The Impasse (Ten Years Earlier)
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***Alexei's POV***
"I know it hurts. I really do. Remember that it always gets better." I try to console Sebastian, again. This is like a song that runs on loop. Sebastian falls hard for a guy only to find himself with a broken heart, empty arms and wet tissues beside his bed. I surely wish I had the hots for my best friend. It would be a match made in heaven. Seb is just way too much for me. I like my lover to be tiny, dependent and quiet. Sebastian just can't fill that place in my soul.
"Am I unlovable? What is wrong with me?" Seb throws his arms out in front of him, burying his face in the pillow of his bedding. It breaks me every single time that I see Seb cry over someone that never deserved his attention, let alone his tears.
"You stop that Sebastian Royals. You are not unlovable. There is nothing wrong with you. The right person will love you in ways that do not leave room for doubt. Fuck Roger. Fuck Corey. Most of all, fuck Leo Smith. Seb, you have to quit doing this to yourself. Leo wasn't even the bee's knees. Did you see that cow lick? I mean come on, your children would have had hair like Alfalfa. Nobody wants that." I run my hand through Sebastian's curly mop. It is a tangled mess of frizz. I honestly wish Seb would just cut his hair short. I loved the feeling of my fingertips scratching his crew cut.
"Is this what we have reduced ourselves to? We judge people on a hair pattern?" Sebastian smiles as he lifts his head. When he turns those dimples to me, I feel a wave of comfort wash over me. We are going to be okay.
"Not particularly. I could easily have pointed out the fact that Leo's ass looks like he was slapped one too many times with Principal Larry's paddle. Did you see the way his pockets always fell past his thighs? That kid is about as curvy as Paris Hilton." It feels good to finally air out my grievances with fucking Leo Smith. That shithead isn't half as good looking as he portrays himself. He must have bought his confidence at the same Cosco he buys his Axe body spray. The boy always reeked of cheap cologne and arrogance.
"I don't think he was that bad." Seb rolls off of the bed, standing in front of me with his hands on his hips. I will take sassy over sad any day.
"Name three things that made you fall for that kid?" Standing up, I tower over my life long friend.
"He is funny. He is handsome-ish. His hugs were warm." Sebastian struggles to give value to the boy. I knew that before I asked. One thing about Seb, he loves through rose colored glasses. It is infuriating to watch Sebastian look past every single red flag only to focus on the parade that is in the far-off distance.
"Not funny. He was tolerable. Handsome? In what galaxy? I have seen better looking characters in a Stephen King film. Hugs? Give me a break, Seb. I have an endless supply of warm hugs. Hell, I will throw in cuddles. On a drunk night, I may even kiss you. Don't give me that shit. A puppy would be better suited for you based on those requirements." Grabbing Seb's hand, I pull him out of his room and into the hallway. We are going anywhere to find this guy a new crush. We can't waste our entire summer pining over the likes of Leo Smith.
"Where are we going?" Seb takes long strides with his lanky legs. I easily out pace him. Sebastian was built for a runway. I was built sturdier, taller and far better looking.
"Out. Stop asking questions. Have I ever steered you wrong?" Waving to Mrs. Angela on our way out of the door, I give Seb a reminding glare. I asked a question. I expect a fucking answer.
"Don't give me that damn look. I'm not one of your pets, falling at your feet." Seb stumbles over the pavement, tripping into my arms just as he makes his proclamation. I imagine that none could have worse luck than that. I pick Sebastian up with a chuckle. I'm pretty fucking amused, myself.
"You were saying?" I smirk. I feel rather vindicated at the moment.
"Fuck you, Alexei Carson. And, yes, you have steered me wrong. Case in point, you just directed me right into stumbling over that raise in the sidewalk." Seb points to the innocent concrete. He looks rather perturbed as to how the sidewalk 'suddenly' became a walking hazard. I would like to point out that the concrete has been lifted for the whole of our existence. That does not negate the fact that Seb finds a way to trip over it every single chance he gets.
"In other news." I feign a cough to make sure that Seb sees my dismissal. What would life be like without a best friend to annoy the living shit out of? I never want to find out.
"Cut to the chase, ass wipe. We don't have all day." Seb's bad mood seems to have drifted into his normal ornery nature. I will take it.
"We do, in-fact, have all day. This is the first day of the rest of our lives. Here we are, the summer after our Senior year. Congratulations to us." I push my hand out across the live scene of people bustling through their busy day in Manhattan.
"Thanks for reminding me. I can not believe we made it. After seventeen years, we are finally adults." The idea makes Seb push a little skip into his step. I follow suit. This should be celebrated.
As we near the basketball court of the community park, I notice that there is a pick-up game going. We head towards the fence, letting ourselves onto the court. The first guy to notice us motions us to separate into one of the two teams. Seb and I take our positions, easily transitioning into the game seamlessly.
