Ch:: 10|| The Fantastic Thunder Brothers and Hiroki's attraction Issues:: Part 2
" Now that I have your attention, Here is what I'm going to teach you." Kiyoshi said as he raised his hand up. " Gunbai, come here." The fan that was in the ground clasped shut and retracted from the ground before soaring towards Kiyoshi who catches it with ease. He held it in his hands and lazily brush off the debris before the Fan began to shrink. Hiroki gasped in awe as the large war fan shrunk before something caught him off guard.
" Gunbai? What's that?" Hiroki asked curious as Kiyoshi grins as he looked at the reincarnation. " It means Steel fan, I named it just like Inu no Taishō did to his swords. But when you call him by his name, Gunbai comes back to you." Hiroki nods as he made metal notes. " Call him back." Hiroki nods once more as he moved his hand out to grab the Fan.
" Gunbai!" The fan leaves Kiyoshi's grasp but as it headed towards Hiroki, Fan grew back to its regular war like stature. Hiroki let's out an squeal of fear before shoving himself down to the ground as the fan hit's the tree behind him. " What the heck man!" Hiroki glared at Kiyoshi who chuckles. " Not funny!"
" My apologies, I must've forgotten to tell you that in order to hold Gunbai in his small form, you must imagine physically how he would look like." Kiyoshi explains and Hiroki gave him a blank look. " What? Things slip my mind." The priest said as he open his palm to call the weapon back to him. " Gunbai." Once that name came out, the fan unstuck itself from the tree and flew back into Kiyoshi's awaiting hand. Back as a smaller fan. " You try."
Taking a big and deep breath, Hiroki called out to the fan with a weak voice. " G-Gunbai?" The fan did not move as Hiroki groans and glared at the fan. " Gunbai!" The fan swings towards him as Hiroki had his hand out to grab it but his face turns the other way as he imagine the large war fan as one of those small ones he would buy with Kagome when they travel to a festival. The small ones he usually breaks by accident every time. He slowly cracked his eye opens to see the fan in his grasp but very small and light.
" Excellent, I've kept you here enough.." Kiyoshi said as everything around Hiroki gotten brighter and brighter. " Keep practicing, and maybe someday you'll be good as me." As everything went bright.
Hiroki slowly open his eyes and noticed that he wasn't where he was last time, but instead under Inuyasha's arm. He felt a bit sore but nothing else, he then noticed the half demon carrying Kagome's pink bike and he uttered, " Where is Kagome?"
" You're awake." Inuyasha stated as he kept jumping on hills to get to the place. He glanced down at Hiroki and looked back up just as he stops on a hill. " Long story short, Shippo gotten Kagome kidnaped by the demon brothers of the thunder tribe."
Shippo growls warningly at the demon dog for ratting him out. " And Inuyasha didn't want to come help her, he was so worried over you, he began beating the snot outta me." There were at least four visible bumps on the fox's head and that made Hiroki snicker. " Not funny! Come guys, we need to hurry before they start eating Kagome!" He suddenly wailed.
" No they won't," Inuyasha stated bluntly as he adjust the grip he had on Hiroki. " You said that they eat pretty girls. Kagome ain't pretty." Hiroki rolled his blue eyes, denial. Kagome is fairly attractive but that's no way to diss her like that.
" Can't you spot pretty women when you see it?" Shippo snapped as Hiroki shakes his head as he Boredly glanced back up Inuyasha. " Kagome is pretty." Hiroki said afterwards making Inuyasha's grip almost slack and he could feel it while leaning against him and looked at him a bit curious to why he was. " What's wrong?" Hiroki asked.
" He likes her! I knew it, I knew it! from the loving touches, loyal protection and now he's proclaiming his love for her!" Inuyasha mentally yells as Jealousy grew within him but so did confusion. Was he jealous of Hiroki for saying she was pretty without holding himself back or of Kagome for being complimented. " Tch, whatever. All I know is they are not going to eat her." Inuyasha stated boldly once more. " She ain't pretty!"
" How about we put it to a vote?" Miyoka finally pipes up, " And since that I have four hands, I get to vote twice."
" Enough! Kagome will come back and haunt me for this, like the legends and I know how it work's" Shippo stated while gripping his hair as Hiroki smirked before saying loudly. " Ooh, I can see it now. Every time you'll go to sleep, Kagome will be hiding under your cot and slowly takes your toes one by one until you're toeless little fox child!~" Hiroki laughs drily as Shippo shakes with wide eyes at the thought of it.
