CH::5 || Tale of a mother who loved and a brother who hated
Lol, basically him without the glasses and eyes are a bit bigger, but this is what he wears for this part of the chapter. Art is not mine and Inuyasha isn't either. Would have made it too gay up in there.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
" Why are we bringing your bike again?" I asked her while taking a quick glance at the pink bike, she insisted she would bring it with us but it would be extra weight. " It's only brings weight.." Kagome puffed her cheeks out as she said. " Can you run like Inuyasha?"
" No."
" Exactly. Now help me bring it to the top." She orders and I rolled my eyes before helping her take it before hoping back down with ease grasping our bags filled with items we could possibly need.
" Heh. Nothing has changed." I commented as we began to bike towards the village. We were no longer wearing our school uniform but lazy clothes so we could be at least comfy when we're almost being eaten. We passed by many rice water.
" How do you think Inuyasha feels?" She asked as I held on to her from behind, my head perched on her shoulder. " Honestly.. he looked pretty messed up from the fight, he did get a few wounds.." I said as my eyes closed. " But for him, he'll probably still be a dick to us."
" Inuyasha is rude, crude and awful." She replies while staring at the dirt road. " but as long as we get the jewel shards, everything will be okay right.?"
" I guess."
The bike picks up a bit as if we ran over something before the road became smooth. " Felt like I ran over something." Kagome muttered before shrugging as we made our way into town. Finding Inuyasha was quicker than I would think as we stop at a base of a tree seeing him lay there lazily, like we didn't have jewel shards to find.
" Come down Inuyasha!" Kagome called as I stood behind her a bit. " You need first aid treatment!"
" First aid? Pft!" He scoffed at her, " I don't need it, go away!"
" You do too! Hiro said you got hurt!" She shouted up as I glared at the white haired male, why did he had to be so stubborn! " Come down here!"
" nothing to it." He replies lazily. Kagome isn't gonna stop until he comes down.
" I said come here!"
He only scoffs which made Kagome even madder and takes a deep breath and uttered, " Sit boy." Which made Inuyasha fall down with a yelp of pain, face first into the ground. I on the other hand, covered my mouth and began to snicker at the others misfortune.
" Why'd you do that for?!" He yells at her, she had the kit ready out and bends down a bit to show him. " I'll just take a look, when you're hurt that bad you'd need to have medical treatment ya know." She spoke as her hand goes to remove the top of the kimono but was rudely smacked away.
" Ow." Kagome whimper a bit before glaring and stood up walking towards me, I took a step back as she shoved the kit into my hands. " Here! He's being stubborn so you help him! The jerk smacked my hand." She huffed and glared at Inuyasha who glared back still laying on the floor.
" But.. I don't know...Uh.." I've never help anyone like this before, and it began to make my hands feel clammy and numb. " Uh...Geez." I walked towards the inu demon who growls at me warningly.
" Take your shirt off!" I demanded but he huffed and turn his head away from me, I glanced at Kagome who glared at him then at me. " Fine!" Quickly with little to no ease I straddle the half-breed. He seemed surprise and his cheeks went red as he tries to push me off. " Stop being stubborn!"
" Me!? How about you! You're the one straddling me!" He replies with sass as I tried to yank the red kimono off him. He's hurt! He needs medical attention. " Hiro get off!"
" not until you take the stupid Shirt off!" I barked back as I yanked on the silky red clothed. We both fight over the clothes, nothing getting my mind off the clothes until.
" Shield ye eyes children!" Kaede orders the children that magically appear behind us, glancing behind myself I see Kaede standing in front of the kids, her arm in a sling and other hand was a walking stick to assist her. " If Ye Both Please, take your sexual actions behind a door or farther from the prying eyes of children."
" Wait! It wasn't like that!" Kagome stutters, her cheeks a bit red but mine were definitely cheery color, how could this old lady say that!
" Get off!" I landed back with a grunt, and glared up at him as he removed his shirt a bit to show his chest area which was attacked the other night. " I thought you would get it! I ain't like you both, I heal much better." He was right, his chest held no scar or open wound, his chest was all better!
" Huh! I thought Hiro said you were injured badly!" Kagome squeaks out, as Kaede voiced her opinion. " Ye has no scar, or blemish, like the fight never happened at all."
" Tch! I said, I ain't like ya!" He scoffed before wincing as he glanced down at his chest. " Ow?" Standing up and dusting myself off, I walked closer to see something tiny began to grow slowly in size.
" What the hell is that?"
" Greetings and salutations!" It chirps before becoming flat when Inuyasha slammed his palm on him, bending down with him, my blue eyes watched the tiny creature in wonder. It was a demon flea, perhaps, it was tiny and had big animated eyes with a carrot looking nose, not to mention a fluffy flow white mustache.
