Chapter Five - Maggie
I exit Jack's car as fast as I can and run to Bethany, pulling her in a tight embrace. I missed her, every second in the hospital room felt like hell and now that I'm finally free I can't help but appreciate every single person, place, and thing I come across.
"Too tight! Too tight!" She breathes only encouraging me to squeeze her tighter.
"I missed you." I admit, gently pulling away and allowing her to breathe.
"Missed me or your freedom?" She teases and I can't help but smile.
"Both." I manage to utter before I sense him. I don't have to look up to know Jackson's heading our way.
The energy surrounding us always changes. A magnetic force pulls me in his direction, birds stop chirping and the air stills when he's around. Something otherworldly happens to my body regardless whether I want it to or not, regardless of my conscious mind attempting to overthrow the strange pull and I can feel the change whenever he's near.
"Why don't you come in for a bit?" Bethany offers to Jack and his diamond eyes meet mine. I can't help but bite my bottom lip nervously. I'm not sure what's gotten into me, I'm never this self-conscious around men and while working in a club I was around plenty.
"I'm alright, I've got a few things to take care of anyway. It's been a while since I've been home or to the office." He utters his excuse and his eyes watch mine as if he's begging a question.
Do I want him to stay?
"Thanks though, you girls have fun." He shrugs before turning and walking away.
That's it? He's just leaving?
A sudden urge takes over my body and my feet move before my mind can comprehend or halt my actions. I chase after him and fling my arms around his waist the second he turns towards me.
I can't pinpoint why but a feeling of comfort wafts over me and the familiar scent of his cologne tickles my nose so I inhale a little deeper.
My mind catches up to my body and I realize I must look like a madwoman who's suddenly unable to control her primal urges.
"Thank you." I stammer out, but despite my embarrassment by my actions I don't let go. I stand too embarrassed to make eye contact or move, clutching his waist until I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy, but my embarrassed mind can't will myself to let go.
Before my mind has won the inner battle and pulled back, his arms finally wrap around me and envelope me in his warmth. His manly scent grows stronger and I'm pressed closer into his hard chest before he brings his lips to my ear.
My heart jumps preparing for him to kiss me but he simply starts whispering. "Don't you dare think this is a goodbye for good hug, Love. You're mine once a week remember?"
Goosebumps rise on my skin and I nervously nod before feeling him pull away. His diamond eyes meet mine briefly before he gives me a cocky wink and gets in his car to drive away. I stand there pathetically watching him leave before his car rounds the corner and I'm lifted from the weird sort of nostalgia that clouded my mind.
What the hell has gotten into me?
I shake my head in disappointment and quickly check my temperature with my wrist before attempting to rid myself completely of the weird daze and make my way back to Bethany who's smiling from ear to ear.
"What?" I ask, knowing she's got something up her sleeve.
"Oh, nothing." She states simply but continues smiling so I eye her down until she continues. "You may not know it yet, but you love that man."
I roll my eyes in defiance and walk past her up the familiar stairwell that leads to our apartment.
"I don't know him." I shout behind me, attempting to avoid this conversation.
"I mean it. Maggie, you were so head over heels with Jack and sure, you may not remember but your body does." She shouts as she follows me up the stairs.
"Oh? What makes you say that." I shrug as I open the door to our quaint apartment.
"Just the fact that you chased after him suddenly and you were so shocked at your own actions." She shrugs and makes her way to the kitchen. "When are you going to quit doubting me? I know these things. I called it before and I'm calling it again now."
"I don't know." I mutter as I look around our place.
The last rays of the sun paint the room in an orange film as it begins kissing the world goodnight. Everything looks exactly how I remember it. My books still litter the living room and fill the shelves, the comfortable old tan couch that I so often fell asleep amidst reading a good book.
"That Nick guy seems nice." I shrug, attempting to move the subject to something hopefully a little lighter.
Bethany looks up from the kitchen where she's fixing a drink and watches me as I finger the bookshelf and reminisce.
"Nick? The guy you work with?" Bethany asks not bothering to hide the shock in her voice.
