Stain, the Hero Killer
(AN: Figured the readers would love to see reactions really. And the video they're watch is not like the chapter really plus Inko's in prison since the sport fest festival. Sorry)
Izuya and Bakugou went to Gran Torino who was warned about Izuya's four past lives and he fully welcomes them and did explain he wanted to surprise them with ketchup as blood and him faking to be dead, but All Might talked him out of it fully really.
"Good. I'm Bakugou Katsuki. This is Midoriya Izuya." Bakugou had introduced themselves to him as he nods making him to wonder about them as this is going to be good really. He had them in their Hero costumes and got ready to fight him as he wants to see what they can do really, but Bakugou declines it.
"Can't. Explosion Dragon Quirk won't work inside really."
"Understood." Gran Torino said as Izuya went all out to show want she can do making Gran Torino to be surprised as she is quick and stronger, too making him to see she doesn't see anything special about the Quirk really.
Izuya was also careful of Bakugou and knows something was telling her to be careful when they do patrol work really. It was a good thing she switches Momo's and Itsuka Kendo's first choices fully around with one who can help them both really.
Momo went to Reviver Heroine: Rika making her to help with the creation of Momo's Quirk and fully explain a lot more about it while Itsuka went to Street Fighter Hero: Tylong who can help her fully learn some more martial arts and to learn when to use her Quirk really.
Both didn't know it and saw the addresses making them to then be fully realize what Izuya had just done making the two heroes to talk about her and that their very friend did the right thing really. Izuya got a very furies and very angry text message from dearest Yaomomo and she fully ignores it since she needs to focus right now.
Bakugou was the one to tell her about it making Gran Torino to approve of that team work really as both Bakugou and Izuya is fully learning a lot more from Gran Torino as Izuya managed to get it from four percent to ten percent making her to be happy as she's making good process really.
It was time for a patrol and both got excited about it as it's inside another town since there is no villains in where they are making both to be fine with that. Gran Torino is still trying to figure out how they have multiplying Quirks inside of them even if they are born with them really.
Izuya went for Pillar of Light, Faith and Hope Heroine: Deku while Bakugou went for Pillar of Destruction, Disaster and Hazard Hero: King Explosion. He wasn't going to be adding 'Murderer' or 'Killer' into it really. Gran Torino saw how they had fully presented themselves to everyone on the train.
When a Nomu attacked, Bakugou latched out at it and Izuya calms everyone before sending them to the back or front of the train fast making them to see them as a set, a duo, a pairing making them to notice they're calling each other siblings making them to remove the romance in their minds really.
Izuya was quick to assist Bakugo and she secretly drains the Nomu of it's blood to make it weak, but the blood made her feel strange and she felt weird as she drained more than she should have and then the Nomu went fully crystal before she had pulls her teeth out of it really.
She touches it and it fall into a lot of small diamonds making her to shiver as many think her Quirk has evolved and she's freaking out cause of that which Bakugo can work with as it's actually her vampire blood that got stronger from the Nomu's blood.
The diamonds then vanish into her inventory making her to sell them for money as they need it to buy their own supplies for their schooling and to upgrade their Hero costumes really making Izuya to worry she'll be called a monster cause of this really.
Both saw they were near Hosu and Izuya lowers the train down to the ground making many Heroes to arrive to deal with the civilians while the two sneaked off cause of Tenya Iida which Gran Torino saw and he follows after explaining to the Heroes fully everything and he needs to follow his two interns.
Izuya can smell Tenya's blood and they saw him about to be killed making her to have black spcetra and full red irises making her to attack and pin down the Hero Killer, Stain making him to see her eyes as he can't move at all really as Bakugou checks on Tenya.
"Can't move my body. His Quirk..."
"Imoto got this, Rapid Hero: Ingenium. She'll figure it out." Bakugou said as he looks to the Pro-Hero and checks on him next before he saw Gran Torino who speed jumps over to him fast.
"Not a good idea to fight without permission, but you saved two lives. If he ever gets her off him, permission to fight." Bakugou nods as the Hero that Tenya was interning with showed up and saw the scene before he rushed over to him.
"You saw someone in trouble and tried to save them. May that be stupid, it did work, but at the cost of your life. Rethink next time." Tenya couldn't move his head, so he went for a vocal one.
"Yes, sir." Izuya growls as she shows her vampire teeth as she was beyond pissed at him before he kicks her off of him and he went to stab her if she didn't have a ice wall between them as Bakugou sent a signal for help to Todoroki since him and Endeavor were near by really.
Izuya hisses and her mouth as wide open to show her vampire teeth making many to shiver as she was really pissed off at Stain as Todoroki almost got him with his ice really. Bakugou blasted him with his explosions making him to dodge and Izuya almost bite him which freaked him out.
Gran Torino can tell something is really wrong as he needs to warn All Might, but when he saw how she wasn't using her Quirks, but her skills from her past lives, was enough to tell him she was aiming to kill more like it really as then Bakugou tries to keep her a bit calmed down really.
He can tell something was wrong really as they calm her down and once Stain was knocked out she went over and tied him up tightly. When they heard he could be part of the L.O.V, she bite him and she didn't drink as she saw flashes of memories before letting go.
"He isn't part of it. He refused their offer of joining them. He's a loner." She also explains his life and why he's doing this really. Gran Torino didn't like this as the police arrived to take him away making Endeavour to show up and saw the man being taken away.
A Nomu with wings showed up and captured Izuya making her to bite it, but she sensed a friend in it making her to stop and lick the wound making it to drop her and she lands on her two feet really as it turns around and it looks at her confused before it speaks to her.