" Great. What did you come to see me about?" Inuyasha asked the flea who stands up straight again.
" Lord Inuyasha, I came to talk a...abou.....t" Kagome came in and sprayed the poor thing with a can of flea spray over the poor thing, I snatched it from her grasp and throw it the other way.
" What the hell Kagome!"
" What? It was a flea!"
We walked back to Kaede's hut, we settled in quite nicely as the sun began to fall and the moon was ready to come out and greet us with it's night.
I sat beside Kagome, my eyes on the flea we just met, Myoka.
" My lord Inuyasha, I, Myoka the protector of your father's final resting place couldn't protect it no longer." He stated, his voice sad as were his eyes.
" So you decide to get up and abandon it huh?" Inuyasha said with a sneer, " You took off and came here?"
" Yes. But the remains are important and they are no longer there, so I fled." The flea responded, my eyes glancing between the two thinking why were the demon's remains that important. Maybe something magical.
" Oh? So where are the remains?" The dog boy questioned. " Regrettably My Lord, No one knows."
" Some guardian you are."
I sigh as I gave a tired glance to the whit haired boy, " Ya know one of these days someone's gonna hit you because you're lack of manners and assortment." I said, my voice held boredom and interest .
" Tch, I don't need manners, I'm a demon."
" half demon." I corrected making him glare at me before glancing to the demon flea.
Kaede began to speak, " Inuyasha, they say your father was a phantom beast that the western lands were his domain."
" Wait. Inuyasha's Father was a giant dog?" I asked, my eyes shifted towards her. " Like Giant or that's a nickname?"
" Nay, Inuyasha's Father could turn into a giant beast dog but also had a human form, just for short comings in battles or movement."
" I can't say I remember it that well." Inuyasha replies softly, almost calm.
" You're Father was a demon amount demons. Great and powerful.. and his blood was mighty delicious too!" Myoka sighs blissfully. " And you Lord Inuyasha had inherited that from him."
" Wow!" Kagome and I said, " And what about his mother?"Kagome asked, her dark eyes sparking in wonder.
" His Mother was a beauty that no one can compare, a tru-" Myoka stops when Inuyasha uses his ankle to smash down on the poor bug. Adding more pain, he began to wiggle his heel on Myoka who kept grunting in pain.
" Inuyasha! Stop being a jerk!" I shouted, we only wanted to know more.
" Just drop it okay!" He said not sparking us a glance as he walked towards the door. " she died a long time ago." The door fluttered behind him. I stared at him before glancing at the older women, why would he act that strongly. Was she murdered? Or he hated her?
" did something I said make him upset?" Kagome asked the older women.
" Aye... well..."
" I'm sorry. I... all I did was ask him about his mother..." Kagome drifted off softly. I patted her hand softly as I smiled at her, " It isn't you're fault Kagome... we were both curious...nothing wrong with that."
" see.. Lord Inuyasha has always preferred not to talk about his mother.. or speak of her.." Myoka Said once he recovered from being squashed.
I stared at the fluttered door,
Did... he...did he miss her that much? Was she a nice mother, did she love him? I mean she had too right? I mean, my mother never gave me the time of day or acknowledged my existence until I was almost Of age to marry, so last year..did she hated my existence that much until I was good for her convenience...
" Hiro lets go.." Kagome said and I glanced at her before nodding my head getting up and walked to her, we both get on the bike and she hiked us towards the tree we saw the inu sat on early that day. I stared at him, trying to think much more of this world but mostly of what Inuyasha had went through.
He's half demon but human too! Mother a human and father a demon, something despised among both worlds, probably why he need the jewel of four souls to change him into full demon but what about Kiyoko? They wouldn't never made it, honestly... she was a priestess, a pretty one I assumed...he, a half demon who lost both parents by death..
" I get you.." I whispered just as heavy wind made my eyes closed a bit and Kagome's hair gotten in my face, something bad was gonna happened and soon.
-3 Person-
" Get Down!"
Inuyasha fall down the tree shoveling both humans into the ground, face first and both equally annoyed that rock and dirt hit their faces. He had good intentions but they didn't like being shoved into the dirt.
" Jackass."
" Inuyasha."
His eyes gazing at one place and ears perked up, he could hear it miles away from them. He needed to act quickly.
" Something's coming..can you both feel it?" Both humans turn their heads to where Inuyasha was looking at, gazing up at the moon, they see a small palanquin being pulled by nothing it seemed but three green looking things following it.
" It's a Noble's Palenquin.." Kagome commented, it was so odd seeing one and one in the air.
" Look!" Hiro said with wide eyes, a beautiful women with long black hair and sweet looking face, wearing Noble robes was in it, her eyes pleading it seemed. " so beautiful.."