" Hiro, knock it off!" Inuyasha orders as Hiroki huffed, " When do you become a kagome?" He asked hotly as Inuyasha puffed his chest out a bit offened. " Am not."
" Are too"
" Am not"
" Are too"
" Am Not!"
After saying that, thunder strikes behind us but then hits the rock that Inuyasha was standing on. I was in the safe grasped of Inuyasha but the bike and our bag was on the floor. Before I could even get the fan, Inuyasha ran towards Shippo and picked him up as Thunder almost strike us once more. We stopped and turn towards the direction of where the thunder was fired from.
" My, My I gotta hand it to you, both of you managed to dodged my attack, especially enlighten of your dull and uninspiring conversation." A man said as he floated in the sky, probably with the help with those wheel things that were almost connected to his heels. He wore warrior type clothing and had long black hair. Only reason you could tell he was demon was because of his unnatural eyes. Hiroki didn't like the look of his weapon of choice either. " You must be Inuyasha." Lighting strikes behind him as he said that.
" Master Inuyasha and Hiro, this Is the bold Manten. One of the thunder brothers, please be wary of him." Miyoka stated seriously as Hiroki gulped a bit. " Where's kagome!? What did you do to her?" Shippo demanded as he leaps on Hiroki's head and the blue eyed male didn't do a thing to take him off.
" Don't despair, we haven't done nothing to the winch of as yet."Hanten said as he looked to the side as did Hiroki. " Manten." He called as a weird looking demon came out while on a cloud. " Coming brother." They were brothers?! Hiroki didn't believe it unless this Manten was half demon like Inuyasha. He was the same guy that attacked Shippo and Kagome.
" Behold!"
" Inuyasha, Hiroki!" Relief filled half demon and reincarnated priest as they saw the unharmed female of their group. " Kagome! Are you okay?" Hiroki called up as the women nods her head happily.
" well at least they haven't hurt her yet.." Inuyasha noted as he stared at the girl.
" Judging from those expressions, The winch wasn't lying.." Hanten said before he got aggressive with his next sentence. " Now, give us the jewel shards or you'll never see your lover again!! Inuyasha!" Lighting emits from him as Hiroki gave him a blank stare as he tried to piece together everything that demon said as Inuyasha was just as blank.
" L-Lover?" He began walking forwards calmly, " Uh, there must be some mistake." He said first as he kept walking. " Let me get this straight, you and I are supposed to be lovers?" He questioned the women as Hiroki glared at Inuyasha a bit before watching his best friend as a burring sensation was erupting in his chest like heartburn. He didn't like it and ignored it.
" This is no time to get shy!~" Kagome yelled down dramatically as the demon gave her a noggie.
" You actually think I would hand over the jewel shards for some ransom to get you back!?" He growls at her as Kagome yelled back, " Of course you would, that's what a lover would do!"
Would they quit calling each other lovers? Hiroki thought before sighing as he crossed his arms, they were fighting before the actual fight. The urge to smoke was strong, but he didn't bring cigarettes and kagome would pinch him if he would.
" But we ain't lovers! And without love, the argument kinda falls apart!"
" So these little gems are more important than me?! How dare you say that after we've been through so much together.!" Her anger spiking because Inuyasha wasn't going through the plan she came up in her head. " In the meantime, you better admit your love to me or else!"
" This is clear to myself that you do have some jewel fragments, Inuyasha." Hanten said with a smirk. " Jewel's that will be mine!" He shot forwards towards us as Inuyasha unsheathed Tessaiga to protective himself and the others. Meanwhile, Hiroki sprinted out of the way and skids towards the yellow bookbag and opens it up and grasped his war fan and clipped it on his back.
The burning sensation now made him annoyed, and made him want to hit something, something like Hanten. He turns to see Inuyasha use Tessaiga to throw off the brother who smirks still. " Indeed you have power but no style!" He commented. " What an interesting battle!"
One Person-------------------------
I knew Inuyasha would need to focus everything on Hanten so I would have to fight the other in order to get Kagome. I skidded behind a large rock and hid myself from Inuyasha's battle as I scaled around and saw the cloud holding Kagome. I had no plan until Kagome rudely pushes off the Demon. I winced as he landed hard enough to make a huge crater under his large body. But she began falling too. I noticed Shippo a couple feet near me and called to him.
" Shippo! do something!" I demanded as the tiny fix panic and searched for something in his clothes and pulled out a toy. I could feel my face go slack. " How is that suppose to be helping us!?" I snapped at him as he smirked.