"Yeah, I guess." I shrug. "He came to visit while I was in the hospital. He's kind of cute."
Bethany stops what she's doing and plops down on the couch then slaps the seat next to her, beckoning for me to join her.
"Oh come on, we don't need a girl talk moment here. I just think he's cute." I groan but her bright green eyes bore into me so I give in and plop down next to her.
"For God knows how long you were single, then Jackson invaded your life leaving hardly any time for anyone but him. Now you've had a life-altering event and a new boy has turned your head." She makes her point. "I think girl talk is needed now more than ever."
"Jackson's-" I pause trying to think of the right word. "Intense."
Bethany's platinum blonde curls bounce up and down as she bursts out laughing and I politely wait for her to settle down.
"You're just now noticing he's intense?" Then she seems to remember my memory loss and her face falls. "Sorry."
"It's okay." I shrug before picking a loose strand on my jeans and continuing to speak. "There are feelings there, strong, weird, mind-blowingly confusing feelings and I'm not sure how I feel. He feels dangerous and my mind is screaming, 'Stay the hell away from that guy!' But something draws me to him."
"The classic mind verse heart battle. I get it." She nods and watches me tangle my fingers in the loose strings of my jeans.
"I told him I needed space, but he bargained for one day a week." I shrug.
"Sounds like him" She agrees. "Jackson always gets his way."
"But Nick came by today and he was fun, playful, and lighthearted. It felt good being around him. There were no intense emotions or guilty feelings, it was easy." I admit before looking up at Beth and gaging her reaction.
"And he's cute." She teases.
"Very cute." I feel a slight blush creep onto my cheeks.
"I haven't personally met him, but I did see him at the club one night. Tall, dirty blonde hair that falls in his emerald eyes, there's no mistaking that sex appeal. He reminded me of a young Leonardo DiCaprio." She pauses as she makes a sound mixed between a growl and a purr. "Plus you were grinding on him like it was your last night on earth, it looked pretty hot and heavy."
"I what?" I sit straight up in the couch, that doesn't sound like me. I don't even know how to dance let alone grind.
"You were drunk out of your mind and dancing like someone in a 90's rap music video." She laughs and I picture the embarrassing scene clearly in my head.
I smack my face and attempt to slink deeper into the couch.
"Oh, quit it." Bethany orders as she smacks me with one of the old decorative pillows. "You might have been drunk out of your mind, but he was certainly enjoying it." She teases with one eyebrow raised.
"Oh my god, stop it." I complain as I start slinking out of the couch and onto the floor like a sloth.
"Don't be so ashamed. I never knew you could move like that." She teases before doing a sensual dance while still sitting on the couch.
We laugh for a bit then the conversation turns serious, "So you've got two boys' hearts on the line. What are you going to do little miss popular?"
I hate the question but more than that, I hate that I have to decide anything at all. A weighty feeling falls on my shoulders and I lay on my back on the tan carpet, sprawl out and stare at our dim ceiling.
"No clue." I admit.
"You know what? That's okay." She says determined and I lift myself onto my elbows to watch her speak. "You just came out of a freaking coma and discovered you have amnesia. I think it's okay to be a little indecisive. Just have fun, rediscover yourself again."
Her words warm my heart and I feel a few tears pool in my eyelids. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." Beth admits as she stands and stretches then gently nudges my butt with her foot. "Your room is exactly how you left it when you moved in with Jack. If you need anything just let me know, I'm going to get ready for bed."
I lift myself from the floor, realizing it's already late. The sun has long since fallen since I first arrived and the moon is already out bright and full. After she heads to her room I slowly stand up and walk down the dark narrow hall to my bedroom. I gently turn the knob, wondering what will dramatically have changed and flick the switch to turn on the lights.
Everything looks the same besides a few grocery bags of clothing sitting on my bed that I'm assuming Jackson brought by. The old pale wood furniture that decorated my room as a teenager in my mom's house still decorates my bedroom here and the same creaky full-sized bed is the center of it all.