With sweat dripping from my brows, I line the ball up with the basket. I hear Seb cheering me on from across the court. I know he should be wishing for my demise. Fortunately, that is not how friends act. Seb continuously encourages me to make the basket while he plays offense to my defending teammate. I secretly hope that Sebastian makes it around the point guard. I love watching Sebastian as he beams with pride for the sport that he continued to play all the way through both middle and high school.
As my ball rims the basket, Seb runs over to attack me in praise. The game ends with me scoring the winning points. The guys around us send appreciation for joining their game. We thank them for including us, offering to meet up some other time. Seb matches strides with me as we take a walk towards the water fountain.
"Great job, Alex. That was awesome." I can feel Seb's energy. The weight of disappointment has been replaced with an air of victory. It may have been my victory but, for me and Seb, it will always be us as a team. There is no single player in our lives. We rise together and we stumble together. Except when Sebastian takes a spill over the lip of the concrete, Sebastian is on his own when his feet don't cooperate to keep him vertical.
"Thanks." I bump shoulders with Seb. We take turns rehydrating at the water fountain after the short game. We won't be at the park long. We might as well take advantage of the accommodations while they are available.
"What's next on this adventure we call life?" Sebastian begins our regular conversation, of late. I contemplated just getting a job to start off in adulthood. After a few conversations with my parents, I have decided that school is the route to take. A part-time job will have to do.
"Marketing for me. How about you?" I shift the responsibility to Sebastian. I have my plan in place. Seb has been a little less productive in his search for a life plan.
"I wish I had a little more meat and a lot less quirky. I would love to travel the world, maybe find fame on the front of a magazine. I don't know Alex. I don't want to leave Ma or my siblings, but there has to be something bigger, better out there for me. Manhattan will always be home. I just want a chance to see the unseen." I can hear the longing in Sebastian's voice as he gives life to his dreams. I will do everything in my power to make his dream a reality.
"You're cute enough. I can see it now 'Sebastian Royals, America's Next Top Model'." Spreading my arms out towards the horizon, I mime Sebastian's name in lights. He could totally be a super star. He is definitely royalty in my life.
"I don't even know where to begin. How do you step into the role of modeling?" Sebastian's voice drifts off as we continue walking in no particular direction.
"I can be your manager. We can start small. Maybe a few acting or modeling classes. I know there has to be tools out there for you to utilize. Why don't we go to the library? It won't take long. We can cut through the alley. We will search for local colleges that have a few low cost classes then we can try to book your first gig." I am one-hundred percent behind Seb in this dream. He can do this.
"I'm too scrawny." Seb makes a show of wrapping his hand around his bi-cep. He isn't exaggerating. Seb looks more like Screech than Slater.
"The gym! We have all summer. I bet we can look up some work-outs. I will help you. I can be your trainer." Now, my enthusiasm is palpable.
"What is in it for you?" Sebastian softly questions my motives.
"You're my bestfriend. The only thing I ask in return is that you never forget me. I want to be the best man at your wedding. Maybe, I will be your kids godfather one day. Yeah, that would be cool. Just promise that we will always be around." I can feel my chest tighten at the thought of something tearing me and Seb apart. I would never want to be in a world where our friendship didn't exist.
"You're stupid. I promise. I promise, Alex. I will never forget you. I can even name my first born after you. You have one of those names that can be for either a boy or a girl." Seb smiles so brightly at me that I just nod my head. Anything that we do together will be everything I ever hoped for. I may not be in love with Sebastian Royals. However, I know that I love this guy more than my own life. I wouldn't do this life without him.
"Then it is settled. I get a marketing degree and you learn to walk across a flat surface without going airborne." I chuckle heartily when Seb punches my arm. Yeah, he needs to work overtime on that physique. It is going to take a Christmas miracle to get some gains on his frame.
"Let's stop by your house. I haven't seen your mom or your dad in a few. I miss them." Sebastian takes the turn towards my house without waiting for an answer. I don't mind. I know how hard it has been on him since his dad passed away. My father tries so hard to fill in the missing link in Sebastian's life. I don't mind sharing.
Walking through the door, Seb takes off in a sprint, almost a run as he heads towards the kitchen. My parents expect our presence. I don't know if they have ever questioned the random intrusions that always feel seamless.
"There are my favorite boys." Mama rushes to the sink to wash her hands before chasing us down for a hug. I engulf my mother in a large embrace. Seb becomes sandwiched in between us. I can feel his breathing calm as he accepts my mother's affection.
Dad comes in, joining in on the long embrace. My mind drifts to a future where we always share these moments. I know life has not been fair to my best friend. It has been a bit rough in the romance department. Losing his dad has been an emotionally draining ride. Maybe we can make his dream come true. I pray that God finds a blessing somewhere in the midst of all these trials. Sebastian deserves a blessing. I am already blessed to have Sebastian as my best friend.
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