" Just watch." Kagome landed on the demon safely but it was short lived as it began to chase her, I slide down the crater to help her but she trips and falls. Her clumsy actions would get her killed one day. " Take this!" I watched the toy that Shippo pulled out spin on the demon's head making him stop in his tracks and grunts in pain as the toy gotten bigger and bigger while spinning heavily on his head.
" My mistake." I muttered as I help Kagome up from the ground and help her climb the crater to regular ground. " Nice move down there." Kagome commented the squirt as I watched the toy spin harder. I refuse to say something nice but it was a really cool weapon. " It was nothing."
" It is far to early for celebration, Shippo's so called fox magic is only operating off an illusion. it won't last long." After Miyoka demisted the last hope of trying not to fight, the little toy began shrinking and shrinking back to its tiny form, and boy, the demon did not look happy. Even more so when the last strain of forehead hair was gone. He went crazy!
" Come on!" I pulled Shippo under my arm like Inuyasha did to me early ago and Kagome by her hand and ran as the lighting was blowing up all around the demon before yanking them behind a tree. We panted as we heard his angry yell's.
" Man, we added fuel to the fire, didn't we?" Kagome commented after panting. I nod and lean back against the tree trunk. " We sure did." " You said it."
" I can smell you're fear... I can use one for the hair potion, one for another pelt and the other as a snack.." He stated and I could hear him walk away from us, I didn't want to be either! We couldn't be here if he kept walking around and Inuyasha was far too busy to keep helping us. Slowly I peeked over the rock and he walked the other way from us as an Idea lit up in my head and sat back to look at the other two.
" Alright, I have a plan but I don't think you two are going to like it.." I told them as Shippo grins before he slowly morpthed into me. He gotten ever detail right as Kagome and myself hidden behind another tree to get out of sight. As manten was near, I threw a rock over the direction of Shippo and the damn demon fell for it. Just as Shippo used his hair to grabbed his arms to subdue him, Kagome and I came back.
" Grab the Arrow, Kagome!"
" Right!" She did as he hissed in pain as Shippo kept him still, " Now!" Kagome nods as she aim the arrow towards the demon's forehead to yank the jewels out. But the demon had other plans as it flung his arm at Kagome making her cry out in shock as she went rolling on the ground a few feet away from us. He throws down Shippo to the ground making him yelp in pain before kicking him a few feet away.
The shock disappear as I flung Gunbai at the demon but he caught it with ease and my blood ran cold as he chuckled darkly before flinging the war fan a couple feet away near Shippo before slamming his forehead against mine. I cried out as pain radiated from there and crumbled back in pain, before crying out again as the Demon's foot kicked me in the stomach. I coughed up on the side of me and specks of blood flew out from my mouth. He wasn't going to keep me down. I tried to get up but he straddles me with his larger hands around my neck and squeezed. I couldn't breath.
" Kagome...Inuyasha....Help.." I wheezed as I weakly pounded on the demon's hands and arms to let me go. The life in me was slowly slipping me away.
" Hiroki!" I could hear both Kagome and Inuyasha shout in worry but I also heard Inuyasha's own cries of pain. My ears were ringing loudly as I could only hear my heartbeat, it started out fast before slowing down, black spots were dancing in my eyes.
" What do you think Mantan? Shall we put these fools out of their misery or let them suffer a awhile longer?" I heard him ask as the grip on my neck loosen and I take big and deep breaths of air. " I'm okay with either or, brother! I'm in no rush!" The grip on me tighten even more and I clawed at his hands weakly but it was doing nothing but leaving red marks.
" What is it with a human when your suffocating them death that makes it very exquisite?" Mantan pondered loudly as I felt the grip tighten even more. I could feel tears fall from my eyes as breathing became harder and harder, out of my blurry eyes I saw Kagome hitting him with a large rock to stop him but she was quickly flanged away with a cry in pain. Shippo was about the pounce on him too but he quickly punched him away and he landed back where he was.
" Now, Now, I gotten a little surprise for you too! My girth has been expanding of late and could use another small fox fur to keep me warm at night, it would be like a family reunion." Mantan said as he kept squeezing my neck with one large hand. He kept saying awful things at Shippo on ways to kill him. After Hantan complemented him on sounding like a villain, Mantan began laughing savagely.
Again, Shippo jumps and bites Mantan in the neck, sinking his fangs into him and biting hard. " Get off fox tyke before I make you into my first victim before the boy." He tried pulling him off but he doesn't let go. I watched hopelessly as Mantan slammed his fist into Shippo's poor skull. I couldn't do anything to stop him as he held me like this, but it did bring me some lucky as the grip around my neck untighten a bit to breath a bit easier. Taking soft puff's of air, I began to plan.
