They left Surdhan and went towards the main building named Swarna Haveli. It was a three storey building. It built like any haveli found in Rajasthan. Interiors were upgraded which made them look brand new as if the resort just started functioning, which is not true, since this resort was started in year 2010. But there were something which were not changed and they looked as if they were centuries old, but were well maintained. Then Vindhu took Kajal to the second floor using the staircase (as the building did not have any lift for some apparent reason). The entire floor was painted red and it was designed in such a way that it looked like fire was coming out of each and every corner. There was a royal touch in the designing of the ceilings. There was only one door, in the entire floor. The opposite side walls were carved into windows which had railings, and from there one could see the garden.
Kajal – Why is there only one door, in this entire floor Kakaji? And is the same for every floor?
Vindhu – No, it is not same. This floor has a really special significance. This entire floor dedicated to a famous queen of Hastinapur. It is said that she was born from fire.
Kajal- is that really true?
Vindhu – IDK, but there are chances that it might be true. As of now, this entire floor belongs to you. Do you want to go inside your room?
Kajal – sure.
The room was no less beautiful then the passage. It looked as if it was made for a queen. A queen whose stature was higher then the other queens of her time. Kajal again started feeling dizzy. This time, she saw women sitting in front of the mirror which was kept near the balcony of her room. She was wearing her jewellery and fixing her dress. A person entered the room holding sword in one hand. He had a muscular body, and was wearing navy blue color dhoti. He was wearing various different kind of jewelley. He was saying something to the women. The women was questioning him about the sentence which he had just said. He didn't answer her question. He went up to her caught her hair by hand and started dragging her.
Vindhu- Kajal, what are you thinking?
Kajal- (Coming out of the vision) Nothing, Kakaji, I was just admiring the room, the way it is built, it shows so much royalty.
Then her eyes went around the room and stopped at the mirror. It was the same mirror which she was just saw in her vision.
Vindhu- (looking at his iphone 25) Chandra and other have arrived at the reception. Let's go and see them.
Kajal – Sure.
They left for the reception desk. The reception desk was fairly modern, but walls surrounding the desk, had various beautiful paintings on it. They depicted how the royals lived. Infront of the reception towards the right was sitting area. It had sofas covered in royal blue and dark red recsin surrounding a round gold table. On these her family was sitting. Her elder sisters were sitting on the royal blue one, with Devasena and Jaya sitting on the sofa handle, where as Chandra was sitting on a red one.
Jaya – Here she comes with Vindhu Kakaji.
Vaishali – How was the tour around the library?
Kajal – It was great! I saw various books flying in the air...
Sisters – (asking in union) Flying in the air!
Kajal – Yeah flying in the air, actually it was invisible robotic arms which were carrying books back to it's original place. Then, I met the librarian, Vivek Payan. He was a interesting fellow. I am sure you guys will like him.
Jaya – where is the library located?
Kajal – It is located in building called Surdhan, which is just few minutes walk from here.
Devasena – (Yawning) I am feeling sleepy right now, and I also need to change my clothes, so Kakaji can you please show us our rooms.
Vindhu – Yeah sure, First let me show Chandra his room then I will take you to yours.
Devasena – Ok
Kajal – Can I also see the other rooms along with you, Kakaji?
Vindhu – Yeah sure. Come on Chandra, let's go, you might be feeling sleepy. And does any of you want to come with me and Kajal to see the other rooms.
Vaishali – Nope, I would like to stay here.
Devi – I will go to the garden and take a walk. Once you shown other their room, just call out to me.
Karuna – I will stay Vaishali and discuss some other deals.
Devasena and Jaya – We just stay here and discuss our college projects, as we don't want to be the last person submitting our assignments.
Vindhu – then it's decided let's go Chandra and Kajal.
Chandra – sure.
