Chapter Four
Chapter Four: The First Official Meeting!
"Cmon Amani! We've gotta get this place looking nice before everyone arrived!", Tamaki ushered as I quickly swept the floors. "I'm trying Tamaki but you did plan this all last minute!" He shot me an apologetic look before hanging up more streamers. "Oo! Maybe when they enter, there could be rose petals gently flying towards them!", he said and I looked at him with pure confusion. "How will we manage that in under." I glanced at my watch. "An hour?!"
"Kyoya! Call the-"
"Already on it.", he said and I sighed. 'These damned rich people with their rich people money.' I silently laughed at my own seething before sweeping up the dirt and dust and throwing it away. Two guys walked in and began to set up a system in the back of the room.
"Wouldn't that be scary? Ya know, open a pair of doors to be bombarded with dying flower petals that will probably smell like old cardboard or some type of cologne?"
"Nonsense! Who'd be scared of rose petals?!"
(Cue every OHSHC FanFic author who's character gets scared of the petals at first.) "A lot more than you think Tamaki."
"we need a bandaid for the fourth wall..", Kyoya muttered. "Okay! Do we have the refreshments?!", Tamaki asked and I whipped my head towards him. "Refreshments?! You never mentioned refreshments!" He began to panic. "Don't worry! I'll go and find something cheap.", I said before taking off out the door and running straight to the market. I payed for three boxes of my childhood and quickly made my way back. Opening the doors, the roses flew towards me. I was slightly terrified and yet somehow swooned. Once the roses cleared, Tamaki smiled anxiously. "How'd they look?"
"It was a mixture of 'holy hell what the flip nuggets' and 'awe, so cheesy'.", I said and he clapped. "Great! Now, the refreshments?" I suddenly felt very self conscious of my sweet childhood dreams. The Capri Sun. "Ah, w-well. It's isn't much, but if you just give them a try I think you might like them!", I said, setting the boxes on the table. "Capri Suns? Is that an American thing?" He asked and I nodded. "M-My mom always ordered them offline when I was younger because the didn't sell them in France. But they're good! I swear!"
Kyoya sighed. "They'll have to do since they all should be arriving any minute now." Tamaki and I squeaked and looked at the time. "How did it go so quickly?! I'm not even presentable yet!", Tamaki cried as he ran to the mirror hanging in the wall. I quickly flattened my hair that had slightly poofed. "Why are you guys so frantic?", a small voice said and Tamaki and I squeaked, turning to see Haninozuka-Senpai, Morinozuka-Senpai and the twins staring at us.
"Umm, no reason!", me and Tamaki chorused as the twins sighed. "Weirdos..." Everyone took a seat on the couch and Tamaki smiled. "Hello! Welcome to the first Official Host Club Meeting! I'm your king, Tamaki Suoh. That's Kyoya Ootori and this is Amani Onodera."
I smiled and Kyoya grunted. "Way to be social..", I mumbled to him and he shot me a look. "Shut up."
"I have carefully picked you four for a very special reason!" He pointed at the twins. "I picked you two because you guys are mischievous and cunning, with a hint of taboo. As for Haninozuka-Senpai and Morinozuka-Senpai, I chose you because of Hani-Senpai's sweet exterior and love for everything cute, and Mori-Senpai for being this strong guy to help out Hani-Senpai, even though Hani-Senpai is more than capable of taking care of himself. It also gives Mori-Senpai more of a sweeter look because he's paired with an item."
"Quit rambling so much and get on with what exactly we do.", Hikaru said rudely and I smiled. "Okay. Each of you have a certain type that will attract a girls eyes. The twins are the Little Devil Type, Hani-Senpai is the Boy Lolita and Mori-Senpai is the Strong Silent Type. Our goal is to make every girl happy!"
Hani-Senpai raised his hand and I smiled. "Yes?"
"Where do you play in all of this." I smiled cockily. "I'm glad you asked. I-" I stopped and begin to think. "I-uh, I do something. I am the....."
"Maid.", Kyoya said and I began to cough violently. "Whaaa?!" He pushed up his glasses and smiled, sending chills down everyone's back. "We need someone who passes out tea and sweets during all of this, besides its a Host Club not a Host and Hostess Club." My jaw dropped. "Ooo! Mani-Chan would look super cute as a maid!"
"And we could provide the outfit. Our mother is very good." I glanced at Mori-Senpai to back me up, but he just grunted in agreement. I deflated and sighed. "Yeah, I'm the maid."
After hours of talking, planning, financing, and receiving complaints from the twins about my childhood dreams, they all left, leaving me with Kyoya and Tamaki. "Well I think that went great!", Tamaki said and I faked sniffed. "They made fun of my babies." Tamaki chuckled and ruffles my hair. "Ya know what Amani?" I hummed and looked up at him as he smiled down at me. "I think these next three years are going to be great." I smiled and leaned my head back, leaning it on his stomach. "Me too Tamaki. Me too."
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