Farewells before the journey
I sat watching my pack from my seat at the table. Although many pack members had their own homes on the land they still came for dinner as a family unless they had patrole duty. Tomorrow I would be leaving with some of the best to head towards my old pack. To where I rightfully belong as Queen.
I wasn't scared, more like excited to show them all that this so called runt was one who had messed with them for fun. The patrol routs were easy to figgure out, it seemed that who ever was in charge of the training had begun to slack off. Probubly Narin.
I know I will need to tell them about the trip but for now I will just enjoy watching my pack. The first few months of being Alpha was hell. Considering my size was smaller then most wolves and many doubted me. Albot definately had many respect him from the start for his sheer size but then push came to shove and I stodd my ground against a small soulless group, the small ammount of members soon realized that even tho I was a runt, I was meant to rule.
"Alpha are you okay? You seem to be spacing out." I smile and turn my head towards the she wolf who dirrected the question to me. Abby was a new member that I welcomed into the pack just last month. Like myself, her mate had been a beta and rejected her.
"I am just enjoying the moment with you all." I sigh out, looking towards Albot who gave a slight nodd. I knew I had to tell everyone I would be leaving soon. With a finally sigh I stand up and motion for the pack to settle down, a slight sadness taking over me.
"As you all know, I am the true Heir of the werewolf nation." The room was so quiet you could hear the pack's anticipation for what I had to say. I couldn't help the sadness that took over as I turn and looked at every one of their faces. I could end up dying tomorrow and this could be my last moment with my pack.
"Tomorrow a select few will be heading towards the royal pack with myself. I know it will be dangerous and I could possible die. But I leave this pack in careful hands. The current king has asked for help with the Rogue King and his plans to capture the throne. I plan to to help stop it. So please, lets enjoy this night as a family." The air became heavy with sadness, but I knew how to fix that, with a smile I motion to Marcie who grins like a child, jumping onto the table and fist bumping the air.
"Pool party, last ones there has to clean the whole yard by themselves!" She screams out, a laugh escaping me as the room empties and all wolves yip with excitement.
"Tomorrow we start focusing on surviving again." Albot whispers out, pulling me close to his side. It was just to much to bear, leaving my pack I had grown.
"The worst part is going back there, where my mate is." I whimper out. How would he react to seeing me. How would I react to seeing him. My chest hurt just thinking about him as I turn and hurry my face into my friend's chest.
"One day the pain will fade Crys. You'll have a mate that loves you. Until then you act like you don't know him and you keep walking." His arms pull me tighter as the tears start. I was ready to take back the throne but I wasn't ready to see him again. To let the pain that I have ran from take over again. I hated that tomorrow would be good bye to my pack, and I would finally have to face my past.
"How about we go hide away and watch a movie." Albot suggests and I nod. I was in no mood to party.
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