They left the sitting area and went reception desk. After collecting keys to all the other rooms, then entered a passage towards the left. This passage was designed and painted in such a way, that it appeared as if they were walking through the clouds. There were many door-like windows on each side which led to different area of the palace. Some of them led to the swimming pool, others led to a threatre room, and the remaining few led to the drink bar. They stopped at the door opposite to the drink bar. It had a name plate on the side of the door. It said "The Blind".
Kajal – Why is this room named "The Blind"?
Vindhu – I will tell you about it later Kajal. Here is the key to the room, enjoy your nap.
Chandra – (in gruff voice) Thank you.
After leaving Chandra, Vindhu took Kajal to the other rooms of the passage. There was another door opposite the swimming pool. It also had nameplate written "The Warrior" and last room was the room in which Vindhu lived. It had a nameplate written "The Wise". Kajal had a question in her mind about the name plates. Why were the rooms named like that. But she control her urge to ask this question. Instead she asked another question.
Kajal – Kakaji, how did you have the key to my room and why wasn't a nameplate written against my room door.
Vindhu – I had the key because it is the room which is frequently visited by me, for checking if that room is clean, since less guest stay in that room. And about the nameplate, it is their but you might not have noticed it because you were to much excited to see your room that you didn't notice.
Kajal – What does the nameplate say and why does it have less guest?
Vindhu – It has less guest because people feel weird staying there, they feel as if something is watching them and The nameplate Says "The Offering" for your room.
They went to third floor along with Karuna, Vaishali, Jaya, Devi and Devasena, which had mixed and match colors but Kajal was not interested in looking at the surrounding. She was thinking, why was her room named The Offering? Suddenly Jaya asked a question.
Jaya – Are these the rooms for our partners?
Kajal shook her head and looked around. She saw that the walls in this area were painted white but the doors had different colors and the nameplates were stuck in the centre of the door.
First door and opposite door, was painted in Yellow. The first door had the nameplate "The Unfortunate", While the opposite door had "The Onlooker" written on it. The Second door was painted white and similarly the opposite door was also painted white. The nameplate of the second door contained, "The Righteous", while the opposite door also had the same thing written as the first door. The Third and it's opposite doors was painted in Grey. The third door name plate contained "The Beast", opposite one contained "The Demoness". The fourth door was painted with sky blue and the name plate contained, "The path-maker". The fifth, sixth and it's opposite doors were painted light green colors. The Fifth and sixth doors nameplate contained "The healers" and opposite "The Onlookers".
Something was missing in the hall.
Kajal – Kakaji, why is there no door in front of the fourth door?
Vindhu – I will tell you about it in a second, let me assign your sisters their room.
Vaishali was given room with "The Onlooker" written yellow door. Devi was given the room with "The Onlooker" white door. Devasena was given the room with "The Demoness" grey door. Karuna and Jaya were given the room with "The Onlooker" green door.
Before they entered their rooms, Vindhu made an announcement. He said " Today you guys rest. But tomorrow morning, I will take you guys around the city." "Sure, Kakaji," Replied all of them.
Vindhu – Let's go Kajal, to your room.
Kajal – Sure, Kakaji.
They returned to the room. As they both settled on the bed. Kajal again asked her question.
Kajal – Why is there no room opposite the fourth door?
Vindhu – That's what I am going to tell you about. Actually the wall you see in front of the fourth door, is actually a secret door. I don't know where does it lead to. Now, I am going to give you a special job. I want you to unravel all the mysteries surrounding this palace. You have already seen some and now I want you to find the truth about all these mysteries.
Kajal –(Surprised) But why me Kakaji ? Why not the others?
Vindhu – You were the first one to find the Sabha room and tell which weapon belonged to which Pandav in the armoury room. So, now trusting you with this job. Please do it.
Kajal-(a bit hesitant, but with a confident look) Ipromise you Kakaji, that I will do my best to unravel all the mysteries.
Vindhu – That's the spirit. And Thank You. By the way get some sleep, and see you tomorrow.
Kajal – good night Kakaji.
She changed into her nightdress and lied down on the bed. She kept thinking why did Kakaji choose her for the job. At some point she fell a sleep.
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