Okay, I lack muscles and demonic strength so my human brain has to think of my moves carefully without hurting Shippo.
Mantan lifts Shippo in the air after getting him off his neck and laughs, I open my eyes weakly and glared at him. " Ooh? What's this look human?" Mantan asked amused before I huffed.
" G-Gunbai.."
" What was that?"
" Gunbai! Bitch!" I snapped as predicted the fan came towards me closed and I didn't bother to think of it small as It hit's it target. Mantan took the fan through his midsection and he let's go of my neck and I coughed while rubbing my neck. " Mantan!?" I could hear the brother call to his brother in worry as Kagome raced to my side with the arrow.
" We need to move." She said as she yanked out my fan and placed it on my back in the holder as I grasped Shippo in my own hands to hold. " Let's go.." Kagome said lifting me up a bit, me leaning on her shoulder and her arm around my back for balance.
" Don't leave my father.." Shippo pleaded as I held him closer.
" Okay.." Kagome said untying the fox fur off the demon but soon, the older brother was closer and used his lighting to knock us off and away from his brother. I landed first and I Just laid their on my stomach as Kagome landed inches away from me and Shippo by my head. I felt numb and tired, the strangulation took too much out of me. Not forgetting the fact that I just killed a demon, not a human being but a demon. I had personal blood on my hands that can't never washed off by water and soap. I shouldn't be feeling this way because I took a demon's life away.
I watched with tired eyes as Hantan bit into Mantan's forehead in order to consume the jewel's as Inuyasha rushed to us and checked over us, " Are you guy's alright?" He asked helping Kagome up first than me. I didn't answer and winced when I hit Inuyasha's chest from still being unsteady. " My head is killing me.." I answered softly as I felt his hands move around my body to check or find any injuries.
" I'm sorry, I messed up big guys, I honestly though we could win this.." Kagome said with a soft voice as she goes balancing me out in order for me to walk. " Damn right you messed up! Big time!" Inuyasha snapped at Kagome. " Whatever, you're dead wrong if I'm going to let Hantan win this fight and the jewel's." He declared snappishly. I groan and nuzzle Kagome's shoulder a bit as my head kept pounding.
" Kagome, take Hiro and Shippo away from this place." Inuyasha orders her as Kagome grip me closer and my arm around her waist as her other arm held the K-Oed Shippo. " Right!" Kagome said as I heard Inuyasha take out Tessaiga.
" Good luck Inuyasha.." I whispered before slowly wobbling to where Kagome was leading us. I could feel the powers of Hanten vibrating the ground and Kagome had to stop as the ground shaked before construing forwards, she grunts as she carried the both of us. We hid from behind a rock, first shippo's father fur on the floor before him and she carefully drop me next to him.
" I'll keep watch." She said a bit uneasy as I nod off into a daze. I can feel my body healing itself within, I didn't know how but I had a feeling. But I heard the thunder clap's of Haten's attacks following with Inuyasha's grunts of pain or anger.
Why am I so weak? I couldn't protect Kagome or Shippo, Inuyasha is doing almost all the work here. And, I? A reincarnated Priest who can control the movement of wind, could do nothing.. Mantan could have killed me...He could have... I could feel my tears rolling down my chin and dripping down on Shippo's father's pelt but I rubbed them away harshly. No..If we live after this, no, when we live after this... I'm going to demand Inuyasha to train least in some self-defense next time I wouldn't be a nusicense.
" Father?" My eyes drifted downwards to Shippo who softly pet's his father's pelt as Kagome kneeled before us. " Are you okay Shippo?" She asked softly as he sit's up.
" Kagome? What happened to Mantan?" He questioned her.
" Hiroki brought him down, But Hantan is fighting with Inuyasha now out of revenge.." She answers just as another boom of lighting filled the air and I sit up into a criss-cross style while rubbing my neck." Are you okay Hiro?" Kagome asked me with worry in her brown orbs.
" Mentally or physically?" I asked in returned as she sighs before wincing as another lighting strike happened at Inuyasha and we both peeked a bit over the rock to see Inuyasha's moves were getting sluggish and tired as Hantan kept attacking and attacking him.
" He's getting tired." Kagome pointed out. " Yeah and it doesn't help that the attack's are airborne ones with those stupid wheel's.." Shippo added as my mind came up with the solution .
" Kagome, do you still have that bow?" I asked as she pulled it from her side and shows me it with a confused expression. " Okay, this is our only bow, so I want you to shoot it at one of he's wheels so they attack equally.." I explained as she smiles before frowns.
