Seeking Help
"Crys something is wrong." I looked up from my dest of paper work to stare at Trix as he walks into my office, a look of worry on his face.
"What is it?" Trix knew not to barge into any office without a good reason. It was a rule I had stated as more pack members joined our pack. It made it easier to keep things quiet when I neede to work.
"It's Maya. I havent marked her yet because it doesn't feel right at all. I mean its been just over a year since me and her met I should have done it right away but I can't." Leaning back into my chair I watch my best friend pace back and forth, running his hand through is already messy hair. His emotions were in turmoil and I could feel that something wasn't right at all. I wanted to help him in any way possible not just because I hated Maya but because Trix and I grew up together.
"Do you think she bought a charm from a witch?" I ask Trix, the question stopping his pacing as he faces me.
"What do you mean?" I knew he didn't know about witches much. I didn't know much about them either until I ran into a shop one day when I was living in Toronto. Toronto had this cute little Occult store. It was filled with herbs and knick knacks. But supernaturals could taste the magic in the air.
Luckily the witch was good, a light witch. The magic tasting like Vanilla. Had she been a dark witch her magic would have been rancid like the soulless.
"Witches can make charms of all sorts. Some mess with the mate bond. Some help with pregnancy and most always its about protection. What if Maya had a charm on her that made you feel like you were mates? Does she have a peice of jewelry she never takes off?" I knew they were hard questions. Questions that needed to be answered. Ones that had Trip sitting down on the sofa in the corner as a blank look crosses his face.
I knew there had to be a reason why Trix never marked her. Instinct is something we listen too as being part wolf and I guess Trix's instinct said she wasn't right.
"She never takes off this ring on her middle finger. I always wondered why she just said it was a gift from her mother. How do I find out if its the charm?" I knew the ring he was talking about. Even when training that ring never left her. I thought she would take it off in wolf form but for a charm to work the charm must stay on the person at all times. I guess we had found our charm.
"Take her hand and kiss near the ring. If you tast vanilla or a rancid taste then it's a charm. Just don't do it suspiciously and wait for the right time. Tell me right away when you find out." Without even a thank you I watch as Trix storms out of my office, an exhasperated sigh leaving my lips. Since creating this pack the bond me and Trix once had as children slowly drifted apart. I felt bad because I knew it was my fault. I had become closer to the small pack that I formed back in the city. He was left to train with Geminie and Amberle. I missed the days Trix and I would go hunting. Just enjoying the fresh kill as we raced under the stars. Maybe I should do that with him.
"We have a problem." Albot came rushing in with a look of worry as he slams the door shut. First Trix and now Albot. Can't an alpha get work done around here.
"What is it?" I motion for him to take the seat opposite me, watching my friend pace for a moment before sighing and sitting down.
"Alexander Theon Geoffry Thorn called." He paused as a huff of annoyance escapes his lips.
"Even now knowing who he is pisses me off." Albot growls out, runing a hand through his hair. I sit waiting patiently for him to collect his thoughts. I had a feeling I wasn't going to like this at all.
"He wants a truth between the two of you in hopes of helping him seek war against the rogue king." Yep I did not like this at all. In fact I think it was suicidal. Hell it was utter bullshit.
"Now when you say the two of us you mean as Princess and King or-" I question, trailing off. No one in my pack other then Trix, Marcy, Alice, Albot and Blake knew about me being a snow white wolf. My eyes already scared some members considering they were the crystal white eyes only the pure royal wolves had. They knew I was related to the king but because my pack was considered a second chance for many their loyalty to me went beyond normal to any Alpha wolf.
"Between the King and the White Spirit." Albot finishes. As my father Spirit had said I spent the years training since that meeting. Every now and then Geminie's mother Nianah, my great-great-something grand-niece would come to test me. It had become a habit of hers. Some days I found myself looking at the moon, searching for a sign of my mother and twin sister but only getting a sight of shooting stars. They refused to see me until I sat on the throne and was safe from my so called brother. But the fact that Alexander was seeaking a treaty with me meant that he was pissed with the trips I made into the territory that will soon be mine.
"Does he suspect who the new White Spirit is?" I asked with amusement. Maybe this would give me a chance to return home and take what was rightfully mine. I had been training Trix to take over the pack as Alpha as we planned to take back the throne. I knew he was capable considering that he was an alpha like myself. Only my blood was purely royal while his was inherited through his ancestors.
"He believes that you're a male. Honestly he wants to sign a treaty with you so no harm comes to you." I couldn't help the frown that spread across my face. My pack was strong. Filled with fighters that used instinct to survive until they came here. Of course Alexander would want to sign a treaty knowing a strong treaty would cause a good grip on his reign.
"Make a call. If he is seeking help then he has become weaker since I left. But make the rules to the treaty in our favor. Guess we will be taking the throne sooner then expected."
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