"..ya. I.. Zuya. Izuya." Izuya was shocked as she said only one name to it.
"Tsu-Tsubasa?" It hugged her as tears came down it's eyes making Bakugou to rush over as he then supports her making her to have tears going down her face as she hugs it tightly as a officer walks over to them.
"The Nomu was a civilian boy named Tsubasa, a childhood friend of ours. Why him? Just... Why?" Bakugou even has tears going down his face as he also hugs the Nomu before the officer returns to the group and reports what Bakugou had said making Endeavor to be shocked.
"WAIT A SECOND! ARE YOU SAYING THOSE FUCKING MONSTERS ARE CIVILAINS, HEROES OR VILLAINS ALL EXPERIMENTED ON TO BE LIKE THIS AFTER THEY ARE ALL FULLY DEAD?!" Endeavor didn't like this as he looks to the two and hugs Shoto a bit tightly making him to know what this means.
Todoroki Touya could be one of them if they use his flames really. He hugs his father back as he pats him on the back as this isn't a good thing at all really. More Nomus showed up and Tsubasa, the Nomu attacks them all making Izuya to scream out for him as Bakugou stops her.
Tsubasa managed to win and falls into Izuya's arms as she hugs him making many to ignore them and capture the rest as Tsubasa, the Nomu went to U.A and was placed somewhere safe making Shigaraki to be outraged as he glares at the t.v the next morning.
The story of Strains capture by four heroes-in-training, the monsters called Nomus being deceased civilians, Heroes or Villains and all families must have their love ones cemented from here on out until the Scientist Villain: Frankenstein, as they are calling him until they know his true Villain name is, is found really.
He was really pissed off as he can't believe this as nothing about the L.O.V until he saw the girl from that attack on the T.V and she told them the new Villain is apart of the L.O.V and that they had lent the many Nomus to them for this attack and how they had attacked a butch of children at U.A just to get to All Might.
"They even have a human-sized Nomu who can use the Warp Gate Quirk and had almost killed us if it wasn't for the teachers of U.S! These Villains need to be stopped before they go and attack other Hero schools! Some of those damn Villains they hired were fully just Pedophilias and had almost raped my six follow female classmates if not for the teachers of U.A!" Shigaraki was very interested in this Heroine.
'She's interesting.' Nezu was fully amazed by Izuya and how she turned the tables on them as he got ready to explain the new security protocols he has made and how he believes they used Warp Gate and an Electric Type Quirk that was used to take down their systems and from fully alerting anyone really.
Both Izuya and Bakugou were still with Tsubasa, the Nomu as they were using his lap as a pillow where Nezu and All Might shows up with True-Man who is a friend of All Might's making them to see the site before them really as this isn't right for a child to be fully just... Just experimented on like this really.
"Hello there, Tsubasa. I'm Nezu. Both Midoriya and Bakugou's principle." Tsubasa just tilts his head as he looks to him before signs showed up and he nods since Izuya used it to help him understand what she is saying when he is confused really.
Nezu kept using them making him to nod or shake his head for a 'no' making Nezu to nod before the two woke up and they saw them there making All Might to pass them food and when Izuya passed Tsubasa a piece of sushi, he ate it making them to see he can eat.
Izuya removed what was covering his mouth making it easier as he has a mouth like the Nomu from the U.S.J Attack, but smaller and no beak really making this to be interesting as this a huge call for a medical attention to find out more about them really.
Lots of medical examinations later and they had a really lot more information on Nomu's inner system as some might be different and can regenerate from their heads if they discard it or separate it from their bodies making Tsubasa to be great help there really.
Izuya and Bakugou can't take him home with them, but they can visit him until they saw a Villain and Tsubasa got badly hurt protecting Izuya making her to scream as she holds him close and tight making Aizawa to capture the villain as Tsubasa was hit good and may not survive from it really.
No one knows that the doctor who created the Nomus was watching them from a drone making him to see how his winged Nomu had protected the child and wonders about this until he saw a very small flash of a child making him to wonder if it was him seeing this.
Tsubasa as a human child before becoming a Nomu, is a plump child with a rounded face and brown hair almost completely shaved and due to his Quirk, from his back emerge two red and draconic wings while as a child, he wore a tank top, green shorts and sandals.
Izuya cries as she doesn't want to lose her friend again making her to wish, wish, wish that he doesn't die and went back as a human being making him to glow before he was back as a human being teen making everyone to be very shocked as this is impossible.
Izuya was the most shocked as the injury was healed up making her to see golden flames making her to realize she can heal others making her to keep this a secret as she can't have this get out really as Bakugou helped get Tsubasa off of her really.
Tsubasa was a teen with larger dragon wings, a muscular body, hair still looks the same and his eyes were dragon like making him to see Bakugou's own dragon eyes making him to look very confused really as he doesn't know what is going on.
"I really don't remember much, but I do remember seeing really someone that looks like my own grandfather, but looks different really. That's all I got. Sorry." Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu adopted him and he was placed into another Hero class making him to be safe now.
Izuya and Bakugou went home making her to cook that dragon meat Bakugou has making him to love it as it's a normal dragon and tastes soo good really. Izuya was drinking until she noticed it's the same as the Nomu she drained dry of it's blood making her to realized the Nomu blood...
'It tastes like... It's from a God really. How is that?' Izuya was confused and scared as she was fully done the blood before she thought those things making her to worry as she didn't gain the Quirks like she did from the very first Nomu really.
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