006. Finders Fee
Esme tugged on her bra strap as they headed into town, which was still out of control and in distress over wreckage from the storm. To be honest, Esme had kinda forgotten all about it — hanging out with the group had that kind of effect on her. Especially after the kind of morning they just had (aka finding a boat underwater). Before getting off the boat, she pulled back on the jean mom shorts along with one of JJ's wifebeaters, but her clothes underneath were still damp.
With all of them bobbing their heads above water, John B had dived down and found a motel key stuck in the Grady-White, and Kiara had the bright idea to report it to the coast guard for the potential of a finders fee. Esme could care less, but JJ was super excited about the idea of not having to work for the rest of the summer. ("Thanks, Agatha, ya bitch!")
"It's the perfect weather to nap on the beach," Esme noted, squinting as she turned her face up to the sky. The sun graced her skin, warming her up from the cool water she had been in minutes ago. She hummed in content.
"Not now," Kiara insisted, following John B's lead.
JJ chuckled as he watched Esme scowl at Kiara's words. "You guys go ahead, I'll wait out here," Esme said, motioning to the large crowd of people who were already swarming the counter inside the building they were headed towards.
"Yeah... that's a lot of people," Claire said, slowing down as she took in the scene — mostly middle-aged Pogues flailing around and yelling over one another. Probably upset over a lot of damage to their houses and land. Esme nodded in agreement.
John B noticed it too but didn't let it change his plans. "Come on, guys." Kiara only looked to Claire briefly, offering a tight-lipped smile.
Once they were gone, Esme turned to Claire. "I didn't know you were still claustrophobic."
Claire scoffed. "You can't be still claustrophobic."
"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Esme said, looking down at her flip flops.
Claire placed a hand on her hip softly. "No, it's fine, I just mean yeah, like... crowded spaces bug me. Like, so much. Gives me the willies."
Esme smiled. "You're such a weird kid."
"Thank you."
The boys and Kiara came back, crashing into their conversation. "We couldn't even get a word in," Kiara shook her head.
Claire sighed. "Maybe because they're dealing with real problems, and not some washed-up Grady. My guess."
Esme noticed JJ toying with something in his hand and her lips curled into a smile. As she opened her mouth to comment on his obvious klepto problem, he shot her a wink. She turned away from his gaze, but he didn't stop looking at her for one second.
"So, what's the plan?" Kiara asked.
"I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat," John B said, a clear lightbulb over his head. John B tossed the motel key to Claire.
Instantly, everyone had an opinion, especially Pope. The boy looked uneasy within mere seconds after his friend opened his mouth. "We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone," he objected.
"It can't be that bad, right?" Claire said, dangling the motel key in front of JJ's face. "Right?"
"I'm in," JJ announced, grabbing the key from Claire's hands swiftly and tossing the key to Esme just as quick.
"Of course you are," Esme said, tossing the key over Pope's head and into Kiara's hands. She and JJ moved quickly, already heading for the boat as Claire stifled a laugh over Pope's worried expression.
"Come on," Kiara smiled. "I'll be lookout."
"Finder's fee," John B reminded, raising his eyebrows. He looked between Claire and Pope. "Just saying."
Claire sighed, a happy smile on display from ear to ear. "Ah, my dear friend," the blonde threw her arm over Pope's shoulders, patting him softly. The boy still looked uneasy as he took in their words. "You... you need to live a little. Just a little. For me, really."
"And hey," John B chuckled, the three of them steadily following JJ, Esme and Kiara who were already getting back on the boat. "At least you'll only be an accomplice."
"Man. Come on bubba."
JJ whistled as they came closer to the motel, and they were now able to see everything up close: the sign with its name was knocked over and the place reeked of dirt. "I thought the chateau looked bad."
John B nodded in agreement. "This place is a shitshow."
"Motel or meth lab?" Kiara asked.
"You be the judge," Pope answered for her.
Claire rolled her eyes. "You're so dramatic, all of you."
Esme nearly snorted, the chuckle she let out of herself coming quickly as she heard Claire. "Dude, you're literally like the most dramatic person alive."
"Says you," Claire retorted, to which Esme just rolled her eyes.
JJ patted her on the shoulder. "Easy there."
His actions simply went unnoticed, everyone else on the boat too entranced by the building that was barely staying afloat. "Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-White stays," John B said.
"No. Looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed."
"Pope!" Claire turned to him, cocking her head slightly as she wanted him to let loose.
"All right. Here we go," John B said, the group now on the cusp of the border where the water met the land and they could park the boat safely for a moment.
"This is your captain speaking," JJ said, returning his fake walkie-talkie voice as he cupped his hands around his mouth. "Hms Pogue comin' in for landing."
Esme assumed the area was roughed up because of the storm because the area where the grass sunk straight into the water was really awkward and brought the boat to a rough stop. She groaned as she didn't expect it to feel like turbulence.
"We good?" John B asked everyone, to which he was met with unenthusiastic nods, groans and moans as well as a thumbs up from Claire. "All right. Here goes nothing."
John B and JJ were the first to jump off, the two naturally diving headfirst into everything that they did together. "Hey," Kiara said, gathering their attention.
"Yeah?" John B asked.
"Don't let him do anything stupid."
"Oh, we will," JJ said. "I'm not making promises."
"Yeah, I know."
Esme noticed the way Kiara seemed unsure was laced in her tone, so she brought herself to stand up from her spot near the back. "I'll go with them, to watch them at least."
JJ raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh yeah?"
Esme smiled, bringing one foot in front of the other until she was at the front of the boat, and even then, JJ held out his hand for her to use to balance herself better. "You're not getting into trouble without me," she said in a low voice once she was standing next to him. He returned the smile.
"Uh, be careful," Kiara said, mostly looking at John B. Scratch that — only looking at John B. "I mean it."
John B nervously chuckled. "Yeah." It was then that Kiara nodded before leaning in closer and planting a soft kiss on John B's cheek, surely surprising the rest of the group. It wasn't unusual for Kiara to be so kind, but it was the fact that she was being so affectionate towards John B. "Let's go," he turned to his two friends, who were looking at him expectantly.
"Yup," Esme nodded, turning on her heel. "Just another day bumming it with you guys, right?"
#JJ— missing jj rn, wish i was getting lit with him on the beach 🤞👍✋
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