Chapter 12: To see or not to see
A/N: hey ya'll sorry for the extra long no update spell! I ended up falling at work and fractured my spine and dealing with alot and the pain. I'll try and update still slowly but not that slowly lol. Sorry if this isn't my best chapter I gotta get back into the flow of things! A/N
To say I was livid was an understatement!
OOK maybe I was getting a little to comfortable with my daily sexual deviances annnd maybe bordering on being a sex addict but in my defense.... They were really good at it and now thanks to Dave I'm not getting my blowjob!
After the rest of us finished with breakfast I began looking for Yuuki for purely informational purposes. only! *Cough* but I still couldnt find him, i think he was avoiding me the little brat.
So instead i wondered slowly through the halls, passing through rooms as I went by most being connected by little doors making my exploration more like an adventure in an unknown place than me just being bored and nosy.
It was a beautifully haunting house all done in dark colors with gold or dark brown hi lights, that was until I entered an EXTREMELY pink room with a sheer canopy bed.
My first thought was that it had to be one of the maids and I was leaning towards Cecilia but to my surprise I saw stuff from Even lying around...Dang that'll teach me to assume! I thought as I slipped through another tiny door connected to Even's room but unlike the others that led to an open room this one led to a strange corridor.
It was a long wooden corridor with no windows and only a few doors I could see before it turned out of sight in either direction.
I sat and debated with myself for a good 20 mins on if I should let my curiosity get the better of me or go back when I heard a wail that sounded like a horror movie murderer killing a whale.
YUP I'm going back! I'm not gonna die... uh again? Nope not today.
I turned to open the door only to realize it closed seamlessly so you can't go back. Who the fuck does that?! I thought then I heard light footsteps approaching and I had nowhere to hide so I run as quickly as possible to the first door only to find it was locked and the footsteps were picking up speed along with a slight hissing sound as if someone was petting a snake.
My mind started to play horrid images of a half snake human creature that would tear me limb from limb or worse! So I ran full force to the 2nd door that was also locked and then bolted for the 3rd on the bend of the hallway just as I heard that wailing scream again and the footsteps starting to run full speed around the corner but to my amazement the door opened and I hid inside, breathing hard trying to catch my breath and hoping what ever was out there didn't have hands so it couldn't come after me!
This is what I get for being nosy!
I Should have just went back to my room but NOOO I had to go have an adventure I thought as something soft brushed my neck.
I slowly turned around ready to scream only to find it was a fur coat hanging up, I was in a closet?
I crept through the clothes and coats to the door of the closet bumping into what looked like whips and chains and was that a paddle? Hanging on hooks on the wall along the left side.
This was a huge closet and the person who owned it was a perv!!
In other words i needed to get out of here before the owner came back.
I slowly started to push the door open when I heard frank sobbing making me freeze but then I heard Alistar's voice as well and my stomach fell.
" Stop your sniffling" Bar- Alistar hissed and I pushed the door open just enough to see a large room done up to look like a throne room and then I saw frank laying naked face down on the largest bed I'd ever seen with Barnaby kneeling behind him.
He's cheating on me with Frank?! But why?
I.. I'm not very good I suppose and I had gotten him slapped and yelled at but I really thought he liked me and what about Yuuki?
Tears streamed down my face as I listened to Frank's wanton moans and pants but strangely nothing from Barnaby my mind pushed at me but I kicked it back with the fact that he probably doesn't want others to know about their relationship.
No wonder frank hated me!
"Is he prepared yet? You are taking forever!" came David's voice as he exited a connected dorm on the far side of the room wearing nothing but an thin open black robe .
My poor eyes!!! Someone blind me now, I am forever scarred!
He walked like he thought he was the shit up to Barnaby who had stood up wiping his still gloved hands on a handkerchief? Wait he's still fully dressed too?!
Not that that excuses what ever he is doing.... But he didn't have sex with Frank. Yet.
" He is sir, go easy on him this time. We don't have time for your mishaps,Sir" Barnaby said with such an air of disregard to both of them that it made me gasp juuuust a little but enough for Barnaby's eyes to snap towards the closet.
"I don't need you to tell me ANYTHING! I'M IN CONTROL OF YOU, YOU SNIVELING LITT-" Dave starting yelling only to stop midsentance when Barnaby took two steps towards him making him step back two steps. I could tell he was saying something but it was all garbled and I couldn't hear much no matter how hard I listened!
Just a few random words.. maybe kneel or kill? Or bow? I dono! That was until Barnaby stepped away announcing to frank that he was going to get a toy to make it easier for him from the CLOSET!
I started to panic as he walked over to the side of the bed closets to frank and made him sniff something that immediately made him lax and More horny if that possible and he pulled away as frank called to him saying he needed him not Dave and to come back and fuck him into the ground to which Dave growled and rimmed himself so hard into frank that he choked out a cry but soon started moaning for Barnaby again.
