Chandra and Kajal reached the Hotel Indraprath. Nobody had arrived yet from the hospital other then them. Kajal didn't know why but she was feeling suspicious about Chandra. Usually he didn't hurry, so much to reach any place. He always waited for others to join him and then they left. But today, Chandra's behaviour was unusally different. Chandra helped Kajal take out her suitcase from the back of the car.
They went towards Swarna Haveli. Just as they entered, they were greeted by Vindhu.
Kajal- Hello Vindhu kaka.
Vindhu- Hello dear. How are feeling now?
Kajal- Fine.
Vindhu- That's nice to hear. Chandra, how come you are early over here with Kajal? You usually wait for entire crowd to settle down and you leave.
Chandra- I thought Kajal wanted to take some rest after coming out of the hospital. So, the nearest place was the hotel.
Vindhu- But Chandra, you have a farm house in the Varnawat forest right? You could have stopped there for sometime. And anyways, it is your second home.
Chandra- Yeah But Kajal get more homely feeling from the hotel. Am I right, Kajal?
Kajal- That's true, but...
Chandra- Now go and take rest.
Kajal- Ok Dad.
Chandra left the area and went towards his car. Kajal went to collect the keys to her room from the reception, when Vindhu called out to her.
Vindhu- Kajal!
Kajal- Yes, Kakaji.
Vindhu- Someone has come to meet you from Indrapraasth.
Kajal- Where is he now?
Vindhu- In the garden area infront of Vasu and Bal's room.
Kajal- Thank you, Kakaji, but what about my stuff?
Vindhu- Don't worry, I will ask someone to take it to your room.
Kajal left for the garden. When she reached the area, she was again mesmerized by the tree and the lake. Today, all the animals which used to roam around the area where not there. They were taken some where. She looked around the area, but she couldn't see the person. Then she looked at the tree. She could not see anyone standing near it. She looked towards the lake. She felt as if the lake was calling her. She started walking towards the lake, hypnotized. She stood near the edge and looked at her reflection. She saw someone else standing behind. It was the same face which she had seen in the hidden room. Just as she turned around, she was pushed into the water by the face.
Kajal-AAAAAAAAAAAH! (SPLASH! In the water)
Kajal started moving her hand here and their on the water, trying to swim. But as she came near the edge, she felt someone trying to pull her deeper in the water. As she was going inside the water, she saw a hand just above the water. She caught it quickly. She was pulled out of the water by the hand. She looked at the owner of the hand. H
His complexion was fair. He had jet black hair and his chocolate coloured eyes showed warmth. He was wearing blue black coloured shirt with black jeans and sneakers. He had a rolex watch on his right hand. Kajal immediately recognized who he is.
Kajal- YUVRAJ!
Yuvraj- You did not take time to recognize me.
Kajal- How can I ever forget you. You are my friend from college times and you have always helped me conducting my fashion shows.
Just then Vindhu comes there.
Vindhu- What happened over here? And Kajal, how did you get wet?
Kajal- I slipped and fell in the lake, that's how I got wet.
Vindhu- Go and change your clothes, otherwise you will catch cold. You just came out of the hospital few minutes ago only.
Yuvraj- You were admitted in the hospital. What happened Kajal? Are you fine?
Kajal- Yeah, I am fine. Let mecome by changing my clothes first.
Yuvraj- Ok I will wait for you in the reception area.
Kajal- Sure
Kajal quickly goes to her room and changes into red top which exposes the shoulders with frills and denim blue jeans, with red sandles. She goes to the reception area and sees Yuvraj sitting on the couch, deeply lost in thoughts. Kajal goes near him.
Kajal- Hey!
Yuvraj doesn't answer her.
Kajal- Yuvraaj..(keeping her hand on his shoulder)
Yuvraj-(startled) huh, yes, Hi Kajal.
Kajal- What were you thinking?
Yuvraj- Nothing. By the way, how did you land up in hospital?
