•Chapter 17•
Chapter 17: Confusion
Third POV
"I can't believe we are doing this again," Jungkook groaned. Everyone was sitting in his room waiting for the so-called distraction. He did this with Yugyeom but it didn't work he had no hope for the next one.
"His mate died so he just needs some love," Hyuna sighed playing with her hair.
"It's going to be good for you Kook," Yoongi said walking up to the boy and ruffled his hair.
"Maybe you can forget the Alpha Asshole," Bambam said with a smile on his face as he played with Yugyeom's hands.
"Isn't he your brother?" Hoseok asked.
"Yes, but that doesn't mean I will always agree with him," he answered cuddling up to Yugyeom. Jungkook was so used to being brought bad news he had no idea what to expect from the newcomer.
"I really want to dress you up," Jimin groaned. Earlier everyone decided it was fine to introduce Jungkook as he was.
"Jimin no," Jungkook said.
"Jimin no," Yoongi said.
"Jimin no," Jin said.
"Jimin yes," Jimin said.
"You guys are unbelievable," Hyuna laughed, "Just let him dress up."
"Yay!" Jimin squealed getting up and dragging Jungkook into his closet.
After several minutes of going through plenty of outfits, they decided on one.
He walked out to see everyone chatting away.
"Oh my you look adorable," Jin squealed.
"Good timing because he's downstairs at the front door," Hyuna said looking at her phone. Everyone walked out of his room and made their way downstairs to the entrance. They were surprised to see Taehyung talking to the guest.
"Now will someone tell me who invited him?" Taehyung asked looking at the group of people that entered.
"I did," Hyuna said raising her hand.
"And who are you?" Taehyung asked raising a brow.
"Much more powerful than you mutt," she scoffed, "And the Min's cousin."
"That explains almost nothing," he sighed.
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes, "Move along so Jungkook could meet his future husband." She motioned to the boy.
"Husband," Taehyung incredulously.
Not today Satan. Luca growled.
"Alright let's start with introductions," Hyuna clapped moving on.
"This is Min Jungkook," she said gesturing to the small boy with a faint blush on his cheeks, "And this is Sehun." (OMG GUYS LOOK ITS MY EXO BIAS)
Sehun stood there awkwardly waving at the younger boy, "Hello."
Jungkook smiled his bright bunny smile, "Hi you can call me Kook."
"So then he threw the phone across the room and cried," Jin said as he finished his story.
"Wait, what happened again?" Sehun asked confused. They were telling random stories in the living room to try to give him an overview of how this group works.
"Jimin saw my nudes," Jin said blankly.
"And I'm still scared," Jimin pointed out.
"Oh shut up," Jin said throwing a pillow at Jimin.
"Make me," Jimin said as he stuck out his tongue.
"You guys are an interesting group," Sehun laughed.
"You've only been here for ten minutes," Jungkook whispered into his ear, "It gets worse." The two were sitting together on the couch pretty close to each other. They got along right away with their similar interests.
"You guys seem cozy," Hyuna winked as she walked in with a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries in her hand.
"Food," Jungkook squealed getting up and attacking his cousin. She swiftly spun and saw Jungkook fall to the floor.
"Manners Bun," she scolded looking at the boy who was laying on the floor. He stood up and brushed his clothes.
"Please," he pouted widening his eyes for the effect.
"Of course," she cooed giving him the bowl giving into the boy.
"You are adorable," Sehun chuckled as he watched him pout. A blush spread across the youngers cheeks at the compliment.
"Thank you," Jungkook replied shyly as sat by him again.
"I think we should leave them alone," Jimin whispered to no one in particular. Everyone nodded as slowly crept out of the room leaving them alone. Namjoon tripped and caused something to fall and break but he tried.
Jungkook was about to protest but got interrupted by Jin yelling at Namjoon.
"So Kook," Sehun said trying to start up a conversation, "No one's talked about your mate."
"He's an ass," he muttered bitting into the first strawberry with a moan.
"Please try to avoid making those noises," Sehun sighed his eyes changing colors, "My wolf is getting excited."
"Sorry," Jungkook said with wide eyes as he realized what he did, "Well my mate is the Alpha." He's trying to change the subject. "He hates Omegas."
"I think Omegas are important," Sehun inputted.
"Thank you," Jungkook smiled, "He doesn't think so since he got some girl pregnant."
"I'm sorry," Sehun said pulling the boy closer as he saw him going to cry.
Taehyung was walking by when he heard his mate's cry. He walked towards the noise and saw him being consoled by his so-called future husband. His wolf was growling at the sight of the sight of him being held by another man.
"What's happening in here?" Taehyung growled startling the two.
Jungkook wiped his tears and whimpered, "Nothing."
"Did this fucker make you cry," Taehyung said pointing at the other.
"We were actually talking about you," Sehun said standing up.
"I didn't ask you," Taehyung snarled as he walked closer.
"I think you should leave," Sehun said getting closer.
"I'm not leaving without him," Taehyung said gesturing to the upset Kook, "We need to talk."
"Over my dead body," Sehun threatened. Jungkook rolled his eyes and decided to intervene.
Kill him. Luca laughed evilly.
"I can have that arranged," Taehyung smirked.
"And this is where I stop it," Jungkook said pushing the two away from each other before he turned to Sehun, "I'm going to talk to him."
"Okay," Sehun sighs, "But if he tries anything I'm going to kill him." Jungkook nodded and grabbed the Alpha's hand ignoring the sparks and pulled him into the closest room.
He shut the door and crossed his arms, "What did you want to talk about?"
"What is this I hear about you possibly mating with that headass in the other room?" Taehyung asked with a growl.
"You can't say anything mister," Jungkook laughed, "Your birthday is coming up soon and you are going to mate with that girl."
Bitch. Nova corrected.
Taehyung walked closer to the boy so that Jungkook's body was in between the wall and Taehyung's body, "She's having my child and going to be Luna."
"Why won't you let me move on," Jungkook said as he felt Taehyung's breath fan across his neck as they got even closer.
"Because I have no idea what to do anymore," he sighed.
"Please," Jungkook whimpered.
"Yes baby," Taehyung asked burring his nose into his neck to inhale his scent.
"Kiss me," Jungkook breathed out.
Taehyung didn't need to be told twice as he pressed his lips against his hungrily. He kissed with so much passion as if he hasn't eaten for months. They fought for dominance as Taehyung wrapped his arms around the younger's small waist.
Jungkook knew he was going to regret this.
LMAO what is this chapter.
Alright Q&A time
So you guys can not ask who the baby daddy is bc I'm not answering lol.
BYE <3
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