05 |cries
So my uncle came over today. It was pretty fun. All my cousins came over too. We had a huge barbeque and my dad made the best food ever.
I was having such a good time, but then when we were all talking my uncle asked me if I had a boyfriend.
I said no.
He then asked me if I 'had my eye on someone.'
I said no.
Then I excused myself to go to the toilet, and ran inside my bedroom and locked the door behind me.
Then I cried.
I cried and cried and cried. Until I couldn't cry anymore.
I felt worthless. I felt unwanted.
I felt like I wasn't good enough.
I'm probably not.
from the girl who's currently going through a large box of tissues as she writes this.
Draft saved.
Dedicated to Lee. She's epic. ❤❤💋
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