I meet Bill
Pov DipDip
One week later
I've been locked in my room for a whole week. I've sneaked out but they always seem to find me. Today is going to be different because I have a decent plan that will possibly work. It's about eleven in the morning and everyone is awake. I hear someone knocking on the door softly.
"C-Come in. " I said.
Mabel walks in with a small smile and she sits down next to me.
"'Hey Dippen dots. " She smiles
"Hey Mabel." I said.
"how's it been. " She said.
"Great. "
"Great, well I'm sorry that you can't go outside that much." Mabel said.
"It's okay. " I said.
"We just can't- Wait what? "
"Oh, it's alright." I said.
"Really. "
"Yes I'll be fine here, I'm gonna take a nap if you don't mind. " I smiled.
"Okay. "
Mabel left my room and I looked at my door. I decided to go through the window because Mabel or my great uncles wouldn't noticed. I went through the window and went to the woods. I didn't bring my stuff because I felt like I won't need it.
I wonder in the woods for a few minutes to then realize that I was lost. I just started to walk around for a few more minutes. After those minutes I finally found my regular spot. I sat down and looked at the trees.
"Finally, I get to spend my time without my sister." I said.
I was finally out of my room and it felt nice. I would always be out here for a few minutes until they found me. I hear something near the bushes and I decided to hide behind a tree.
I see a guy about my age. He has golden brown eyes or maybe amber eyes, slightly tanned skin, blonde hair and slightly taller then me. He was wearing black jeans, a yellow sweater with a white dress shirt under the sweater, a black bow tie (which I think is adorable), his sleeves are rolled up as well and a few ear piercings on his right ear.
I feel like I remember you, but I can't put my finger on it. Why can't I remember you? I slowly step out and he saw me, a small smile goes on his face.
"Long time no see Pinetree." He said.
"Hello. " I said.
He stepped closer while I hesitated to step back. He's like two or three inches taller then me, no fair.
"I forgot about your memory lost for a second." He looked at me.
"Y-You know." I said.
"Let me start from the beginning." He said.
"Okay. " I said.
"My name is Bill cipher, I'm a dream demon or the king of demons, I make deals with the slightest twist and I've done some pretty stupid stuff." Bill nervously laughed.
I made a soft chuckle and looked at him, he looked at me with a loving smile and said.
"You've hardly changed."
"People tell me that I've changed quite a bit." I said.
"No, I think your still the same Pinetree your still smart, caring, kind, loving, helpful, shy and your still a sweetheart." Bill said.
"Really? " I said.
"You helped out anyone especially the monsters here. You would love to help out them especially, your biggest project was me." Bill said.
"How come? " I asked.
"I wasn't the best dream demon back then, I would make deals and if someone didn't do there end of the deal I would make them suffer. I would also posses bodies and it wasn't fun because now I know what it feels like to be human. This meatsack bodies are confusing to me." Bill said.
"I kind of feel bad for not remembering you. " I confessed.
"You shouldn't be. " Bill said.
"Why? " I asked.
"I've done pretty unforgivable things to you and your whole family hates me." Bill said.
"Not everyone." I said.
"No everyone hates me- Oh... " Bill said.
"I don't hate you, you seem like a nice person." I said.
I heard something near the bushes and I see Bruno. He tackled Bill to the ground and started to bark.
"Damn it not again!" Bill shouted.
"Again? " I said.
I looked at them and I started to chuckle a bit. They both look at me and then I smiled at the two.
"Get off him. " I said.
"Ruff! "
He did and Bill just looked at me in surprise.
"You still have your touch." Bill said laying on the floor.
"What touch? " I asked.
"With monsters, they all love you." Bill said.
"People here said that I've always had that monster touch and I enjoy having it, it's just that people just annoy me sometimes." I said.
"Yeah, when you were younger people would use you but you would always figure out in time. " Bill said.
Bill stood back up and then sat back down next to me. Bruno sat in front of us and laid his head on my lap.
"What has your sister told you about your memory?" Bill asked.
"She told me that she would sacrifice everything for me when I was here. So ever since we left I've been giving up things that I loved just for her." I said.
Bill's eyes widen and almost punched the ground with his fist. He took a deep breathe in and out.
"That's such a lie. " Bill said
"What? " I said.
"When you two arrived at Gravity falls your sister was blinded by illusion. You were hungry for adventure and mystery. She would say she fell in love with someone, but really she was hungry for attention and desperate for love. She would do stupid things to make guys fall in love with her. She was blinded by her own little fantasy which disgusted me because she was lucky to have someone like you. You would always sacrifice so many things for her, you sacrificed everything you loved for her and only her. When someone finally loved her, she pretended to like him but was too scare to dump him. You would always save her sorry ass from stupid things that she did. I would always watch from afar, but what I never understood was why you kept covering for her. You loved her and didn't want her to be sad or hurt. She fell in love with Gnomes, merman, boy band members , fictional character, a puppet guy, vampires and you sacrifice your chances with someone over a pig. She doesn't deserve to have someone like you because she only uses you. She lied to you and that wasn't right because you deserve to know the truth. " Bill said.
I looked a Bill and I felt rage because Mabel lied to me. After all these years of sacrificing the things I loved for her, all of the clubs, the friends and the cover ups from her mess ups! I took all of her blames because I thought I owed her. I finally know the wicked truth about my sister that I trusted with my life.
"I can't believe I ever trusted her" I said making a fist.
"It's your fault. " Bill said giving me a side hug.
"Ruff. " He said placing his head under my chin.
"I covered for her for all these years and she's done nothing for me. " I said.
"The only thing she did sacrifice was a stupid puppet show." Bill said.
"She's such a-"
"Grrr.. "
"When the dog knows that your going to curse." Bill said.
"Bruno. " I said.
A few hours later we were talking about random things. Bill was telling me about all the weirdmageddon moment I've he's been threw. He's been telling me information about himself and Bruno. It's fun to have at least a few people that I can trust. Now I know who's been lying to me and not. My phone rang and it was my great uncle.
"Dipper where are you? " Stan said.
"Oh I'm in the woods." I said.
"Well can you come home because Ford and your sister are fighting."
"I'm coming. " I said.
"Thank you." Stan said.
I hanged up and looked at both of the dream demons.
"I have to go home." I said.
"Fez? Or who you know him as Stan" Bill said.
"Bark Bark. "
"I'll see ya tomorrow." I said
"Bye boy. "
I said placing my forehead against mines while smiling. I stood up and looked at Bill with a smile. Bruno ran away or mainly teleported somewhere.
"Goodbye Pinetree." Bill smiled.
"Bye. " I said
I was about to walk away until I stopped and looked back.
"W-Wait! " I said.
"Yes Pinetre-" Bill said.
I ran back to Bill and gave him a tight hug. I smiled and I felt him hug back at me.
"Thanks." I smiled.
"No problem." Bill smiled.
"For everything. " I said.
I let go of Bill and I left the woods smiling the whole way. I still have to tell Mabel about how I feel about her lying to me.
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