Summer Camp part 2
Warning: adult x child by mating heat wave mentioned and child impregnation.
Izuya was woken up to Mina shaking her gently as Mandalay wants the little one making her to then notice Kota is in bed with her and gently sits up before handing him over to Mandalay really making her to nod and leaves as Mina helps her dress really.
Izuya is sleepy still which is why Mina was helping her get dress really. Kirishima helped Bakugou since he's also still sleepy as well, too. Aizawa couldn't stop it really as Vlad King kept the two away from him as they fully continue training really.
Everyone was refining the new moves and techniques Izuya has giving them really. Kota has fully mastered another four making him to stop there as he wants to refine them which will be when he's older making him to keep sneaking into Izuya's bed.
Bakugou thinks Kota sees Izuya has his big sister or mother figure. Wasn't sure there really making Mandalay to smile as it seems to be the big sister one if him calling her onee-sama means anything really. Izuya never stopped him from calling her that.
It's been a month and they never had done the Courage Challenge making Izuya to stop it ever time making Bakugou to realize she's sensing danger each time it's even spoken about making Aizawa to demean to know the number to be sure.
"From 0 to 10... It's a 12 since I feel like they want to fully kidnap two and kill the rest." Izuya said as she holds Kota firmly in both of her arms tightly making him to feel safe which Mandalay didn't mind. Everyone can tell Izuya is tense and Mina rubs her back.
This is going to be a hard time really making them to pack and leave. Izuya sensed two Nomus and took their blood into a form cup altered to hold all of the blood from both as their bodies burning and they left the camp just in time as they all went to another camp that belongs to another school.
Vlad King explained and they fully allowed it cause of Izuya only. She has two rare Quirks and they want to train her more. Shigaraki was pissed as they didn't get Bakugou and couldn't find them anywhere making him pissed really as this isn't right really.
His master thinks someone could sense danger and that's a very bad thing for them really making them to look else where for them really. Izuya has now let her ears and tail out more, but she still stayed away from Aizawa making him to frown as he loves cats really.
Bakugou went dragon on him and growled making her to hide right behind Mina with Kirishima fully beside Mina before Bakugou went back to normal and warns if he keeps going near his sister, he'll kill him personally. Aizawa didn't take it as a real threat really.
Nezu was fully warned about her heats making him to understand as she'll be sleepy to keep from fully jumping any male to give her a lot of kittens really. Aizawa was fully losing it and that night, he did something he shouldn't have done really.
Izuya fully stays away still making Aizawa to think as what is he fully doing wrong to make her just stay away and from letting him pet her like all cats do really. Izuya knows that something is going to be fully happening and she fears it won't be a good thing ever really.
A week and four days later, poor Bakugou jerks fully awake as Izuya's blood curdling scream ranges fully throughout the camp making Vlad King to be holding Aizawa back as Mina was holding a naked Izuya with a large blanket wrapped around her body as they noticed that Aizawa's eyes weren't normal anymore really.
"She's was in heat?"
"She's always sleepy to keep from jumping them, but why did he jump her?" Bakugou explained making Recovery Girl to be Reality Warped in front of them all and she checks both.
"Aizawa always loved cats. The fact she stayed away even after revealing her feline parts made him want to make her love him. Unfortunately, it's been a week and five days and now she's twelve days pregnant." Aizawa snaps out of it making him to fully freak out.
"What did I do? What did I..." He was sent to Present Mic making Vlad to handle two classes by himself as Izuya is no longer in heat really. Bakugou wants to kill him as he had managed to badly injure him really and it took both Mina and Kirishima to calm him down really.
They had sex which had worked making him to not noticed that Izuya gave Kirishima a Male Pregnancy Quirk as Bakugou also has one as well, too while Mina has a She-Male Quirk making them to have a huge family really from this fully.
The fact she was raped by Aizawa for a whole two weeks and a day means fifteen kittens and Izuya feels like she'll be like her own mother making her to feel that Aoyama is rubbing her head as she leans into him. Many think dating, but they are good friends only really.
Izuya doesn't think of love until she's out of school really making her to wonder how she's going to handle being a good mama at age fifteen really. Aizawa got her fully pregnant cause of her heat was laureling him to mate with her really.
She hates this, but she can't blame her kittens really for what their sperm donor did really. Custody is simple as she'll raise them alone and he'll never see them really. She didn't even noticed she gave Aizawa the Male Pregnancy Quirk really.
The camp allows them to walk around town that's next door making them to like it and Izuya bumps into Shigaraki who didn't let her go making her to sense his emotions and she purrs making him to calm down as she wasn't decaying from his Quirk.
"H-How?!" He whispers shocked making her to shake her head as she pays for the food and they just talk. It seems that Izuya's Quirks prevent it from happening making Shigaraki to wonder more about her. Vlad saw them and gently interrupted their talk.
It was time that they need to go making Shigaraki to nod and let her go as he seems almost smith if he didn't see Mirko and wished to be destroyed by those thighs of her's which she didn't just only accepted, but took him out on a date really.
Izuya did great work and still cooks making the school to love it and almost got her married to one of the students if Vlad didn't fully interfered and explains All Might has custody of her really as her mentor really making them to ask him which he said no to.
Nezu was not happy cause not only was Izuya pregnant, but Mina, Bakugou and Kirishima were as well, too. Those three... Mina and Kirishima did it to calm Bakugou down from killingp0 Aizawa-sensei which was fully understandable really.
'But how did both Bakugou and Kirishima get pregnant?' Nezu even had to register new Quirks for the children making him to know about Izuya's first main Quirk really. All Might was fully shocked and wonders about a dormitory system for the children.
"I'm in full agreement and Aizawa will be off the teacher register fast until he is calm with Present Mic. May he be teaching Shinso how to use his technique, he needs this more. I'll explain to Shinso a white lie to not think badly of Aizawa really.
Videos should help out really and I know Izuya explaining it to him will also help out as well, too." Nezu said as he knows Ojirou has Male Pregnancy Quirk by accident making him to mark it down for his file really. Izuya was fully reassessed before camp.
It was four days after coming back from I-Island really and she's a overkill powerhouse Heroine really while Bakugou shows what he can actually do making him the same, but for a Hero only. Both are overkill powerhouse really.
It's making Nezu to wonder what the future holds for them really. All Might has done a great job teaching them as much as he can and he can't let them be without a lot of information really. Izuya knows no one wants to be with her really.
Training was over and now it's time to go back to school and they got actually two and a half years worth of information from U.A as they won't be taken normal civilian courses anymore making many to like that as training is critical now.
There is even some craft classes for them to do, so they aren't bored really making them to love it as this is amazing really. Even music classes was added for them making Jirou to enjoy it, but Ojirou was beat red as Shinso flirts a bit with him really.
Tooru and Sero was getting closer and Ojirou seems to not even mind Shinso's flirting with him really. Izuya was happy as she wonders who'll date her as Uraraka is with Iida who cares deeply for her really. What she doesn't know is that there is one person staring at her really.
"Midoriya... Izuya..."
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