Why does everyone want my man? I'm ok with Yuuki but that's it no one else! Your SOL Frank so back off!
Alistar's mine!
Oh snap where is he I thought as my eyes scanned the room but I didn't see him until my view was blocked off by his chest.
I ran.
Yes I'm a coward but I don't deal with confrontation by hot people!
I ran all the way to the back of the closet to where the door back to the snake hallway was.
Snake creatures are better then an angry Barnaby!
Just as I grabbed the doorknob I was lifted up and turned around to face a rather stern looking Barnaby. Unless to look at him for more then I second I decided to examine my shoes.
They are really nice shoes...
"Why hello Master Abel" he said as he turned my tears streaked face to his.
"I am sorry for what you had to see but I am not cheating on you or our Yuuki, I belong to you,never forget that beloved. For now I must follow my employers wishes but that will be over soon as well. Do not fret" he whispered to me as he stroked my face and then I became aware his gloves were off and how warm his hands were.
So Dave was forcing him to do weird things to frank... then it wasn't his fault! Yes!!!
"I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to Interrupt your um session , Barnaby? I got lost and um-" I started to explain when I saw his eyes glow and he took a sharp inhale of breath before pulling me so close to his face I could feel his breath tickle my nose.
"Say My Name, Master" he hissed at me making me shiver and my body react.
"I um...A-Alistar I'm sorry-"
"Again" he cut me off and I could hear his breathing speed up as his hands wondered down the side of my body.
"Alistar , can you.. kiss me? Please." I whispered. Really I'm was jack knifing it in my pants right now and my mind kept going back to him fingering frank and what it might feel like. Dave be damned!!
"Yes master Abel, I do believe I promised you a special kiss." He said as his lips brushed mine.
"Silence him, don't let him make a sound do you understand?" Alistar said firmly as he undid my pants.
"Wha-Ekk!" I squeaked as thin strong arms wrapped around me pulling me off my feet which Alistar wrapped around his neck.
" I told you to keep him from making noise NOT make him make noise!" Barnaby hissed and a breathy reply came from Yuuki as his hands wondered up my shirt and we slid to the floor.
"I'm sorry Ali! He ran from me earlier so I had to make him squeak" he giggled as he pinched my nipples and licked my throat. Eh so that was Yuuki....HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!! I went to yell that to him as my dick was encased in warmth that instead made the words come out in a breathy hitched moan.
"Shhhh my rose let Ali take care of you" Yuuki said as he laid my head in his lap by his crotch and started to stroke himself through his pants in time with Alistar's bobbing.
"Barnaby! Where is that whip? Hurry up I need him crying!" Dave yelled from the room making me remember where I was! Holly shit this isn't good!!!
'We have to stop before he finds us!' I thought as I went to sit up only to have Yuuki push me back down beside his now exposed penis.
My lord why are their Dicks so perfect?
I didn't get the chance to ask as Alistar swirled his tounge around the head of my cock as he sucked it down his throat taking me way past my shaft and damn near sucking both my balls inside! I opened my mouth to moan obnoxiously (I couldn't help it!) only to have Yuuki slide his dick into my open mouth causing me to cough and choke a little.
"Sorry my rose I can't have you making hmmn to much noise now can we" he gasped out as he slowly started to slide in and out of my mouth.
"God damn it BARNABY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? I CAN'T CUM! BRING ME THE WHIP! Better yet bring the paddle!" Dave barked causing me to stiffen up and start to tell them to stop before they get in trouble only to have one of Alistar's fingers start to circle my ass hole and when he added slight pressure I came hard down his throat feeling it construct my dick as he swallowed all of my cum and I felt him tense as his cum hit my leg followed by Yuuki coming in my mouth causing me to sputter before he leaned down and sucked it out and swallowed it.
Damn I might cum again!
Alistar slide up my body to kiss me then Yuuki as he whispered him to take me to my room and rest.
"BARNABY!" Dave seethed as we heard the bed squeak and his footsteps coming closer and I scrambled to stand and fix my clothes just as Yuuki grabbed my arm and pulled me through the door he was leaning on closing it just in time to see Alistar stand up,fold his hands behind his back and turn to face a very angry naked dave.
"Will he be alright?" I asked as Yuuki took me farther up the strange wood corridor as he leaned in the crook of my neck smelling me I think.
"Yes my rose, Alistar isn't allowed to kill him" he said with a smile and giggle before running away screaming we had to play catch and I was "it"
'He isn't allowed to kill him?' I thought is anyone ever going to explain this shit to me?!
Well for now I'll worry about catching Yuuki or I'll be stuck in this dang hallway again.
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