Chapter Three
Chapter Three: If we get Hani, we got Mori!
"Now! Time to persuade Haninozuka-Senpai and Morinozuka-Senpai!", I cheered and Tamaki nodded. "I have to run and get something real quick, don't get lost alright?" I stuck my tongue out at him and told him I wasn't a child. He simply chuckled and ran off down the hall, his blonde hair and blazer swishing as it did. I smiled and began walking around. Somehow I ended up outside and peering into the karate class they had here. A small blonde with stern brown eyes was leading the class, to much of my surprise. "Alright, 15 minute break!", he said and everyone responded with a Thank You Sir. I wanted to meet him.
I entered the dojo and slipped off my shoes, familiar with karate myself. "Uh, is you're instructor around?", I asked and one of the guys nodded, pointing at the door. I bowed in and walked towards the door and knocked. "Who is it?", the voice on the other side asked and I cleared my throat. "I'm Amani Onodera, I just wanted to speak to you." He opened the door and allowed me inside. "What did you need to talk to me for?"
"Well, for starters I love this dojo! It's way nicer than than one at my old school.", I stated, looking around. The small blonde attempted to contain his smile, but failed. "Secondly, I was watching non creepily from the window and you guys are really good! Maybe we could be friends and you could teach me!", I said, already getting excited at the thought of training again.
This time he didn't hide his excitement. "Really?! You want me to teach you?!" I nodded and he jumped up and down. "I'm Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but you can call me Hani-Senpai."
"Hi Hani- wait, Haninozuka?", I asked and he nodded. "Yup! What was your name again?"
"Amani Onodera.", I said with a smile. "Maybe I'll sign up for the Karate Club, but I've got to meet up with someone. Talk to you later?", I said and he nodded, going back to his dour expression. I walked out, bowed out, slipped on my shoes and made a run for it. What the hell was I suppose to do?! I couldn't be like, 'Oi! Quit Karate and join the Host Club that isn't really an official club yet! It'll be loads of fun! Even though you don't seem like the fun type!'
I bump into a chest and I'm knocked off my feet. "Ouchie.", I mumbled, rubbing my butt. I look up to see a stolid man that stood at like 7 feet tall. He extended a hand out for me and I took it. "Thanks. Um, sorry for running into you. I'm Amani Onodera."
"Takashi Morinozuka.", he responded and I swear I felt like fainting. "Y-You're Morinozuka." He grunted and made his way around me. After he was a ways away, my knees gave out and I collapsed. "How in gods name is Tamaki going to get either of them to join?!"
A few minutes later
"There you are Mani!", Tamaki said and I saw him running towards me. "What're you doing in the garden?"
"Just thinking.", I said. Yeah! Thinking how the hell is he going to get the-
"Guess what?! Haninozuka-Senpai and Morinozuka-Senpai agreed on joining! Isn't that great?!" I let my jaw drop on this one. "How?!" And so Tamaki explained it all. "-you see? If you get Hani-Senpai, you got Mori-Senpai."
Color me astonished.
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