have caught his attention as he turns his face from mine to notice a few workers staring in our direction. Without giving me a moment to snap out of the rush of emotions he's caused, he drags me into my office and shuts the door behind us. Jackson closes the blinds then turns to face me.
The scene laid out before me causes my face to feel like it's on fire. I've never been this alone with him, yet I tell myself it's probably from my crazy hormones lately.
"Does after work, work for you?" I notice a sudden change in his demeanor, he's calmer.
I bite my lip to keep from smiling, he's obviously trying his best to be polite.
"No, I have plans tonight." I watch his face fall with disappointment so I quickly add, "But I'm free tomorrow."
His face straightens, attempting to rid the sour look. "Good, it's a date."
Jackson clearly can't stand the tension any longer because he turns to leave. His hand is on the door and the handle is mid-turn before I speak up. "Wait, aren't you going to show me what to do?"
He pauses in the middle of opening the office door and takes a deep breath before turning to face me and walking to my desk.
"The large stack of manuscripts there-" He says, pointing to a stack of manila folders on my desk. "Read them and decide which ones are worthy of being published. The ones that are, file this report and give it to Christian."
"Wait, where's Christian?" I ask before he can desert me again like he so desperately looks like he wants to.
"Jesus Christ!" He shouts, which startles me.
"Can you really not stand being in the same room with me anymore?" I shout, startling Jack and myself. Tears threaten to break loose and my heart pounds in my chest as he stares at me puzzled.
"No, Maggie. Not like this." He says desperately and I watch him comb a hand through his soft chocolate-colored hair then tug at the ends. "I'm sorry. It's so fucking hard to be in the same room with you and have everything different."
I watch him begin to pace the room before he speaks again. "You're alive and I fucking thank god for that, but being in the same room and not being able to even touch you eats at me. You parade around with another man, teasing at what could have been and I'm fighting through each fucking wave you throw my way but it's bloody hard. I deserve some shitty karma, I know that, but this- This is fucking hell."
"Hold on." Jackson says before exiting my office and leaving me standing alone in awe.
I didn't think he was taking it this hard. I feel the electricity when he's close, my body reacts to his presence as if he's the sun lighting a fire under my skin. Yet I never thought I might possibly give him the same feeling. Am I just as addicting to him as he is to me?
My thoughts are interrupted as a calmer Jackson walks through my office doors again and determinedly picks up my office phone and begins dialing.
"Cancel my meetings for the day." Jack mutters into the line. "Yes, I'm sure."
Jack turns to face me after hanging up the phone. He takes a deep breath then finally speaks, "Alright, let's give you a proper tour."
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