This is dedicated to AliceAndMusic who's been waiting for the father/son moment
"Miss me?" Ezra asked.
Kanan exhaled a chuckle and smiled at the boy.
"Trust you to say something like that" he said.
Ezra smiled at his Master earnestly, taking in the fact his father figure was with him again. The two Jedi hesitated before running and embracing one another. Hands clinging to each others shirts as they hugged tightly. Ezra exhaled contently and snuggled into Kanan's arms. They felt safe, warm, friendly. Three things Ezra hadn't felt in a long time. (That is if you exclude the hug Sabine and Ezra had.)
Kanan was doing his best not to cry with joy. His Padawan, his friend, his family was back. Right there in his arms. It felt too incredible for words to describe. The feeling of hopelessness being replaced with utter contentment and happiness. It was amazing. The weeks without Ezra were the most misreable the crew had ever felt. Ezra was their light in the darkness of the Empire. They needed Ezra. Kanan needed Ezra. He didn't feel whole without him. Quite honestly, the man didn't know how he got by without Ezra all those years back. Sure the kid could be a snarky, sarcastic nuiseneines at times but he was family. And when the universe is against you, family is the most important thing to have. Kanan suddenly realised his shirt was getting wet. Ezra was crying.
"Relax Ezra" Kanan muttered as the boy sobbed into Kanan's tunic.
"I've got you."
Those three words. They'd been spoken in Ezra's life before. When he was almost thrown off a cliff during a lightsaber fight. Kanan clung onto Ezra's ankle as the boy dangled from the edge.
I've got you
The words meant three things to Ezra.
Home, family and love.
It was good to be back.
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