I sighed as I put my chin in the palm of my hand, looking at the crumpled paper I had squished up in my other hand.
"What's wrong Ruby?" Maddie asked as she sat next to me.
School had just finished for the day, and Maddie, Sara, and I had decided to sit at the picnic tables before going home.
I slumped in my seat, looking at her with sad eyes.
"I'm going to fail English," I whined.
"Nonsense," Maddie shook her head, though it sounded like she was trying to convince herself.
"I got a D on my English essay," I grumbled, laying my essay out on the table. It was crumpled from the many times I had crushed it, before getting curious and opening it again.
Maddie plucked the essay from the table, looking it over. Her face changed from curiosity to a wince as she read.
"How did you manage to mention Justin Timberlake?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. I shrugged, resting my head in my arms.
"You're going to have to retake Senior Year," Sara said from the side, looking up from her journal. I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut.
"Not helping Sara," Maddie said, shooting Sara a glare. As if it hadn't occurred to her, Sara mumbled a sorry before looking back at her drawing.
Sighing, I pushed myself up, looking around. Near the doors of the school, I saw Connell leaned against a wall. He was watching as students left, making sure they all got to the buses.
I slumped in my seat as his eyes met mine, looking dejected. Connell lifted an eyebrow, before looking away from me.
"Ms. Delson?"
Looking up, I was met with Dr. Ridley, my principle. He was just as I had last seen him, though he looked a bit more rough then before. His suit was ruffled, and he looked rather tired.
"Hey Ridley, something wrong?" I asked, sitting up. He looked even worse than I did.
"Afraid so. I promised a new student I would take him around the school, but I've got an emergency meeting with a supervisor."
I stared at him, waiting for him to get to the point. He was quiet, before he sighed.
"Can you just take him on a quick tour?" He asked.
If I was in a movie, my mouth would have fallen open with surprise and I would have been shook. Yet, it's not a movie, so I just sat there in shrugged.
Shook about Dr. Ridley actually trusting me with something, mind you.
"Okay," I responded.
Relief crossed his face, and he took out his neckerchief to wipe his forehead.
"Perfect! I think he's near the front entrance, I honestly don't know."
With that, Dr. Ridley turned to leave. I had many questions, but was left with no answers as he basically ran away.
Maddie and Sara both stared and me, before glancing at each other.
"I don't know what just happened," I said slowly... looking at the fading figure of our principal.
"I think you have a tour to give," Maddie answered, standing. Sara followed in suit, packing up her supplies.
"No way, you're not leaving me are you?" I complained, watching as they packed their bags.
Maddie nodded, collecting her papers.
"My mama will kill me if I stay late, besides I have to drive Sara home," Maddie answered. Sara nodded, and soon enough, they were both about to leave.
The both bid me goodbye, leaving me gawking by the table.
I was alone for a few seconds, before another figure came up behind me.
"You okay darling?" Connell asked. I couldn't help the feeling in my stomach from sprouting, the nice- sweet feeling. Instead I just turned, sighing.
"I have to give a tour," I answered him.
Stepping away from the table, I blew in a dramatic kiss, before walking off towards the front of the building. Most people had already gone, or weren't paying attention.
The front of Frémont was adorned with a large statue of a large shark- looking like it was jumping out of water. It was a questionable statue, and most people didn't truly understand, unless they understood that we were the sharks.
Why they didn't just choose wolves, considering most of the population of the town were wolves, was beyond me.
Leaned again a statue, was a figure that made me stop in my tracks. The hair, the eyes, the familiar grin.
He looked up, and a he have smirked, looking me up and down.
"Ruby, right? Didn't think I'd ever see you again," He chuckled.
Walking over to me, he put his phone in his back pocket, fixing the cuffs of his sleeves. He was still wearing his St. Johns uniform- which was a white button down with a blazer, and black slacks.
"Same. It's been a while," I said slowly, thinking back on the very foggy party. I remember very little.
His flirtatious, his ferocious kisses, and yet those things being completely canceled out by the soft words Connell whispered to me that night.
"-Ruby?" Jon asked.
"I asked if you were giving the tour."
"Oh yeah," I chuckled nervously, shoving my hands in my pockets. I looked towards the school, wondering if the doors we even open from the outside.
"Here's my schedule," He said quickly, pulling out a piece of paper from the inside of his blazer. It was crumpled slightly, but for the most part it was easy to read.
"I guess we should go to AP physics first," I said slowly, looking over the list. All of the classes were far above what I could do.
"Sounds good."
I walked towards the front door, Jon trailing uncomfortably close. Still, he held the door open for me when we got their, making me smile.
"So why are you transferring?" I asked as we walked down the math and science hallway after visiting his class.
