I have something special here!!
3rd person POV
While Jimin is waiting for others to come he played with Hoseok hair. After a while they came and make some noise before they go to dance practice. Hoseok stirred and wake up wailing that cause by their noise. "Ehh hyung why are you crying?" Jimin ask started to panic. "Nu hyun'..." Hoseok pout. "What do you mean Hoseok hyung?" The confused maknae ask. "I swaid nu hyungie... Jusht Hobi..." Hoseok said smiling. "I think he is a little guys..." Namjoon said. "What is a little hyung?" Tae ask. "As i know, little is when someone is having a heavy presure or depressed situation around them. They will regressed into a smaller mind to make them less presure or to forget about their problem." Namjoon explain.
"It's that true hy- i mean hobi?" Jimin ask. "Ehmm, itsh twue... Biggie Hobi ishh shoo sad that he can't dance anymwore..." He said while playing with Jimin cute hand. "Ohh my poor hobi... I know this tour will make you sad..." Jin went to him and hug him softly. "Eomma... Big Hobi ishh soo sad... And 'm 'ungry.." Hoseok said while snuggling into Jin's neck. "Did he just call you eomma hyung?" Yoongi ask. "Yes yoongs and don't be so jeolous okay." Jin said at Yoongi while Yoongi rolled his eyes. Jin take Hobi to the kitchen and take the food that he cook earlier. "Hyung!! Wait... We have to ask him how old is his first! I'm afraid that he can't eat that." Namjoon point at the sandwich that Jin made.
"Sweetie how old are you?" Namjoon ask. "'M thwee." He said while his finger showing five. "Baby thats five hun." Jin correct him. "Oh hehe..." He chuckle. "Can you eat this?" Jin ask and get a nod from the little. "Good baby.. Now i'm gonna cut it into smaller pieces okay?" He said. "Yeshh Eomma!" Hoseok shout. "Baby us your inner voice please." Jin said. "Sorry Eomma." Hoseok sit at the table while making a pout. "It's okay baby.. Don't be sad okay?" Jin said pulling the little into his arm. "Okay Eomma.." Hoseok said wiping his tears. After Jin give hoseok his little piece of sandwich he went to Yoongi. "Daddy... Can I sit on your lap?" He ask with his puppy eyes.
"D-did you just call me daddy Seokie?" Yoongi ask with a shock reaction. "Ehmmm... Ish that wong dad- i mwean hyungie?" Hoseok said trying to not making his tears fall. "No hun... It's not. It's just I'm shook a little. Come here baby." Yoongi said pulling hoseok into his lap. "Sho i can cwall you daddy?" Hoseok ask with a big doe eyes. "Yes you can." Yoongi say playing with the little hair. "Hobi what am i than?" Jungkook ask. "You ishh uncwle kookie... You uncwle chim... And you uncwle taetae... And you... You're dada.." He said pointing at other. "Me dada? Why?" Namjoon ask. "Cuz you ishh eomma daddy.." Hoseok giggle Namjoon saw Jin is blushing and chuckle and ended with Namjoon getting a hard punch at his hand.
"Daddy can we sweep now?" Hoseok ask. "Nope baby.. We have dance practice now." Yoongi said picking up the little. "Owh... Sho we have to go now?" The little ask putting his head on Yoongi's neck. "Yup bun. We have to go... But you have to promise me to not doing anything extreme okay?" Yoongi said putting out his pinky finger. "But why daddy?" Hoseok said pouting his mouth. "Cause i don't want you to hurt baby..." Yoongi said while going to call the others to get ready. "Ohh okay." Little bit Yoongi know that his little is sad. "Jin hyung? We have dance practice can you call others i will wait in the car." he said.
I go to their room and kick their lazy butt. "Yahh get your lazy butt into the car now. We have dance practice.." I shout. They all grunt and babbling about me. "I know what you are saying." I shout at them. "You're not hyung." I heard Jungkook scream. "This little brat will get something from me one day." I said shaking my head.
3rd person POV
They all went into the car and saw little hobi and Yoongi is sleeping at the back. "So cute.." Jimin said whispering to Jungkook. He nods. "I hope Hobi is okay with this." Taehyung said. "Why?" Namjoon ask. "He is sad hyung." Taehyung explain. "But why?" Namjoon ask completely lost. "Haish this kid. He is sad cause he can't dance anymore." Jin said shaking his head. "Ohh i wish too." Namjoon said.
So hi guys. Sorry for taking so much time to write this. Its just I'm having a hard time to do this with a important exam is coming. I just stress right now. I can't be little cuz i have to study... The teacher is pushing... And yeah...
Okay i will stop ranting now...
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