Chapter Nineteen - Maggie
The bright morning sun streams through my windows and beats on my face. My body is steaming underneath the heavy pink comforter I used all through high school, yet I'm not quite ready to pry open my eyes so I simply roll to my side and avoid the annoying sunlight.
One Eye opens briefly to examine my alarm clock on my nightstand and I notice it's already two in the afternoon.
Usually, I wake up at least once early enough in the morning to pee and still have time to fall back asleep, but on these rare occasions when this doesn't happen I find it much more difficult to pry myself out of bed.
My bedroom door creeks open and Bethany quietly peeks through until our eyes meet and she realizes she's been caught.
"Jesus, I thought maybe you were dead." She teases before throwing the door the rest of the way open. "I should have known memory loss wouldn't change your sleeping habits."
I groan and roll away from her knowing full well this won't stop her from dragging me out of bed.
"Are you sick or something?" She asks as she attempts to tug the covers from me. "It's over a hundred degrees outside and you're cuddling under this thick comforter."
"I don't want to get up yet." I groan. "Five more minutes."
"Oh you don't have to get up, but don't you dare think you're getting me out of here either then!" Beth announces right before she leaps into my full-size bed and manages to scoot her way under the covers. "You came in after sunrise this morning."
I try to hide my smile by pulling the comforter closer but she snatches it away with a giggle and looks at me accusingly.
"Oh come on! Details, Details!" She urges.
I sigh and roll over on my back, last night's images reeling through my mind at an impossible pace.
"Okay." I start. "It was a long night though."
"Clearly." Beth teases with a wink and I lift my pillow from behind my head and give her a good smack.
"Jackson and I followed Cave Creek Road until the end and-"
"You did what? Why? And I thought you were getting along well with Nick, he's the one you left with yesterday morning, right?"
"Do you want me to tell the story or would you like to just pester me with questions?" I scold and she pretends to zip her lips then throw away the key. I haven't seen anyone other than her do that since childhood.
"I was with Nick after work and we kissed." Her eyes widen and her mouth begins to open but I cover her lips with the palm of my hand. "I had to see if there was something there."
Her eyes widen again and I briefly worry that they'll pop out of their sockets.
"There wasn't." I sigh and remove my palm. I'm almost too embarrassed to explain why I did such a stupid thing in the first place. "My head has been such a jumbled mess, he leaned in and kissed me and I let it happen. No. I didn't just let it happen, I forced myself to continue kissing him trying anything at all to distract myself from Jackson. It was weird, awkward, embarrassing yet Nick apparently didn't seem to mind."
"Of course he didn't mind, Jesus Maggie he's clearly and severely into you." She states as she props her head up on her elbow attempting to get a bit more comfortable.
"Well I wasn't into it, I stopped it, but I stopped it too late." I pull my lip between my teeth and begin to nervously nibble on it. "Jackson had already seen us."
"Holy shit!" Bethany sits up practically whipping the comforter off my body and a gush of cool air so soon sends a shudder up my spine. "That's not good!"
"It was awful. A pang of guilt ripped through me and I think it might be the lowest I've ever felt, like a dirty cockroach- No lower- The poo of a dirty cockroach." I admit and stare at the ceiling, avoiding her prying eyes. "I chased him down and tried to explain my side but it all sounded so- so- inexcusable."
"But you told him you two weren't together. In your mind, you had never met him so-"
"Beth it doesn't matter, I could feel in my bones that it was wrong. I can't even explain it, it's just-" I struggle with my thoughts and can't find the right words to describe how I felt in the moment.
"Sounds like fate." She shrugs and plops back down beside me.
"Stop it." I groan before pulling the dull pink comforter back over my face.
"Alright, alright." She concedes. "I know you hate the gushy stuff. Continue your story."
"That's pretty much it." I attempt to weasel out of the rest of the story, finally willing to out of bed.
"Oh no, you don't." She asserts. "You snuck in after the sunrise, you don't think I'll just believe that's the end to the story, do you?"
"We made up, made out, fought, I remembered the accident- Oh and I found out I'm not a virgin. So pretty much uneventful rest of the night." Sarcasm drips from my tongue and her eyes widen as she quickly props herself up again.
"You-You're- You remember- You're not a-" She stutters through her words trying to piece together the bombshell that just exploded in her lap.
"I'm not a virgin, which I expect you already knew since we tell each other everything. I'm okay with it, or at least I'm working through the idea of being okay with it and I'd rather not talk about it right now." I mutter.
"Please Bethany, you can pry about everything else, but this-" I sigh and hold myself together. "This I don't want to talk about."
She nods sympathetically and understands my need to ironically just forget that I ever learned it.
"You remembered your crash through, that's good right?" She whispers.
"It was chaotic, rainy, my phone was ringing off the hook. It was terrifying like I was actually there as it ran through my mind and I froze behind the wheel of Jack's car. He actually allowed me to drive his baby and I completely blew it." I attempt to make light of the situation with a joke but it falls flat.
"You didn't blow it! If one memory came back that means it's entirely possible the others may follow!" She sits up suddenly with realization. "That's why Jack wants you at the club Saturday night."
"What?" I ask before sitting straight up in bed. "When did you talk to him?"
"He tried to reach you a few hours ago, but you sleep like the dead so he called me."
"Oh my god!" I screech as I shove her to the side and tumble out of bed to reach for my phone. "Why didn't you lead with that?!"
"Look at you, panicking from missing one call from your lover. You remind me of the first couple weeks you dated Jackson." She teases before snatching my phone from my hands. "Haven't you heard of playing hard to get?"
I fold my arms across my chest in contempt and give her my best scolding face.
"I am hard to get." I pout sitting beside her in the bed but my body is desperately begging me to pry my phone out of her hands. "I only wanted to check my messages, not just for him. And it's just not right stealing another woman's phone."
"Look at you squirming!" She giggles.
"Am not." I disagree calmly outward but internally I'm screaming at the top of my lungs.
She's right, I've lost my mind.
"What did he tell you when he called?" I ask. If I'm unable to check my phone I might as well get the message through her.
"Well, I'm not supposed to say exactly-" She starts.
"Bull!" I complain. "Come on, just tell me."
"Alright, well the details were a bit foggy, he was mysterious as always, but he said he's going to try something and we're to be at the bar Saturday night as if it's a normal work night. You have to be there too."
"Well, that doesn't sound all that mysterious." I admit before her lip turns up into a smile.
"You're going to be working too you know."
"But-" My mind fumbles. "I don't work there anymore."
"Saturday night you do!" She insists. "Hope you still own your old outfits, otherwise you can borrow one of mine."
My nose scrunches with disbelief, knowing full well she's a size too small for me and her shirts are too low cut for someone as well endowed as myself.
"Your clothes won't fit." We've tried this before and I always end up looking like someone selling sex for money.
"Sure they will! You look sexy in my clothes, filling them out in all the right places!" She giggles as she pokes my left boob, tosses my phone in my lap, and rolls out of bed.
Please God, let me have at least one old bar outfit.
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