" There's a lady ridding in it.." Kagome commented before seeing Inuyasha stand up in surprise. " What's wrong?"
" Inuyasha?... do you Know her?" Hiro's voiced sounded a bit jealous, it surprised him a bit. Like his voice went a bit soft before returning to his natural voice.
" M-Mother..."
" Mother?!"
Her eyes turn towards down towards us, her grim look instantly turn bright as she turns to us a bit. " It is you, Inuyasha!" She moans in pain when the chains around her gotten tightened.
We ran a couple steps behind Inuyasha, " Mother!"
" It can't be, you're mother is dead! You told us that yourself!" Kagome said, this couldn't be his mother. His mother died years ago, this could be trick. Or worst.
" Yeah, Inuyasha, this gotta be a trick!"
" Inuyasha! Inuyasha!" She called, her voice panicked. The palanquin began to float more into the air towards a mass of clouds as a claw hand push through and grasped the small palanquin, smashing it into pieces, but the women came out unconscious in the monster's hand. The monster was really big, glowing red eyes and an ugly face.
" He's gonna hurt her!" Hiro said completely worried, not sure if this was a trick or not anymore.
" No he's not!" Inuyasha leaps into action, determination on his face, he needed to save his mother who somehow came back from the dead. He was close to the monster but a fire ball Came hurling towards him making him dodge 0 but the second one wasn't as good. He barely missed it and jumps back.
" Sesshomaru!" He yells and both humans looked up, he looked similar to Inuyasha but he looked like royalty. His face more mature and had no puppy dog ears.
" It's been a while... little brother.." He said calmly, his eyes on him.
"'re related to him?" Hiro asked as he walked up towards Inuyasha with Kagome beside him. " You're related to him..?" Kagome asked as well.
" Mortals? How interesting..." He commented, his eyes narrow.
" Uh..yeah what of it?" Kagome said confident.
" others would be shameful to be associated with mortals.. perhaps you inherited that taste from father as well..." Sesshomaru commented as Inuyasha bristled. " the girl quite suits you... as for the boy.... I'll take him..." Hiro shivers as he listens but Inuyasha stood in front of the protective like.
The monster yanks on a chain making the women moan in more pain, her eyes screwed shut.
" Any how.. where is the location of father's resting place?" The older demon asked, his arms crossed as both of them entered into each large sleeve of the kimono.
" Oh come on Sesshomaru, you didn't come all the way here to ask me that did you?" Inuyasha taunted as he curls his knuckles showing his sharp claws.
" I do not have time to waste, The tomb of our father... where may I seek it?"
" Pft. Like I would know!" Inuyasha shouted, " Why ask me!"
" Seen but never seen, protected and yet never known to its protector.." The elder dog demon rehearse, his eyes still on the group.
" Besides, even if I knew I wouldn't have told you nothing about it!" Inuyasha said shorty, and sounded a bit smug about it too.
Wrong decision
" I see.... then I guess you leave me with no choice... but to let your mothers suffering continue.." He whips out a yellow color whip and slashed it against the monsters face making it growl and tighten its grip on the women making her moan in pain again.
" Inuyasha Stop Him!" Hiroki shouted at him as he stared at the women who was being crushed in worry. Trick or not, this Women was in pain.
" Yeah right jerk! She's been dead for years, as if I'd fall for that stupid trick!" Inuyasha shouted as he clenched his hands a bit.
" A trick is it?" The older brother asked, his face a bit amused.
" it is you who's stupid, bring dead spirits from the netherworld is quiet easy for Lord Sesshomaru." The green goblin added with pride. " He was even kind to give her flesh, pity that her own son would deny it!" The chain raddled when the monster's grip on her tighten even more. In pain and hurt, she reaches downwards towards the group .
"INUYASHA." she whispered out to him making the half demon freeze in shock.
" I have came back Inuyasha, back from the land of the dead to the land of the living .." after saying that she faints writhing in the monsters harsh grasp.
" Stop hurting her!" Inuyasha cries out as he jumps and slashed at the monsters hand.
The monster cries out as she landed on the harsh ground with a thump, Hiro rushes towards kicking off the goblins, Kagome rushes by him and checks her too as Hiro began to removed the chains that had blinded her.
" Kagome! Hiro! Get my mother and leave!" Inuyasha demanded while glancing over his shoulder to the two.
" I think not," Sesshomaru uttered wiping the monsters face and it gives a cry of pain before reaching down to grab the three but Inuyasha jumps in the way while getting hurt.
" INUYASHA!" Hiro cries out in fear as the monster hits him, his voice seemingly cracks a bit.
" Inuyasha!' The Mother cries as she lets a bright light consume all four of them.
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