"Family reasons," He said quickly, letting the conversation drop with a thud. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, but decided I should just accept it.
We continued down the hallway, going to his next class, which happened to be English. It wasn't my English, but instead a much more advanced college course.
"Mr. Monroe is chill," I told him, looking down again at the schedule as we walked past the familiar classrooms.
The atmosphere shifted suddenly, and I became much calmer than I was before, as though it was a relieving factor. Looking up, Connell's classroom was in view, and he was perched against his doorframe, on his phone. I was curious, since he almost never stayed behind.
"Mr. Wood?" I called lightly as I walked up. He looked up, and a smile came to his face, before it was wiped away as he realized I wasn't alone.
"Hello Ms. Delson," He called back. He walked towards us, his blue eyes looking at me deeply as he came up.
"And you are?" He asked, putting out his hand. Jon took it, though he seemed a bit nervous.
"Jon," He answered.
"Nice to meet you. Are you a new student?" He asked, looking down at Jon's Uniform.
Jon nodded, before looking at me.
"Where's the locker rooms?" Jon asked suddenly, causing me to take my lingering eyes and smile off of Connell.
I blinked at his questions, before letting out a strong 'Oh'.
"That way," I said, pointing towards the doors that led outside. It was the side entrance of the school, near the picnic tables and the parking lot.
"Let's go see that, I bet its interesting," Jon said. He started walking towards the doors, leaving me to watch him with a lifted eyebrow.
"He's a weird one," Connell whispered to me. I smiled, before winking at him and following Jon to the door.
The wind picked up as soon as we got outside, ruffling the colorful leaves on the ground. It picked them up, and carried them a few feet before gently laying them back down.
We walked down the path towards the gym side room, which was closest to the sports fields. Though I normally avoided them by all means, sometimes Fletcher would kidnap me to watch his practices or come to an occasional game.
"I don't know if the side door will be open," I said absentmindedly. Jon was quiet, keeping a good pace behind me.
The side door was hidden in a collection of trees, only a small path leading it out towards the fields. No one went out of it though, choosing instead the double back doors that connected to the locker rooms.
Once I had gotten to the door, I tried to tug it open, but found that it was locked. With another rough pull, I tried again, but was disappointed.
"It's locked," I said, turning. Before I could save another word, I was shoved roughly against the wall.
"He-," I started to shout, but before I could say anything else, Jon smothered me in a kiss. I was too startled at first, not moving, trying to figure out what to do. My first instincts were to knee him, but before I could lift my leg, there was a deep voice that came from behind us.
"Hey! Get away from her!"
I was snapped back to reality, and my first reaction was to bite Jon. He let out a yelp as he stepped away from me, blood starting to pool at his lip.
I looked behind him, Connell's face coming into view. Pissed would be an understatement to describe what he looked like.
Scowling at Jon, I lifted my leg up quickly, kneeing him in the crotch, before rushing away. I ran towards Connell, putting my arms out as I came up to him.
I thought he might be angry, maybe he wouldn't understood, but he seemed to get it. He wrapped his arms away from me, controlling himself from attacking Jon.
I took his hand, leading him away from a still-recovering Jon. I didn't want to see him any longer than necessary, though it did give me pleasure seeing him moan on the ground.
"Over-dramatic," Dottie laughed.
"Where were you?" I shot back. In the midst of an assault- she had disappeared.
"I was watching," She defended. I struggled to not roll my eyes, instead focusing on getting to the parking lot.
Connell was still trying to calm down when we got to the park lot, his eyes were slit like a cat as he looked back towards the direction we had come.
"Bastard," He muttered, shrugging off his jacket to wrap it around my shoulders. The parking lot was empty, save a few cars scattered about. No one was in sight, though.
I said nothing as we got to my car, only exhaling. My mind was going a million different ways.
"Are you okay?" He finally asked me, watching me with concern. I looked at him with big eyes, nodding.
He didn't seem to care if anyone saw as he hugged me, nearly picking me up as he tightened his grip. He kissed the side of my neck gently, rubbing my back as his pulse became tame.
When he did let go, he still held my hand, opening my car door at the same time.
"You can get home okay?" He asked, helping me in. I nodded, pressing the on button.
"I'll be fine," I smiled.
I wasn't sure if I was though. Should I be fine? I guess not, but still a part of me begged to be okay. So I fell in, trying to abolish all thoughts of John and his slimy lips from my mind.
"I'll see you at home," Connell kissed me goodbye, closing my car door was he walked towards the school. I watched after him sadly, missing his presence.
I left the parking lot with one last glance towards the school, trying to shake wandering thoughts out of my head.
Authors Note
Daddy Connell saves the day- although I think we all know that Ruby could handle her self.
-Elle Kay
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