" I don't have a bow.." Shippo grins as he snapped his finger's," No, problem!" He turns into a snail and my eyes narrow. " Please tell me you're not playing around.."
" Why do you always assume that!" He snapps in his bow form as Kagome unsteadily take's Bow-Shippo and slowly locks on the target and pulled the string back while aiming. " You got this, Kagome." I encouraged as Shippo added, " Yeah, you won't miss!" Finnaly she takes a deep breath before letting the string go and the arrow went flying Just as Hantan was about to finish off Inuyasha but the arrow smashes one of his wheels.
" yeah! I got him!" Kagome cheered as I kept watching them interact but Inuyasha took Hantan's weapon and it shocked him, Miyoka whining about Inuyasha was an idiotic master, but I watched as Inuyasha overcame the shock and punched Hantan in the face with his fist making me snicker at him. That was Inuyasha style right there.
" I guess that works.."
" Yeah, nobody but Inuyasha, I guess.."
" Alright! Leave it to Inuyasha! It's a battle of the physical strength! OH yeah!" Miyoka cheers while punching the air comically. " Weren't you calling him fool a few minutes ago?" Kagome questioned the flea who ignores her. I watch as Hantan stood up and was very pissed off that Inuyasha punched him and he began to glow blue. I didn't like this at all.
" He's going to explode!" Shippo said as the thunder brother readies his weapon upwards. " Ill see you in hell, Inuyasha!" He shot forwards as Inuyasha dashes for his sheith and their weapon's clash heavily.
The sheith began cracking loudly making Hiroki gasped in horror.
" The sheith is starting to crack!" Kagome and Shippo said in unison, both equally in the same horror.
The more pressure the sheith took on, the more it cracked. We had to do something, we couldn't afford to let Inuyasha lose to him. My blue eyes widen in horror as Kagome left the protection we had and towards Inuyasha's sword, she was going to be killed! Shippo right behind her too! " Shit!" I cursed as I turn to grab Shippo's father's pelt and rushed after them in a hurry before Hantan could notice us.
" Wait, both of you!" I called to them, lipping behind until I heard Inuyasha cry out to us, Turning with wide eyes as Hantan's mouth began to lit up like Manten's. " Crap!" I hurried towards the other two.
" Get down!" But everything went bright and it was unbearable to breath.
I cracked my eyes open after what felt like mintues before seeing we weren't dead. The fire was out and slowly I shaken both of my friends awake noticing Inuyasha had slayed the final brother. It made me smile, as we made it towards him. I hardly noticed we were covered in blue mist.
" Inuyasha, well done for winning the battle, Hard and well." Kagome said smiling as she held Shippo like a cute little dog, one hand was in mine to help me keep steady.
" In the end, you help me avenge my dear father. May he rest in peace thanks to you." Shippo added smiling as did I, it was finally over and done for.
" Yeah, thanks dog-boy. For everything." I even said my own grateful thanks towards him. Suddenly the air around us went upwards as Miyoka said something to Inuyasha which made his amber eyes went wide with fright as he ran towards us.
" Wait, don't leave me!" He snatched both of my hands from Kagome's grasp and held them tightly making me gasp softly as the blue mist shot upwards into the sky.
" Hiroki! Kagome!" He shouted as I kept staring at him with bright pink cheeks as he kept holding my hands in his grasp. I just kept staring at him as Kagome blinked.
" Inuyasha? What's with the don't leave me stuff?" I heard her ask as I noticed how big his hand's were. Compared to mine, HIS had sharp nails, callous and very warm from this battle as mine were smaller, regular length and looked like I haven't lift a finger in ages. They were different.
Hold his hand..
" Uh, Inuyasha do you mind?" Kagome questioned the half-demon and immdealty let's go of my hand but before he could let go fully I grabbed it back and gave his hand a squeeze back. I could hear both Inuyasha and Kagome gasp at my actions as I looked up into Inuyasha's golden eyes that were wide.
" Can we stay like this? Until we can get back to the well, at least?" I asked, my voice soft and kind. If he didn't want to, I wouldn't take it to heart.
" ... Whatever, do what you want.." He said, as his cheeks flushed a bit but he turn hos head as the argument between him and Kagome finished. I didn't turn to meet Kagome's heated gaze as we began walking away from the battle field. I knew she didn't like me being so attached like this to him, It was Kikyo's feelings within her. It had to be, Kagome liked good boys, nice ones like me.
But who to say these feelings weren't from Kiyoshi?
4725 words this time, next update will maybe next Friday at most.
Please, vote, comment and come up with Inuyasha x Hiroki ship names.
Inuroki? Maybe, lol.
Have a nice day!
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