Pov DipDip
I woke up with a huge headache and a small pain in my whole arm. I can't remember what happened last night for some reason. It's all just a blur and I want to remember, but I just can't. I wake up and see my room a mess for some reason. I get up from bed and look at myself in the mirror. I noticed a huge symbol on my arm and I fall back.
"What the fuck! " I yelled.
I looked at my arm and started to poke it because I didn't recognized or remember this mark. I went in my bag and took out my journals. I knew I recognized this thing from somewhere, but where? After a few minutes of looking I finally found it. It was the same mark on Bruno's back, which was pretty cool
I got off the floor and changed into different clothes. I decided to leave early because I didn't want to be stuck in this shack again. I ran into the woods and just sat down in my normal spot. My head was still pounding with my heart.
I looked up at the sky and saw something bright yellow. I reached my hand up and cover it. I felt something grab my hand back and I freeze.
"Hey Pinetree." I heard
"W-What? "
I felt tears run down my face for some reason. I blinked and then I couldn't feel there hand. I placed my hand down and looked at it. Why did that voice sound so familiar? I looked at my phone and it was about nine in the morning. I made a soft yawn and laid my back against the tree.
"Can I even remember you? " I softly said.
I was holding onto my necklace and looked back at the sky. I took a deep breathe and smiled.
"I'll remember you, but just not today"
Pov Bill
Pinetree has been wondering in the woods ever since he came back. Shooting Star gave me something that I can use. I can easily trick him into doing my evil betting without him knowing.
No I just can, I can't use Pinetree. Stupid meatsack feelings! I couldn't let him see me, so I just turned invisible but it didn't fully work. I was just a bright yellow ball which annoyed me a lot.
I see Pinetree and he's just looking at the sky. He reached his hand in front of me and I had to reach his.
"Hey Pinetree. "
"W-What? "
I saw a tear go down his face so I just let go. I want to know what happened to you after I left. I want to know if Sixer, Fez or Shooting Star made you do this. I was about to pay a little visit to Sixer until I heard something.
"Can I even remember you? "
I looked back at Pinetree and he smiled at himself. I've noticed that you've grown Pinetree, you're grown well. You're still you and you're smart, helpful, kind, sweet, outgoing, adorable and shy. I can see right threw you Pinetree and your still you. I still need you to remember me.
"I'll remember you, but just not today"
It's like he knows I'm here, but he just doesn't want to say. I looked back at Pinetree and then leave. I can't let him see me, not until Sixer, Fez and Shooting Star become more, more I don't know desperate.
I went to the mystery shack and went to give the other members of the Pines family a small visit. I know why he tried to erase his memories, poor them.
I made a glorious entrance like always. I smiled and looked at everyone before I started to talk.
"Hello Pines family! So, Let's make a deal shall we. " I said.
"Never you Dorito!" Shooting Star said.
"It's a shame you don't know what really happened to Pinetree that day." I smiled.
"What do you know. " She said getting up. "Oh! You wouldn't want to know, maybe it's just a hunch." I said.
"How do you know? " Shooting star was hogging the spot light.
"Somewhere you can't find me. " I smiled.
"You were the person in his room last night!" She said.
"No, I came before you enter his room and that's when I knew why he did it. That was another demon silly girl, I wouldn't get spotted and I guess he was new at it." I said.
"What do you want? " Shooting Star said.
"Something big. " I harshly said.
"No. "
"WELL, you might not see him the same way after I tell you." I said.
"Depends" Shooting star said crossing her arms.
I was in her mind, just playing games, making her feel guilty about all this.
"No deal. " She said.
"Your choice, but I'm feeling nice today and I'll give you a hint." I smiled.
"it's not going to be important."
"Weirdmageddon, he was alone when it happened. " I said.
"He was alone half of the time! " Shooting star yelled.
"Your raise you voice at me. " I said.
I looked at them and made a evil smile once again.
"You better check on Pinetree, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen." I smiled.
"Remember: Reality is a Illinois and the universe is a hologram, buy gold bye! "
I left the crummy old shack and wanted to see what's going to happen, but I'm a busy demon and I need a plan.
Pov DipDip
It's been an hour and Bruno came early, I feel like he already does that anyway. I smiled and started to pet Bruno, even tho he's that bit taller then me. My sleeves were rolled up the whole time.
"I can't remember anything from last night, but I got you to talk to." I smiled.
"I have that little mark that you have." I said.
"Bark Bark! "
I sat back down and Bruno just sits behind me with his head under my arm. I sighed and looked at the symbol that me and Bruno have.
"Why are you so big? " I asked.
"Bark Bark!"
"I bet it's because your a demon dog type thing. You can erase memories from others with out even knowing. That's cool." I said.
"Bark Bark! "
"I bet you came from another realm!" I smiled.
"Bark! "
"I would like to see other things, like other worlds, demons and monsters because I'm not so good with people. They always seem to judge me in every way possible. They don't really understand me as much as you do, I may be human but I can do other things too. I don't want to be judged because I like to do certain things, judged for being me, judged for doing what I did to that little girl years ago. I-I never meant too, I was scared, worried, anxious about what was going to happen. " I felt tears go down my face.
"Ruff. "
"Sorry, I bet I was boring you."
Bruno placed his cheek against mines to wipe my tears away. I smiled and made a soft chuckle and said.
"Haha, your the best."
"Ruff. " He cheerfully said.
I heard something and Bruno started to tense up. I started to pet him softly and told him it was okay.
"Grrrrrrr...... "
The noise got louder and I stood up following by Bruno. He was ready to attack, his claws came out, his third eye was opened, his teeth was sharp and his tail wasn't fluffy anymore.
"Dipper! " I hear my sister yell.
I know she isn't far so I have to make a quick good bye to Bruno. I looked at him and felt his forehead on to mines.
"You have to go Bruno, My sister is coming and I don't want you to get hurt." I said.
"Bark. "
"Bye bye Bruno, I'll see ya tomorrow."
He licked my cheek and left, I sighed and turned around. I see my sister running in and she looks tried.
"What is it? " I asked.
"You coming home right now. " Mabel said
"Fine." I said.
I sighed and went home, what's going on? I feel like I don't have any freedom anymore.
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