p r o l o g u e
Hello there. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). But it'd be very much appreciated if you called me (Y/N).
Uhmm.. Okay. Let's round the story up a little.
I died. I jumped off a bridge, and drowned in the deep lake that surrounded it. Honestly, I regret that..I regret it so much to the point where words can't describe how much.
The reason I jumped off was simple- Abuse. Yeah. My mother abused me, emotionally and physically. It got to the point where her words made me get into self harm.
Um.. Anyhow, right after I died I was greeted by a white light. It was really weird. There, I saw a god. IT was beautiful. Silky white skin, golden blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Hello there. I am your god. One of the many gods in this afterlife.
Let me get right to the point-- You're dead. You drowned yourself in a lake after falling off of a bridge. That is one of the disgraceful ways to die..
So as punishment, you're going to fufill my wish. Go into this broken world -- and heal their wounds, Show them the way, as my messenger. Before you head over there, I have the option to fufill two wishes for you. Please choose them wisely, because you're staying there till you're dead."
I stared straight into the gods eyes, my fear unevident. But it was obvious he knew of it - for he was a god.
"..Anything I want?" I'd mumble, my mind coming up with various, but worthless ideas. I pushed those aside, and decided to pick two of the things that my mind came up with.
"Okay. I understand."
My mind was racing- and so was my heart. I couldn't decline his offer, especially since I knew what would happen. Naturally, I wasn't very fond of the idea of going to hell. That wasn't on my bucket list.
"For my first wish..I wish for impeccable knowledge in that world. I wish to know everything, and everyone at first glance."
The god hummed, nodding.
"As for my second wish..I'm unsure of whether or not magic exists in that world, however I'd like to have extremely strong healing magic. Healing magic that never runs out, magic that could heal itself, the user and allies.."
I'd speak, very confident of my decision. The god smirked, almost.. Sadistically? For a moment- I appeared confused.
"Very well. Your wishes have been heard..Good luck, (Y/N) (L/N)."
Why..Is it so dark..?
My eyes shot open, as I looked around. Once I registered everything- fear was very much evident in my eyes. Bodys-- Lifeless bodys with tubes around them. My body hurt all around. I looked down to examine it- I was very overweight. I tried to move my hand, only for me to realize that I was cuffed the the area-- and my limbs were aching, and sore.
I almost yelled out in pain- however, as I wasn't aware of the situation I merely bit my lip. What..The hell..? Am I..Food? What's going on..? Is this a factory farm..?
I breathe in, information about my healing magic registering into my head, which lead to a massive headache.
My eyes adjusted to the dark, as I spread around the healing magic throughout my body. It didn't hurt when I moved around my limbs anymore-- I'd spit out the tube in my mouth, and pull off the feeding string(?) attached to my arm. I'd push the handcuffs off of me, mumbling profanities to myself. Ah.. I get it now. I am food. Food is I. Or, more prominently- livestock. I'd examine the area surrounding me- There were many bodies. Many, many bodies.
I feel like puking..
I'd cover my mouth using my hand, narrowing my eyes to the ground. Climbing off the shelf-like area, I'd hop onto the ground, walking through, as searched for the exit.
..How interesting. All of them were unique, and they differed in many ways. I was getting used to the sight of the hundreds, maybe even thousands of bodies. Most of them were bald, and had oddly shaped heads- However, I had hair, like any normal human being, and had a body structure like one. Once I used my healing abilities to make myself healthy again, it also removed any excess weight.
..What was the point of this? Humans eating other humans..?
No, that doesn't make sense. Humans aren't appetizing to eachother, I don't get why they'd find joy in consuming their own race..
Suddenly- I heard footsteps. ..Footsteps..?
My eyes widened, and my hands started to shake.
"W-Who's there?!" I yelled out, my voice slightly raspy. Probably from being in this chamber area for years.
The footsteps quickened- as if they were running over to me. I backed away, and began running the opposite direction.
..Seriously?! I just arrived in this world, and a chase is already happening?!
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