Chapter 2 - The Thief of The Night
Chapter 2 - The Thief of The Night
Eighteen years ago....
Theharvest moon's orange glow shines down on the land, giving the forest andmeadow surrounding it an ethereal glow. The soft breeze carries the scent offall on the wind towards where two wolves sit in waiting hidden amongst thetall grass and wild flowers that cling to life before the winter frost can hit.As the harvest moon slowly climbs to its apex, a mirage slowly appears on acrystal clear lake in the shape of a crescent moon. This mirage will soon be alush green forest only visible during two events. The first being the ascensionof the new Moon Goddess who will take the place of the Current one once she isgrown, the second is the birth of the Moon Goddess' pup only if the MoonGoddess has met her mate after becoming the next Goddess.
Todayis the latter. The current Moon Goddess is due to give birth to her baby aftermany years and hope from the wolves she watches over. This is also the day forthe two wolves to strike. The Goddess took their daughter from them just afterthe two heard her one and only cry. They would take her newly born child asrevenge and make her face the suffering they have gone through as well. Theright time soon came for the wolves hidden in the shadows to strike as the lushforest comes to life. With only a twenty minute time frame from the moment the forestmaterializes to the moment the full moon begins its descent, the two wolvesspring from their hiding spot, their paws thundering against the hard dirt.
Guardsare sure to patrol the forest as the Goddess gives birth, so caution is takenas they slink like shadows along the trees and underbrush of the forest, theorange moon providing enough light to see but also enough shadows for thethieves to hide in. Their snouts are to the wind, scenting the air and avoidingany wolf that blocks the way to their goal – the center where the weak Goddesswill lay after child birth.
"TheGoddess' mate is on his way to take the pup." The thieves stop as low voicesconverse, their heart beat picking up. If the Goddess' mate arrives earlierthan expected then their plan is foiled.
"Wehave orders to take the Future Goddess to him outside the forest before thisforest vanishes." The thieves wait as patiently as possible till the guardsmove on. With the coast clear, they continue moving from shadow to shadow untilthe soft wails of an infant reaches their ears. They had reached theirdestination.
Slinkingfrom the shadows, the two wolves bare their teeth at the women sprawled acrossa bed made of moss, her white hair fanned out behind her and her complexionwane from the hardship of child birth. Beside the weak women – the Moon Goddess– is a wooden stump carved into a bassinet where the sound of wailing comesfrom. A child with white hair and prismatic coloured eyes protests her birthand the cold she is facing, the future Moon Goddess just in reach. A twig beingstepped on by the thieves alerts the resting women to their presence but no oneis there to stop them.
"Please,leave." She whispers out weakly her hand reaching towards the pup that has nowsettled. The larger of the wolves growls menacingly, stopping the weak Goddessfrom moving in fear of her new born being harmed. The smaller of the two wolvessteps forward, her eyes trained on the new born. She was so innocent with smallcurly whisps of white hair swaddled in a black wool blanket. The smaller wolfknew she came here to kill the infant pup but instead of closing her sharpteeth around the little one's neck and ending her life like the two had planedweeks before, the smaller wolf took hold of the blanket and gingerly carriedthe pup away. Confused, her partner follows suit as the heart broken wails ofthe Moon Goddess follows their retreat and the calls to find Baby Geminie isordered by the guards.
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