Weeding out a Traitor
"Crystalline you were right, that bïtch does have a charm on her!" My bedroom door is slammed open, causing me to wake up with a start and Albot to jump up ready to fight until we both realize it was Trix.
His hair was dishivled as he paces infront of the door, light coming in from the hall illuminating him from behind while the light from the T.V. flickers across his face. I took a deep breath and turned to face the digital clock on the night stand, frustration sinking in when I realize it was only two-am.
"Trix take a deep breath and please tell me what this is about. We leave in four hours and you interrupting my sleep is not helping." I growl out, getting off of the bed and making my way to stand infront of my friend. The look in his eyes had my senses on edge as I look yowards Albot, motioning to the door. Quickly he closes it and helps me lead Trix to the couch against the wall, eyes and ears alert for any other sounds.
"Her ring is the charm. How did I never notice it. For almost a year I was stuck with her glued to my side. It was so foul. So rancid. I spent a year with it and never knew it." I could hear the guilt in his voice as my own anger grows. I knew I told Trix to tell me once he found out if Maya had used a charm against him. Against this pack since she has fooled all of us.
"Albot, pack meeting, now. Adults sixteen years or older only." I was too angry to link anyone and knew Albot would be more level headed then I could muster. That bïtch had played everyone. Had been a part of this pack because of Trix. Had used my best friend for over a year.
Everyone knew that pack meeting for those shifting age would be met in the clearing infront of the pack house and as I exited the building a crowd was already forming. At this early in the morning they knew it meant sometjing big was happening, especially with the few of us leaving soon to head to the Royal pack.
We had only had a meeting like this once. A wolf had tried to sell information to the Rogue king and had been stopped. I had let Albot have a go at him with left many scared of my beta but left pride and respect as well.
By the time everyone had been gathered, Marcie, Albot, Trix and Blake stood behind me. The she wolf I wanted blood from stood in front with the crowd. She had left a bad taste since day one. Her demanding nature and forceful personality always questioning me now made more sense.
"What is this all about, some of us need our sleep." Ah yes that annoying voice of her's demanding will soon end. I couldn't wait for my teeth to sink into her neck.
"Yes Maya, I would love to tell you all what this is about. About how your ring is a charm. A dark charm." The wolves behind her took a step back but also spread out to form a barrier. She was not running tonight.
Her body began to stiffen, the slight sent of fear floating from her towards myself on the gentle breeze. She was right to be afraid. She was right to fear me. Because that fear will not save her today.
"Maya here has been pretending to be Matrix's mate. The truth is she is a spy. For what faction I do not know. So Maya, care to explain?" With each word I took a small step towards the she wolf. I was tired, cranky and over all not wanting to deal with her bullshit. But I did know I wanted to tear into her before I left. Make my pack safer.
"So what if I have a charm. You can't prove its for anything." Her face held a smug smile as Maya steped back. But it was a facade. She was terrified and we all knew it.
"There's one way to find out. I learned from a witch back when i lived in the city that the moment the charm is removed, it loses its power." A grin spread across my face as I reach out and grab her hand, my own nails had transformed into claws till a small trail of blood from where Maya's skin had broke covered my fingers.
Trix was getting protective. I could feel the wave of emotion that was sent my way as a growl ripped through his lips. Even though it was a charm no wolf liked the idea of another harming their mate. Maya was struggling to get her arm free, trying to keep me away from the ring attached to her finger. But I refused to yeild to her as my other hand slowly pried hers open.
"Let me go!" She screams almost savagely as her free hand swipes towards my face, claws intending to deal damage. I push her away and dodge just in time before taking her momentum and tripping her onto her front.
As she tries to push herself off I send a fist to her face, hearing the crunch of her jaw as the bone breaks below my fist.
"Now you will shut up and sit there." A warning and command enters my words, watching the shewolf nod with fear. Blood drips from the corner of Maya's mouth but she desserved it.
I grab her wrist, my claws still fully out and slicing her skin as I take off her ring. The growls from Trix die down behind me as if an off switch had been flicked.
"Trix, anything?" I call out. I was curiouse to see if anything would happen with my best friend.
"Um...Crys you might want to turn around." Albot's voice is filled with disbelief, growing my own curiosity as I turn around. I couldn't help but watch as Trix and Marcie stare at eachother as if nothing in the world mattered.
"So do I leave the traitor to you two or should we interrogate her first?" I ask, making sure to instill a command into my voice to break the two out of their trance. Their heads snap to me and I couldn't help but wave my bloody hand. We still had Maya to deal with.
"Interrogate her." Trix said, his gaze turned into a glare as his focus on Maya was one I would consider murderous.
"I'm sorry. I'll tell you e-every thing. Just please, d-don't kill me Alpha." Maya begs as best as she could. I could tell her broken jaw was bothering her while her tears spilling onto the floor tried to capture sympathy.
"Okay, speak then." An order from Albot had her shuddering. Anger was radiating around this She wolf not only from me, but from the wolves behind me as well as the pack behind her. She knew she had made a grave mistake.
"I was sent here from her brother. The Soulless King. He wanted me to keep eyes on her. To make sure nothing happened. I was suppose to notify him of anything happened like her finding a new mate." She goes on to describe that the rogue who had crossed our lands. The trails she had left to confuse us as well as the soulless that she had brought. All of this was to test me. The Soulless King promised to make her his Queen if she had done everything he asked. He knew Trix and I grew up together. Knew I would make sure he was happy.
"I am sorry." Maya finishes. But I wasn't.
"I said I wouldn't kill you. So instead I am going to let the pack hunt you. If you can make it pass the territory line you can live. You have a five seccond head start." I held no emotion in my voice as I backed up to allow her room to run. And run she did as she rushed away. When five secconds had passed I smiled and motioned for my pack to hunt, Trix and Marcie taking the lead.
[Good luck. I'm going to bed.] I link everyone, noticing Albot had stayed behind.
"Not going to hunt?" I asked curiously. It was rare for Albot not to track down a traitor. He was one of the best at it to be honest.
"Nah, why dont you head for a shower and we can continue watching a movie." He flashes me a grin and I nod in response. All I know is Blake can drive the damn car tomorrow when we leave for the Royal pack while I slept.
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