Chapter Five~Talk
I decided to stay at Zoe's for the rest of the day. Zoe agreed that I should stay here because of the condition I'm in.
"So," Zoe said as she handed me a glass a water, "What do you want to do now?"
I shrugged and chugged down the water.
She raised an eyebrow, "Wow, someone's a little thirsty."
"Ugh," I gave a little smile, "Really Zoe? Really?"
She put her hands up, "Sorry, just stating the truth. I can rent a movie if you want."
I plopped down on her couch, "But we just saw a movie yesterday."
"So? Is that a problem?" she challenged.
I sighed, "I guess we could."
She jumped and clapped her hands, "Yay! 'Cause I've been wanting to see The Hunger Games in forever!!!"
"The first one?" I ask, "You haven't seen the first one yet? Do you live under a rock or something? My gosh."
"Umm obviously not," she motioned around her, "What do you think you're standing in?"
I laughed, "Whatever."
"I'm going to get the movie and possibly some cupcakes. Want to come?" she suggested.
I thought about it. I could stay here all alone and end up thinking about Zach and start sobbing my eyes out again or I could go out with Zoe and take my mind off of him.
"I'll go." I say standing up.
Zoe and I decided to split up since it would be faster that way. I entered Creamy Creations and stood in line.
The girl in front of me took a step back, stepping on my shoe.
She turned around, "Oh! Sorry, my bad."
"It's okay," I smiled, but then I realized who she was.
"I know you!" she said happily, "Aren't you Zach's girlfriend?"
I shifted uncomfortably to lean on my other leg, "Used to be."
"Oh!" her eyes went sad, "I'm sorry."
I knew she was faking it. Inside she was probably screaming with joy and ready to pounce on Zach when she finds him.
I nod and she ordered her cupcake, "Well, it was nice seeing you! See ya later," she skipped away.
I snorted. Not unless she falls into a hole and dies in it. I got the cupcakes and met Zoe outside.
"You won't believe who I bumped into" I said to Zoe.
Her eyes went wide, "Who? Zach?"
"No, Annie."
"No way! Did you punch her in the nose?" she said excitedly.
I shook my head, "No, but I wanted too. She was probably happy to know that we broke up"
"Did you tell her?" Zoe asked.
"Yeah," I said, realizing that it wasn't the best idea.
"Ugh, Hazel," Zoe stopped walking, "You realize that she's gonna find a way to get back together with Zach right?"
I gave Zoe a look, "I don't want to talk about it,"
We walked back to Zoe's house and popped the movie in the DVD player. Zoe went to pop some popcorn while I collapsed on the sofa.
"Hopefully this will take your mind off of Zach," Zoe suggested as she returned from the kitchen, with a full bowl of popcorn.
As we watched the movie, Katniss and Peeta's scene came up and I couldn't handle it.
"I'll be back," I told Zoe and rushed towards the bathroom.
I leaned against the sink and stared back into my reflection. I felt my phone buzz and checked the messages I had.
Ten new voice messages.
Holy cow. I pull them up on my phone and saw that they were all from Zach. I sigh and listened to one of them.
"Hazel, I know you hate me, but please pick up your phone. I really need to talk to you. The thing earlier was a misunderstanding she —" I hear him sigh, "Just pick up your phone Hazel...please,"
I could hear the pain in his voice. I was about to call him until I heard a knock on the door.
"Hazel? You alright?" I hear Zoe say.
"Yeah," I open the door and here eyes roam up and down my body.
She sighs, "Oh, I thought tha-" she shook her head, "Nevermind,"
"Zach left me ten voicemail messages," I quietly say to Zoe as we sat back down.
"Did you listen to them?" she asked with her eyes still on the movie.
"One of them. He said he needed to talk to me and the thing earlier was a misunderstanding,"
She paused the movie and looked at me, "I know you're not going to like what I say, but you need to call him back. You can't just say that you two are over without discussing it with him. Plus, you're in a state of anger and you're not thinking everything through,"
I just stared at the ceiling, trying not to tear up again.
"Hazel," she put her hand on mine, "Remember what happened to my ex and me? Remember how you helped me out and I listened to you? Just please listen to me this one time, okay? Then I won't ask you anything about this topic again. Please?"
I sighed, "Let me think about it and then maybe I will,"
She nodded and we turned our direction towards the movie.
"You know," I say as a fighting scene comes up, "I really want to do that to Annie right now,"
She laughs and almost spits her popcorn out, "Same Hazel, same"
I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and a little boy appears.
"What do you want this time? I already helped you build that spaceship with the legos,"
I nudged Zoe and told her to be nice, "Hey kiddo, want to watch the movie with us? It's almost over, but at least its something,"
He nodded and sat down next to me.
Zoe whispered to me, "Worst idea ever. All he does is ask questions and talks during the movie,"
"Shhhh, we're trying to watch a movie," I say smiling at her.
She throws a piece of popcorn at me. After the movie finishes, Peter looks at me and pouts.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Zoe says that you have a boyfriend, but I thought I was yours," he crosses his arms with a playful pout on his face.
I didn't say anything and looked at Zoe for help.
"Ummmm, Pete? How about you go get ready for bed. Hazel's a little tired right now and doesn't want to talk to anyone,"
"Awwwww. That's not fair! She was talking a minute ago. And she never said she was tired! You can't tell if someone is tired or not!" he fights back.
"Well I have superpowers and if you don't go upstairs right now, I'll use my superpowers to tell mom and dad that you weren't behaving."
His eyes widens and runs out of the room to the stairs.
"Sorry about that," Zoe says.
"Don't worry about it; he's just a kid."
Zoe quickly takes my phone, "You are going to text Zach and tell him that you want to talk to him."
I glared at her, "Fine."
"Hey Zach. Meet me up at the library and we'll talk."
"Ok. See you in five."
I grabbed my belongings, "I'm going to the library."
"Sounds good," Zoe replied, picking up the popcorn bowl, "Come back here after your done, so I can say I told you so,"
I rolled my eyes and took off.
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