"You ready to go?" I turn around to face Trix with a small sad smile. For the last two weeks we had been training with the warriors of the Temple of the Goddess. It's where Geminie and Amberle brought me. It was a place for those seeking refuge while being rogue. A place where they can learn what they can before their journy. As long as the gods allowed it.
"You know I can't take you Trix. You're my best friend but I need to do this on my own. I need to grow stronger." I could feel he wanted to argue with me again. But the thing is we have to seperate. Geminie and Amberle agreed to train him while I went off on my own. I wanted to learn about the rogues, about those who were sent off from their packs or left for some reason. I wanted to travel and by doing this alone it would be easier.
"Dominic and Arriven told me your information was leaked and so was your pictures both human and wolf. You're being hunted so that you and your ex-mate could produce an heir." He was using another approach to get me to agree to him comming. But I already knew this would happen. The girl's and the temple maidens told me already. I knew the dangers and I knew what to expect.
"Trix, I am heading to the human cities for a bit. Maybe spend my time in Toronto or Brampton. I have a new phone and new number that I gave to all of you. You'll be called twice a month and you know this." Clothes, a car and the couple of millions I had been taking out and hiding from the King was packed away all that was left was to grab some food for the road and take off.
"Crysta as your guard I have to protect you." I hated how righteous he sounded as I head past him to the kitchen, taking out two cooler bags and placing food inside each.
"And as your best friend I have to let you go so you can find your own mate Trix." I wasn't going to take him with me. Trix had a mate waiting for him and I had one I needed to forget. This was another thing we argued with and he knew I was right. With a sigh I walk up and hug my best friend. Who knew when I would see him again.
"You trained me to fight and rely on instinct. There is no way in hell anyone will be able to hurt me. Besides you forgetting about the silver dagger I have as well?" I could feel him sigh as he tightens his arms around me. We don't know when we would be able to see each other again so this could be the last time in years.
"Stay safe Crystalline."
"You to Matrix." With that we sepparate and I leave the building with unshed tears in my eyes and a bag of food in each hand. For the first time in my life I'll be without Matrix.
I get into my black hummer the moment I reach the vehicle and drive away, waiting until I reached the highway to let my tears fall.
Canada held deep forests up north. Its where the palace was. So going south to the cities would be the safest place since there were less forests and more humans. Hours passed and the sun soon went down until the stars started shining brightly. I knew I needed to rest but there was no inn or camp ground in sight. I would have to keep driving until I make it to some where safe.
I pull over before shivers run down my spine. That was a wolf howl and it was on the hunt. I close my eyes and listen to the world around as I wait for the wolf to come in sight. I know I said I would be safe to Trix but this situation wasn't right.
I step out of my Hummer and lock the doors before walking towards the sound of growls, snarls, howls and whimpers. And this god awefull stench. This really isn't right. That smell it only meant...
"HELP ME!" My eys widen and I quickle run towards the wolves. Screw safety, some soulless was hunting an innocent. I had to save her.
Taking my dager out, I leap towards a tree and flip mid air until my feet land against the trunk before pushing off, using my momentum to push me towards the first foul smelling wolf, slinking my dagger into the vertebrate just below its neck, killing it instantly before landing infront of the victims in a crouch.
A black wolf barely just shifted by the scent and a girl no older then ten cowering behind the snarling black wolf. Two soulless remained standing infront of us and I couldn't afford to be injured by them.
"Wh-who are you?" The girl whimpers out as I slowly stand, dager ready to strike.
"A friend." Was my reply before I take off and aim for my next kill.
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