Kajal tells him the whole incident.
Yuvraj- Ok. I feel really sorry for you. I wish, I was there.
Kajal- It's fine. By the way where were you in the garden?
Yuvraj- Oh I was sitting behind in the tree.
Kajal- Ok
Just then, Devlani family, Manjrekar sisters and Dev brothers arrive.
Arun- Kajal!
Kajal- Arun!(Goes and hugs him) Why did you guys take so long?
Arun- Oh we were stuck in traffic, that's why.
Kajal- But the route which dad took had no traffic. Which one did you take?
Vasu- There no other routes from Dwarka. The one which we took is the only route available.
Kajal- Weird? Anyways, come and meet my College time friend and frequent collaborator for fashion shows, Yuvraaj.
Arun looks at and seem to recognize him.
Arun- I have seen you some where.
Yuvraaj- (Sweating) Nope, I don't think so. This is the first time we are meeting.
Arun- I have seen you somewhere but I don't remember where.
Kajal- Now leave it, Arun. Go and take some rest.
Arun- As you wish my queen.
Just then Vaishali comes near Kajal.
Vaishali- Hey, you came here with dad, right?
Kajal- Yeah.
Vaishali- So, where is he?
Kajal- He might be here somewhere only, I don't know.
Vaishali- I don't see him anywhere.
Kajal- He might be outside.
Vaishali- Jaya, can you look if dad is outside.
Jaya goes outside and comes back after a min.
Jaya- He is not outside.
Kajal- Where can he go?
Vaishali- Don't worry. I will call and check, you can go to your room and take some rest.
Kajal- Ok
As she goes towards the stairs, she remembers that she needs to say something to Vasu.
She quickly goes towards Vasu, who was goimg towards his room.
Kajal- Vasu, I want to talk with you about something.
Vasu- Yeah tell.
Kajal- Not here, Alone.
Vasu- Ok come with me to my room.
After they went inside, Vasu's room, It was not very big. It had large bed in the centre and there was window-like door, which opened into the big garden at the back. It was painted in white and on walls there were painting from Krishna's life.
Vasu- Now tell me, what happened?
Kajal- Vasu, I am also having visions, just like Arun's.
Vasu- Are they same as his?
Kajal- I don't know, as I never got a chance to listen what are his visions.
Vasu- I guess, you should have a therapy session with me for me to understand, are your both visions same or not.
Kajal- Ok. So, when should I come for the session. And is it in a clinic?
Vasu- It is in my room only, you can come after lunch tomorrow after informing Arun and possibly your dad and your sisters.
Kajal- Ok. Then see you tomorrow.
Vasu- Yeah, sure, bye.
After leaving Vasu's room, Kajal thought of going to the garden which she had seen from her balcony. She entered the garden. As she was walking, she felt as if someone was following her. She turned around and saw no one. She moved forward and came to an opening. There was lake in the middle and there were lush green grasses around it. Kajal went near the lake and sat by it, She knew someone was coming from behind. The person was about to put his hand on her shoulder. She caught it and threw the person inside the lake.
Atun- (taking his head out of the water) Kajal! Just why!
Kajal- (Giggling) Just checking if my fighter instincts still work or not.
Arun- But you knew I was coming behind you.
Kajal- Think of it as a prank then.
Arun- Now, give your hand.
Kajal- Why?
Arun- To get me out of water. Do you want me to catch cold.
Kajal- Ok fine.
She stands up and kneels down and then gives her hand and helps him. But just as he is about to get out of water, his feets slips on the edge and he falls on her. As he is about to get to off her, their faces meet and they start looking at eachother. Both are admiring eachother's looks. They had entered the second stage of love known as couple. So, they were admiring each other's qualities and their looks.
Their eyelock was broken due to some noise in the surrounding. Arun gets off Kajal and they go towards the noise source.
Where was this noise coming from? Is it a indication for some impending danger?
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