Part of me is disappointed the old me never updated my bedroom set, but the other me is happy that not too much has changed. Just my love life, I think.
I sort through the grocery bags Jackson left behind and find my favorite red plaid leggings and a tank top. I remove my bra, sighing with relief, and slip on my pj's without even bothering to shower. I throw caution to the wind and plop down on my old creaky bed, trusting it to not collapse and stare at the ceiling.
Finally, I'm home.
My moment of quiet peace is interrupted as I hear my phone going off somewhere in my room. It doesn't take me long to realize the sound is coming from the pair of jeans I had just kicked off and tossed in the closet.
I half expect it to be Jackson, but I smile as I read the name Nick on caller ID.
"Hey." I smile as I answer the phone.
"Mags?" Nicks asks as if he wasn't sure I'd be the one to answer.
"Yep, it's me. Couldn't get enough of me in the hospital, huh?" I tease and he doesn't miss a beat when he responds.
"I noticed your attention was split, so I couldn't help but call to get your full attention this time." I can practically hear his smile on the other end but suddenly he's hesitant. "Uh- Is Jackson still with you?"
I roll my eyes in response then realize he can't see me. "Nope, just me. Disappointed?"
"Never." I can hear the relief flood through his voice. I guess I can't blame him for being afraid of Jack. Hell, I'm kind of afraid of him. "What are your plans tomorrow?"
"Well, you sure do move fast." I tease.
"Not fast enough." Nick laughs. "I thought Jack might have swooped you back up by now."
The mention of my odd relationship with Jackson makes me slightly uneasy, but I don't let it dampen my mood.
"I was thinking of checking out the office tomorrow." I admit.
"So soon?" He asks, shock is clearly apparent in his voice.
"Yeah, I know it's soon, but if I'm going to jog my memory I want to get started right away. I want to meet the people I forgot, see what I did for a living, visit the places I don't remember."
"Alright," He jumps onboard with my plan immediately. "Sounds like a plan. Need a ride?"
Suddenly I remember my old Hyundai Sonata, now a tangled heap of garbage thanks to the accident and I'm ride-less. I could see if Bethany would drop me off, it is right next to her work but I'm not sure of her schedule. If Jack see's me pulling up with him-
Oh, what's the harm in accepting a ride?
"You know what? Yes, I do." I graciously accept his offer.
"Alright, what time do you want to get started?" Nick asks. "I usually work pretty late so I don't have to show up early."
"Sleeping in does sound nice, how about ten?" I prefer to sleep until well after the sun has come up.
"It's a date." Nick so quickly states.
"Oh, a date already huh?" I tease. "I hope you know, I'm very newly single."
"Single is single regardless of the newness." He argues.
"Maybe, but even so I hardly consider a car ride a date." It's just a ride from here to the office, how romantic can that really be?
"You'd be surprised how hot two people in a car can be." He counters. "But if you won't warrant it a date I guess I'll just have to take you out a second time, maybe by bus."
I can't help but laugh as I give in, "Alright, you win. It's a date."
After my lighthearted conversation with Nick, I stroll to our dimly lit living room for a glass of water and stop in front of the floor to ceiling bookshelf that's filled to the brim with tattered books. I manage to find a newer looking novel and pull it out to discover it's one of Jackson's, After All.
I walk to the couch and plop down, briefly wondering if I've read through this one yet, but decide I haven't because I don't notice a single bunny ear. I sigh as I recline back on the couch, tucking my legs up under me and begin reading.
It isn't long before I'm hooked by the story. A young couple who disagree on anything and everything, yet they're unapologetically in love. I can't help but relate to the main character, her clumsy yet strong and lovable attributes winning over each page.
The writing is beautiful, natural, and real. It's so real that it feels as if I'm prying into a real couple's private love life where my eyes don't actually belong and I find myself completely and utterly absorbed in his book.
Where does all of this passion come from? How does Jackson Porter possibly write like this when his vulgar and aggressive personality take the stage in real life? Page after page I find myself unable to stop before sleep overcomes me and I yet again spend another night falling asleep on the couch.
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