005. Pogue Style
JJ stepped up to the front of the boat where he fixed up a leg, running his hand over his knee smoothly. He looked out onto the beautiful blue sea. Now, everyone on the boat had a pretty good idea of what JJ was trying to do, as he had done it a couple of times before. "Here we go. I'm movin'."
"Doesn't work," John B complained. "We've tried this like 6,000 times."
"I got this. It's gonna work!" JJ insisted, a grin plastered on his face as he leaned his head back. His blonde locks swayed as the wind touched him, as the sea salt kissed his cheeks, as the hot summer sun beat down on his back. Cheap beer littered through the air, making its way from the glass bottle to majorly his mouth, shiny lips welcoming the taste. But the rest of the beer made it's way to the rest of his friends as well as the wind carried it.
"You're getting beer in my hair!" Kie exclaimed.
"Fuck you!" Esme said through giggles, beer now decorating the side of her face. "Ugh, this is so gross."
"Oh, my God," said Pope. "All right. All right!"
"All right, you're done," John B said.
"All right, stop!" Pope demanded with a smile as the motor rattled. All the teens on the boat screamed as the boat stopped abruptly, causing them to fall forward. Claire almost immediately grabbed her neck, a large kink in it. JJ was missing from his position at the front of the boat where he was previously standing.
"Jesus, Pope!" Kie groaned.
Esme got up, her head having hit the deck of the boat, and crawled her way to the tip of the boat, looking down into the water where JJ was now floating with his head barely above the waves. "You good?" she said barely loud enough for him to hear. He nodded quickly, his eyes screwing shut. Esme sighed, nodding in response.
"You okay, JJ?" John B said with another groan.
"I think my heels touched the back of my head," JJ complained.
John B then turned to the curly-haired brunette of the group. "Kie, you okay?"
"I'm all right. Claire?" Kie turned to the blonde.
"Are you okay?" she asked with raised eyebrows.
"Pope, what did you do?" JJ questioned.
"Sandbar. The channel changed," was his simple explanation.
"No shit."
"Ugh, this is probably gonna mess this whole place up."
"Hey, I saved the beer, though," JJ said proudly.
"Congrats, JJ," John B said, almost sarcastically. "Guys... I think there's a boat down there."
"Shut up. What?"
"No way," Kie added.
"No, no, guys," John B shook his head.
Esme sighed, bringing herself to stand up as she rubbed her temple with her fingers. "Bitch, are you serious?"
"I'm serious," John B confirmed. "There's a boat down there. For real. Guys... is this... it's a boat!"
"Holy shit, he's right," Kie said, also looking down in the water. "Let's go."
Pope, of course, had something practical and almost mood-killing to say. "You think there's a dead body down there?" With a shared look between the remaining five teens on the boat, the answer to what they were going to do next was obvious: jump down into the water with JJ. John B was first, giving Claire a shake by her shoulders before he was leaping off. "Guys, wait up!"
"Whoo!" Kie clapped her hands, joining the boys.
Claire moved her neck from side to side, the string of her bikini top catching in one of her chipped nails briefly as she brought her hand to her neck, rubbing her muscle in an attempt to help it feel better from the whiplash. Wearing swimsuits every day was not out of the ordinary, matter of fact, more of a uniform for the Outer Banks. Especially to combat the summer heat. Claire mostly followed Kie's example of wearing basic and neutral colours and often crotcheted, while Esme found ways to dress it up. Even now, Claire was wearing a deep chocolate coloured one-piece that tied at the nape of her neck.
"Get your ass in here!" JJ exclaimed.
Rolling her shoulders, Claire sighed before caving in and jumping into the water, her blonde ponytail becoming drenched. "Come on!" John B encouraged.
The last one on the boat now was Esme, standing with her hands on her hips. "You're crazy."
"Crazy for you!" JJ yelled back at her, to which she shook her head, trying to shake away a growing smile. Her tongue ran against her lips as she scanned the area, water splashing around as the friend group swam around in the water. "Come on babe, hurry!" he whined.
Esme kept shaking her head as she dropped her denim shorts to the deck of the boat, the cherry red underwear she had been wearing since she got to the chateau last night catching the attention of the sun. She then brought her hot pink nails to the bottom of JJ's wife beater, pulling the white muscle tee over her head to reveal a matching lace halter bra. It was pretty safe to say JJ was done for.
"Dude," John B raised an eyebrow at JJ, forcing the blonde-haired boy to tear his eyes away from Esme, who bit her lip as she jumped in, dark-haired ponytail flying in behind her.
"Just... no," John B said, it was quiet for a moment, the only thing filling the air being the chuckles between the friends floating in the water. Then, he gasped. "You guys saw that?"
"Yeah," Pope said. "Yeah, I did."
"Yeah," John B sighed. The boys swam under, leaving the girls alone shrugging at each other. When they finally reached back up to the surface, they wiped their faces of the saltwater. "What the..." they shared a laugh. "That's a Grady-White. A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy."
"Okay!" Claire laughed, water swimming underneath her chin. "I love it when you talk dirty." John B simply rolled his eyes at the blonde girl's comment, leaving her in a giggling fit. Neither of them caught how annoyed Kiara looked, except Esme, who was confused, to say the least on why all these harmless comments between the group were suddenly bothering her. Esme didn't yet piece together that it was only the fact that Claire was giving the boys attention, and vice versa, that was the problem.
"That's a primo rig," JJ commented.
"Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge," John B added. "Maybe it hit the jetty or something."
"You surfed the surge?"
"That's my boy," JJ nodded. "Pogue style."
"When did you have time to surf the surge?" Claire asked, with no answer from John B, or anyone for that matter.
"What the heck?" Kiara followed.
"Wait, wait," Pope cut in. "Do we know whose boat that is?"
John B shook his head. "No, but we're about to find out."
"Dude, it's too deep," JJ argued.
"Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ," John B counter-argued.
"Well, I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front."
"That's fine."
"Boys," Esme sighed, her arms paddling through the water as she tried to swim closer to the two.
"What's wrong, princess, are your arms getting tired?" JJ turned to the dark-haired girl.
Esme bit her lip, stifling a laugh. Her cheeks always got sore the more she hung out with the group, but she couldn't help it, they were infectious. "Yeah, actually."
"Diver down, fool," Pope said.
John B sighed. "Diver Down."
"Yeah, he is."
#JJ— not much to say this time except i'm working on getting more chapters out so hopefully i'll be updated on this when season three comes out
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